Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

Praying for Tony.

And for Sonja.

And for all those touched by Mickey Z's ministry.

And for Mickey; that he has the faith and fortitude to carry-on.


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Bless you, MB...I'm praying a prayer of gratitude for all your support. 🙏

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

“And for all those touched by Mickey Z’s ministry “. Beautiful! Thank you, MB! 🙏

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I am not a "believer," & have not been one for a great many years. But I do still pray! I agree, it is something "supernatural." And I love that quote from Saint Augustine up top. Sure works for me!

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Amen, Janet! 🙏

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.


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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

For my boy and I as we fly home today. For my family. For all those disadvantaged. For Jerry and Mickey and all those trying to ease the burdens of others

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Thank you! Blessings and prayers to you and yours, my friend... 🙏

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.


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Praying today for Tony and for everyone's requests here.

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Bless you for your kindness, dear Jennifer! 🙏

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.


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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

While I may not have been "on here" but very briefly last week, I absolutely continue to pray for those mentioned in our Worship Wednesday group. It's got me praying more, in fact. I love that you-and we-are doing this!

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I deeply, deeply appreciate this (and you), Jamie! I love knowing that you're always here, sharing your blessings and love... 🙏

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

Agree! I love this community of compassionate friends! 🙏

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

I pray for Mickey and all who have asked for prayer here for themselves and for others. I am grateful for having found Worship Wednesday.

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Thank you, Bob...I am grateful you're here, too! 🙏 You've been on my mind and in my prayers.

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.


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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

Prayers here for everyone's intentions.

Please pray for my friend who is a "recovering alcoholic." For those not familiar or in the program, this is not a derogatory label.

We disagree that gambling in a casino or attending an all day event with lots of alcohol is a good decision. My opinion is that the choice to do so puts oneself in harms way.

My prayer request is for wisdom and discernment for both of our positions

Also a prayer for me to be patient with people when competition and one upsmanship is in action. I'm much better than I was,but it still bothers me. My prayer is to truly be humble and get my ego out of the way

Mickey, thanks for doing this.

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Bless you, Tony... 🙏 May your friend find spiritual freedom and profound discernment to stay that way. May he bask in the peace of knowing that you - and your ever-increasing patience and care - are with him.

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

Holding your friend in prayer that he may find peace in his journey 🙏

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.


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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

I echo all of the above and pray for God to help as only He can. God is so great and loving. We will have trials and tribulations as Jesus indicates in the Bible but take heart, He has overcome the world.

I have hit a particularly hard time that I’m struggling to understand. A prayer for non-panicked perseverance would be greatly appreciated!♥️

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Thank you very much, EK. I am already praying for you, my friend, for discernment and patience. Perhaps you can speak directly to the Holy Spirit (the Advocate) for the wisdom to identify and heed God's voice and will. 🙏

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

Thanks for your prayers and thoughts 🤗 The Holy Spirit is totally in my life yet lately I am having a hard time hearing what He wants me to do/go. I’m sure it’s stress getting in the way.

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I feel you and although I'm sure you know Matthew 11 28-30, I want to share it again: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

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Jul 10Liked by Mickey Z.

Psalm 22 starts "darkly" but ends in the triumph that buys our salvation.

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Thank you so much, Jaye, for reading and sharing your thoughts! 🙏

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