I’ve been telling you — here and here, for example — about how the so-called “elites” are pushing “edible” insects on us as part of their Great [sic] Reset.
Let me now introduce a 2019 study from the National Institutes of Health/National Library of Health called: “A parasitological evaluation of edible insects and their role in the transmission of parasitic diseases to humans and animals”
Click here to read the full study which found that “edible insects are an underestimated reservoir of human and animal parasites.”
Translation: The parasites in charge are trying to create a Parasite Planet.
This line of thinking reminds me of the “official” response to ivermectin. Please click here to learn about some of the ways ivermectin could’ve saved countless lives in the past couple of years.
Upon learning all the reality contained in my article, you may logically wonder: If ivermectin works, why is it always being badmouthed by the mainstream?
Possibly because, according to the FDA, the only way the COVID “vaccines” could’ve qualified for emergency use authorization was if “certain statutory criteria have been met,” e.g. “no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.”
In other words, if doctors prescribed ivermectin from the start, the jabs wouldn’t be (ostensibly) needed and thus, they don’t rake in billions for Big Pharma — and set the stage for a lucrative flow of endless boosters.
To connect this back to Parasite Planet, keep in mind that half of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura for “their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites.”
And what drug was used in their prize-winning work? You guessed it. The same drug that the Medical Mafia has been banning across the globe: Ivermectin.
Take-home message: parasites stick together.
I think the biggest stumbling bloc for people to grasp is that the 'parasite' class plans to corner and make a cartel of x, y, z market..... once people get that, all the rest makes so much sense in obstructing others, working people, and local economies on whatever they do.
I don't think roaches are edible. My dog kills them and takes them outside, but never eats them, and that dog is not a picky eater ! The roach humans can eat their own roaches ! I will gladly give them mine too !