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Apr 10, 2023
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Thank you, Zack! For listening and commenting and supporting and sharing your experiences and thoughts. Thank you foe being someone who says: God and nature are always asking us to realize “they know not what they do” through it all somehow.

You are generous soul.

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Ahh 😇 Once again, thank you for your thoughtful remarks. I'm glad this episode resonated. You're not alone, navigating the aftermath of religious psychological abuse. I'm also glad to see that you've chosen to grow from where you were planted, into a diamond-minded and encouraging person. 💎

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It's on my list to get to! Thanks in advance, Mickey.

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Yay! Thank YOU, Kathleen!

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Ooh, this looks like a good one. Can't wait for an opportunity to kick back and listen later from start to finish. Good incetive to get a bunch of work done...

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After we stopped recording, I thought of like 10 more things I wanted to say about Evil 🫠 I guess we'll need to record another episode soon!

I love being on yer podcast, bess fren! Thanks again for having me on!

And I see you posted this episode #77 at 7AM 🙃

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Of course! I love sharing our conversations with the world and yes, a follow-up soon sounds excellent. We didn't even mention why you were on episode #77! 🙃

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Thank you for this conversation- I needed to hear this!!! It actually brought me to tears. I definitely still fall into the traps of evil. It is easier to get into a cycle of negativity and anger instead of being loving and patient with myself and others. I'm getting better to focus on judging people by their fruits. It's still a work in progress. I think that since I was a "blind follower" and "blind truster" most of my life, I've now swung too far in the other direction to try to protect myself from being fooled again. Seeing a blank page in a beautiful journal has the opposite effect on me. I feel anxious about "wasting paper" on a mistake or a doodle. I have a long way to go to just let myself play and make mistakes.

I'm glad Alicen brought up all the symbolism nonsense. I fell for that, too. Analyzing Free Manson "symbols" is still all over YouTube. Anytime I saw someone use an "ok sign" or they used an owl logo, ect I became suspicious of them. Ugh, I'm embarrassed now! Now, I think the" powers that shouldn't be" use these hand symbols so often just to make us paranoid! :-) The more I read about the history of Free Masons, the more I understand that their teachings/symbols have been warped and misunderstood just like many modern religions have warped spiritual teachings. I don't think there was anything nefarious about the original "secret societies". I think they existed as to "not cast pearls before swine." I digress!

The environment is such a sensitive topic that has been weaponized. At heart, I am an environmentalist. Frankly, we all should care about the environment. I love nature (and feed all the critters) and can clearly see the negative impact poor city planning and pollution has had on nature. The radical environmentalist movement doesn't really have practical solutions and it ends up turning people against trying to protect nature. In fact, their "solutions" cause more problems. It's ridiculous that the only choices we are given are wind, solar or petroleum - they're all turds in my opinion. There are so many other creative options that are never put on the table for discussion.

Deep down, I actually like the idea of "15 min cities". To me, a "15 min city" is just like the way Europeans lived in their small villages. I just don't want these cities designed by nefarious people who want to track and control us. What's wrong with having a beautifully designed city, with beautiful architecture, gardens, green space, all the amenities we need within walking distance that keep the needs of nature in mind?? It would be a whole lot better than the ugly urban-sprawl city I live in now where all of the prairie is being turned into God-awful strip malls. Do we really need 100 kinds of soda and chips at Costco?? 75% of the useless crap that's on store shelves could disappear and it would have no negative impact on our lives. I miss the days of small "mom and pop shops".

I do get angry when I see prairie chickens and geese trying to raise their babies in parking lots that were once prairies and wetlands. I do get angry when wildlife wanders into the city and they are shot for "public safety". These animals have no place to go. It's heartbreaking. Is it possible that it is really Divine intervention causing the fires, tornados and floods that are destroying cities across the US in order for there to be a complete restructuring of cities?

Sorry for another long rant - there was so much to think about :-)

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Thank you, Laura, you have nothing to apologize for. I'm flattered that Alicen's appearance on my podcast has inspired so many important thoughts. I appreciate your journey and I feel certain you're so close to that point you mention: letting yourself play and make mistakes.

Thank you, also, for being in alignment about the weaponization of symbolism. 🙏

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Thank you so much for your in-depth comment, Laura! I agree that I think the elites use their symbolism to make us paranoid -- and it's working! Oh, and don't feel bad for "falling for" the "symbolism nonsense," because I did too... until *I* started getting accused of being "one of them" because I like to wear black and white 🫠 LOL. All we can do is laugh at how Evil attempts to make us perceive Innocence as Evil, and move on!

And I feel you on everything else you said! These issues are extremely complex. I maintain hope that soon enough there will be a tipping point of people getting fed up with the lack of nuance and solutions in justice movements (because a lot of people feel exactly how you feel!), and this will inspire collective evolution towards more healthy group dynamics 🥰

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Apr 10, 2023
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I hope you start drawing owls again if you like them. They're so cool! No elitist creep has the right to monopolize the meaning of owls -- because owls are free like us!

And aww, thank you! Glad you like my music ^_^

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So much resonate 76, 77 and 78...

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Wonderful conversation! My first official listen ☺️

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Well, first of all, Camille: Welcome, thanks for listening, and I trust you will be coming back for more. Secondly, thank you for your kind words. 🙂

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I enjoyed that. Thank you!

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Thank YOU so much for listening, Marilyn!

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Enjoyed this one, Alicen and Mickey!! Once again, nodding along to lots, esp about staying in the frequency of love --with a full-hearted "they know not what they do" forgiveness vibe! I have ruminated on this point lots over the years , esp the last few. Thanks for the rad convo, you two!!

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Malika, your support, readership, and listenership is SO appreciated. It always makes me smile to get your comments!

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😍Aww, thank you for such a gracious response! I sincerely appreciate your shares... well-written/spoken, lotsa heart, strength & challenges to not get mentally lazy! Also, #cats. 😸 lol

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