Many, many years ago, I wrote this haiku:
you once seemed very
important but now you are
another four years
I believed and felt these words sincerely back then. Today, they have become a fulfilled prophecy.
The Biden “presidency” should have ripped the bandaid off for everyone. We patently do not have an acting president (they’re all actors anyway) and haven’t had one for nearly four years. Yet, the machine churns on.
To my eye, this has always been the case.
In 2024, the unelected — bankers, CEOs, technocrats, intelligence agencies, propagandists, etc. — have seemingly decided the populace is so well-programmed that there’s no longer any need to expend much energy toward keeping up the facade.
Still… the majority of Americans will fistfight you over which avatar ascends to the fictional throne in two months. They dedicate precious time and energy to online virtue signaling, posting, and flame wars — while smugly judging the illegitimacy of other nations and ideologies.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood.” (Ephesians 6:12)
Folks, we are fearfully and wonderfully made with free will and an inherent desire to work together for the collective good. Over time, however, the enemy has polluted our instincts and we now live proudly within the realm of mental slavery.
Spoiler Alert: It wouldn't require an army to bring down this diabolical regime. All we need to do is take our egos off the altar and start loving ourselves, our neighbors, and our enemies — until there are no enemies left.
As Joni Mitchell sang more than five decades ago, we’ve been “stuck in the devil’s bargain” for a very long time — but we can “get ourselves back to the garden.”
Who’s with me?
P.S. This post is NOT about Democrats vs. Republicans.
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I am and millions like me. I’m in UK facing 4 devastating years of impoverishment and sorrow
Agreed. The central bank runs the show. Mega corporations like "government" are just their sock puppets. It's sad people buy into this theater of virtuous vice.