In the wake of DJT and Elon, memes like this ^ are making the rounds. I certainly get it and sympathize but, once again, we display a sheer lack of discernment.
As long as there is an embedded and widespread desire to hoard “wealth” and pridefully display it, such a proposed law is useless. You can’t legislate discernment.
We don’t need more external laws. We need empathy, compassion, faith, wisdom, and love.
Unless and until we change our hearts and minds, laws are window dressing. Create an anti-billionaire law and wars will be fought to end it. Billionaires will still exist and thrive. Avarice and envy will only increase. Non-rich people will allocate boatloads of time and energy to “defend” such criminals’ “right” to rule everyone else.
In other words, the enemy will remain in control.
There were no billionaires in the Garden of Eden but, since the fall, we’ve never seen genuine abundance.
Instead, we’ve allowed diabolical parasites to implant beliefs in our heads and we’ve come to accept those opinions as “ours.”
Unless and until we collectively transform ourselves by the renewing of our minds, we will remain conformed to the ways of this world.
Friends, I could use your support for my ongoing mission of 8-plus years to help homeless women and other vulnerable souls on the streets of NYC. Here’s how:
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Wealth in and of itself is ok. Somehow we have to divorce the concepts of GDP and profit from social benefit. Infrastructure improvement will never happen without this concept. Suggest a 1% Robin Hood tax on all financial transactions for a sovereign wealth fund or infrastructure projects; notice the blank stares.