Thank you Mickey!! It was great to talk to you, and we surely went into the woods!!! And most importantly, thank you for your work of many years!!

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Wow, Tessa's REALLY speaking my language! My ears perked up when she described transhumanism as an egregore of synthetic "spirituality." I agree wholeheartedly that we need to connect with true spiritual love so we don't fall into confusion, and sharpening our ability to discern between real love and counterfeit love (which necessarily includes forgiving those who lack this discernment) is more important than ever.

Also: YES to everything she said about the path of the artist! Purpose over profit! (Thanks for the shout-out at the end ^_^)

Really enjoyed this conversation. Thank you both for having it!

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Hello Mickey Z. I came here to listen to Tessa. Nice dialogue. Loved Tessa's riff, too. And the timing on apology and forgiveness has a nice synchronicity with me as I examine my reaction to Emily Oster's virtue signalling apology. I will be writing about that. Well, I have in a few comments and my comments have been asking me to look at my self.

Your guide to an apology was excellent. So great to hear it. Thank you.

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I like to say that its the listeners ear that makes the music....

and so it's really great to hear these interviews now, you seem to

draw out a very open energy from your guests, even though

you don't speak all that much.....i can hear you listening and so can


thanks again Mickey


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