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May 1, 2023
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Thank you, Mickey

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Made my day!

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Amen! I am where I am today because of my Grandma’s and mom’s prayers!!🙏🏻❤️

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I borrowed a little. Hope ya don’t mind.

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What do you mean?

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I borrowed a little of the prayer vibes and draped them over my soul. Just for the day mind you. I'll send them back... ok?

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This is magnificent Mickey! My heart is full. Thank you!

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This touched my heart. I miss knowing my mother is praying for me. But thank you for the reminder that her prayers are reverberating throughout eternity.

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What a lovely find.

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Thank you for the reminder. We foolishly believe that we perceive everything that exists. The power of love and the power of intent transcend our very limited senses. Once something is created, it exists always.

‘If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there and nothing will be impossible for you”’ (Matthew 17:20)

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Beautiful truth! Very profound, also...

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Being brought up Atheist was rubbish.

Imagine having no one praying for you.

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I hear you and I believe there are always people praying for us. I hope you can find solace in that.

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Thanks, I have found solace in adulthood after converting to Orthodox Christianity.

It feels like i found an oasis in a desert.

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I am SO happy to hear that!

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And so it is ❤️

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And ever shall be ❤️

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Funnily, I was just thinking of the post about your mom's prayers (and your response to my comment). Maybe faith doesn't 'expire' or exhaust itself either. It withers and can seem to disintegrate only to reaffirm itself like a deeply-rooted plant thought to have gone dormant. That's what happened to me. My intellect prosecuted my beliefs as irrational until unexpectedly humility intervened. An energy came into my heart (I guess it was love) and opened my mind to reconciliation with mystery.

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Thank you for such a wonderful message. I so relate to this: "My intellect prosecuted my beliefs as irrational until unexpectedly humility intervened."

I feel such a similar intervention even since we first has that exchange almost four months ago!

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That's great news; so glad to hear it!

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After following Christ for many decades, I’ve only recently come to realize that a prayer of faith never dies. It lives on, an energy that never waivers until, in God’s timing, it bears its fruit and gives new life … like a new song.

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