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Dec 27, 2022Edited
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Patriarchal religion exists to provide men unfettered sexual access to women and children.

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Dec 27, 2022
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Interesting. An anthropologist -- H.R. Hayes -- wrote a book trying to understand men's fear and hatred of women, using anthropological studies of various peoples. Even prior to the development of these worldwide religions, men used their groups' religious practices to demonize women. (At least a lot of the time then, women just laughed at men's ridiculousness.)

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And Then There Were 3:


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The root problem is listening to shitty music.

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If only things were that simple.

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I'm merely pointing to the root problem, in no way do I think there is a solution.

I think the music is designed to jumble the senses.

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I stopped listening to the radio when I drive in my vehicle, its my experience, although it takes time, thoughts reorganize.

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Hotel California is the worst song ever made.

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Treating these people like gods, and they get away with it I think my mother was the only one that actually hung up on a very well-known band member who the night before had shoved his tongue in my mouth. I was a flat chested 15-year-old. My mother told him “you’re too old for my daughter and hung up on him.

As far as Paul McCartney is concerned, he was killed in a horrific car accident in the late 60s. The guy “playing” him is an imposter.

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Most of them sell their souls to the devil, and then have Ray Donovan type cleanups

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If they ever get me-too'ed they can just transition into being a woman and they will be absolved.

Here is NBC implying this rapist and murderer should be given mercy and is "courageous" because he decided in prison he is a woman.


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Damn, I should've included that angle. Thanks for the addendum, William.

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I'm in a sour mood this morning, The dog keeps shitting on the floor overnight. It feels like every time I look at the front page of NPR, CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC.

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I take care of an aging German shepherd whose dysplasia is getting worse. I am severely disabled and had to clean up diarrhea twice on Saturday while my partner was at work. I am PRIVILEGED to care for this dog whose life has been one of gross exploitation and abuse by human males.

She was repeatedly used for breeding then thrown onto the street when her pain became overwhelming. We adopted her five years ago from Imminent Danger German Shepherd Rescue; she is such a loving dog after all she's been through! Every day with her is a special day because who knows how long she can continue?

Michael Franti: You never know how long you're gonna live until you die. Treasure your doggy, please.

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Animals express their companions emotions.

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As one who grew up in the 60's-70's (born in 1951) 'free love and rock and roll' and had a band when I was 14-16, (still play but pretty much country)....I knew there was a lot of 'activity' among these bands. I attended an event in Houston in the 'Catacombs" from Friday to Sunday and heard Billy Gibbons for his first show, before ZZ Top was there band name. Many concerts in Houston and my hearing is pretty shot......but very sad to say that all the sexual activity back then was the beginning of the downfall of this and many other countries around the world.....here is proof of that...


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really!! wow! excellent. BTW --- Pot smoking baboon?! LOL. It was interesting until I got to the part -- only 'western' societies ever achieved anything worth achieving.

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Thanks for this reminder. And all you mention are just the tip of the iceberg!

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You're welcome...and indeed, there are volumes more to be written.

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A guy on Quora who was in the biz, tried to get his head straight went to christian music after conversion and said that it was even more depraved!

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Another music related article that just came out - https://www.realhistorychan.com/anyt-12-26-2022.html

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Thanks, Will!

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unfortunately, those admired by teens (including me when I was young) are not to be admired at all. At that age, I was not aware of how awful these people were. I don't think they made bad music. But if you see the history of popular music, including country, you come across a multitude of drinking, drugs, sexual abuse, and the likes. Very little good there.

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Never heard these stories but I fully believe them. Gross.

The cover-up is part of the crime.

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The Who were performing at the Ohio State Fair (this was prior to the big-time though the fair often had major headliners) and one or another of them tried to pick up a pair of 12-year-old twins. Fortunately the twins were smarter than the band member(s).

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