Interesting story about you and your family on your feline lifelong friends.

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Thanks, as always, for listening!

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My beliefs concerning global warming are based upon my evaluation of known scientific facts and hard empirical data. The non-controversial fact is that greenhouse gases (CO2, Methane, N2O) trap solar radiation roughly in proportion to their concentration. Due to human activities, CO2 has increased about 44% from 1850 levels, N2O 24% and Methane a whopping 242%. Logically, this unprecedented rapid increase in greenhouse gases should have a significant impact on the climate. Has it? Average global temperature has increased over 1 degree centigrade (1.8 degrees fahrenheit) from 1850 with an accelerating rate of increase. There have been large changes in the past, however, these have occurred over thousands of years.

I have analyzed the NASA data and have discovered that beginning in 1970, every 5 year period (1970-1974, … , 2015-2019) has been warmer than the previous 5 year period, 2015-2019 was a whopping .25 degrees C (.45 degrees F) warmer than 2010-2014. Because the 2015-2019 increase was so huge, 2020-2024 will likely be much less, perhaps even a slight decrease. If it continues the trend, however, and if the increase is significant, that could be a indication of runaway global warming. The Arctic and the Amazon, once carbon sinks, have now become carbon emitters becoming positive feedback loops. Siberian and Arctic frozen methane is being thawed and released. The prognosis is dire.

Of course, the elites are exploiting this reality to achieve their own objectives. The Green New Deal is mostly a fraud, “net carbon neutral” a PR term for carbon offsets. At this stage of the game, I don’t think that it is even remotely possible to prevent global environmental catastrophe, local autonomy the only hope for the privileged few.

Mickey, your conflation of climate change science with the bogus corporate funded and directed COVID-19 "science" is intellectually dishonest. And don't claim that you are just raising questions. David Ray Grifin made the same claim but his intent was clear and so is yours. One does not need to be a "scientist" to evaluate the known data and draw the obvious conclusions. Six years ago I was told that around 2018 we would experience a solar minimum and undergo a long term cooling trend. Ridiculous. Solar forcings are relatively weak and rely upon initiating an increase in CO2 to amplify their effect. If we merely look at the recent data, there is no other factor which can account for the recent significant increase in temperature other than greenhouse gases and no other significant source for the dramatic increase in these gases other than the burning of fossil fuels. Perhaps you are privy to other sources and can demonstrate some sort of correlation which is not apparent to me.

This is an extremely important issue which relates to the current COVID-19 psyops restructuring which is underway. We are at the end of the era of cheap and abundant energy. A restructuring is inevitable, however, what is currently being implemented will result in a totalitarian dystopia. Russia presents a significant problem for the imperial restructuring agenda, Ukraine is a vassal state being used to attack. Nord Stream 2 is a key issue for a variety of reasons. The climate crisis is real and is a factor in all of these geostrategic maneuvers, however, the plan appears to be to restructure society in such a way as to protect the elites from the consequences of their past actions. Elite actions are reckless and draconian and can only be explained with reference to the unfolding financial/energy/environmental crisis we are facing.

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I would've bet every penny I had that you were gonna comment, Keith. I respect your data and appreciate you sharing but once again, I have no interest in your attempts to psychoanalyze me and read my mind, e.g. "his intent was clear and so is yours." And besides, if you're right and we're all already doomed, why do you care what my "intent" is or isn't?

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