Brilliant episode. Pithy and powerful. Thank you both.

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Thank YOU for listening and sharing your kind words. Please feel free to share far and wide!

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This was a pleasure to listen to. At times it felt like I was eavesdropping on two pals catching up :)

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Thank you! ❤️

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Wonderful conversation!

Interesting also to consider the connection between big pharma and animal agriculture with all the antibiotics administered to animals that are being forcefully bred, imprisoned, tortured, and slaughtered every second of every day. And subsequently all the pharma drugs that humans then consume after acquiring ill health (in the form of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia etc) from consuming those animals. The efforts the big pharma / wef agenda is putting into shifting the conversation away from the plant-based global hunger/health/environment solution and towards "you will eat insects and cell based meat" is astonishing. Dr. Will Tuttle is a medical freedom advocate who speaks about this interconnectedness. None of us are free until ALL of us are free! https://odysee.com/@WorldPeaceDiet:3/Will-Tuttle-Day-3-vegan-freedom-summit:5

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Thanks so much for listening and commenting, Janine! I will add the Big Pharma/WEF agenda very much talks the plant-based talk. Their version is fake, GM food.

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Kinda. I hear the globalists say "we need to stop eating meat" (which we do) but then they force farmers into impossible situations and bankrupt them and steal their land. And the people support the farmers (of course) and hate the message and cling even more strongly to their "choice" to eat animals. But really eating animals isn't a choice at all, it's something we've all been programmed to do since birth. And yes we need agricultural form. because animal ag takes up 1/3 of the earth and massive amounts of water resources and causes pollution and is horrible to animals and harms human heath. But we don't do agricultural reform by force, we do it through a "Just Transition," where the billions of $ in subsidies (aka tax dollars) that are currently given to animal ag are transferred into training programs for farmers so they can transition away from forcefully breeding and killing animals and instead grow mushrooms or hemp or bamboo or flax and other grains, oats and nuts and fruits and all the many beautiful multitude of things that plant based people are eating and thriving on. But the globalists are clever .... they're sowing even more division among us by forcing farmers to protest thus dividing animal advocates who want to support plant based agriculture, and they're confusing the omnivores who have been lead to believe veganism is some kind of cult where people only eat bland uncooked tofu and the only other options is crickets and bugs. The globalists are not promoting the health, environmental, and compassion components of being vegan, neither are they pointing to prominent vegans like Sarina Farb who was born vegan, or Earthling Ed who was a devoted carnivore most of his life, and they're not showing photos of the colourful and delicious healthy multitude of food options that vegans enjoy. No, the globalists are saying "you must stop eating meat" while flying around in their private jets and stuffing their faces with caviar and any other living creature they want. You're right that they're also promoting GM food, which has been fed to animals in the billions for many many years already, and they're pretending that the only alternative is cell based meat which of course Bill Gates and others are heavily invested in. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of us vegans advocating for medical freedom, and there are even fewer freedom advocates who are vegan, and this is BY DESIGN. The leftie vegans were duped into "take the jab for the community" and being community minded folk, they bought into it. And the freedom folk haven't yet realized that liberation comes when we choose what we want to eat (rather than what society has told us all our lives we must eat) and that none of us are free until ALL of us are free. I love my freedom loving brothers and sisters, but I can't attend their BBQs where animals being fried and consumed were clearly not entitled to live free. It's a big mess, and it's by design and, sadly, the carnivorous narcissistic globalists seem to be winning. We humans can say NO to the jabs and the imprisonment and we can fight against the job losses and the lockdowns and we can support our friends who've been jab injured or lost their loved ones to the poison, but all those billions of voiceless animals remain - forcefully bred into existence only to be imprisoned, tortured, and murdered without their consent and without any ability to honk horns and protest. None of us are free until ALL of us are free.

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