Just as the digital bio-security state is not a new plan, getting us to eat bugs has been in the works for quite a while. Case in point: In 2017, the always-terrible NPR posted some World Economic Forum propaganda called, “At Bug-Eating Festival, Kids Crunch Down On The Food Of The Future.”
It came complete with images and captions like this:
As any sane person realizes, young kids will parrot just about anything they hear on TV, online, or from authority figures. Hearing them talk about what’s “good for the planet” is as meaningful as a seven-year-old pontificating on pronouns or drag queens.
What is meaningful is how predators openly use children to advance their agendas.
The NPR article is filled with cutesy puns, eco-hype, and praise for the venture capitalists who seek to profit from the whole thing. Mostly, of course, it’s corporate propaganda at its finest. Consider this paragraph:
“By 2050, there will be more than 9 billion people on the planet. The United Nations estimates that to feed everyone, sustainable food production will have to increase by 70 percent, and bugs will need to be a critical source of protein.”
Where oh where are those vaunted fact-checkers when you really need ‘em?
Bottom line: For the details in that paragraph to be accurate, it requires us to view the world solely through the increasingly narrow lens of twenty-first-century global capitalism.
This brings me to a website called “Bugible” (Bugs are edible… get it?). Its stated mission is to “open minds and mouths.” Its stated purpose is to serve as “your guide into the wonderful world of eating bugs.”
The bio they provide explains that a Yale grad garnered a “cult” following on Instagram and now collaborates with all sorts of people, e.g. the Girl Scouts of America.
Yep… it always seems to come back to grooming the kids.
In 2019, the folks at Bugible did their part with a shameful article called, “The Power to Pester: Why Kids Are Key to Edible Bug Acceptance.” Some snippets from the opening paragraph:
“Kids will be the most effective ambassadors for the edible insect industry. If we can convince them that eating bugs is healthy, sustainable, tasty, and COOL, then they will compel their parents to make product purchases … And what happens to kids when they stop being kids? They become insect-eating adults, influencing their future families and peers with their minds and wallets.”
Minds and wallets…
The article ends with a section un-ironically entitled, “Ethical Marketing to Kids,” in which they say the quiet part out loud. Bugible divulges some “common tactics” to groom and program… I mean, “market to” kids, e.g.
Using bold, easy-to-read lettering and packaging
Keeping marketing messages simple
Creating engaging, interactive environments based on their products and brand names that can build brand loyalties from an early age
Forming partnerships with online “influencers” who recommend the product in a genuine way
You may have noticed the word “pester” in the article’s title. That’s the overt, unconcealed goal. The article explains: “Many marketers rely on a child’s ability to pester their mom to buy the product, rather than directly targeting the mother. Today’s kids have more autonomy and decision-making power within a family than in previous generations, making them a powerful market segment.”
(I’m genuinely stunned they said “mother” instead of “birthing parent.”)
(My very recent article on this topic.)
Folks, they’re not even trying to be subtle. We’re being openly pushed into an enslaved future and this process is being expedited through the blatant manipulation of your children and grandchildren. Vaccines, pronouns, eating bugs, and more — all while you dismiss someone like me as a “conspiracy theorist.”
The Great Reset is not a sneak attack. The sociopaths in charge have confidently revealed their battle plan.
The only question now is: How soon are you gonna grow a backbone, stand up, and say “no”?
Thanks for this, Mickey - It's so obvious that healthy, organic, vegan food can easily feed everyone and be grown sustainably and locally on much less land than eating beef, pork, chicken, cheese, etc., and I'm wondering what the cabal's actual goal is in getting people to eat insects..... Besides being disgusting and dehumanizing...... Just demonic mocking of humans? What's behind this??
I have a few additions:
- I ate a cricket once and it was disgusting. The mouthfeel was all wrong. It felt like the cricket might spring to life in my mouth even after I thoroughly chewed it.
Unsurprisingly, one of the bug-peddler talking points is "if you say eating bugs is gross, you're a racist!" (because lots of cultures around the world eat bugs). So I'm not shocked to see liberals eating this shit up (pun intended). They're so afraid to be called racist that they'll go along with any narrative and pretend they're cool with it.
- Did you ever see that Shark Tank pitch about the cricket flour company, Chirps? They make chips, protein powder and cookies with crickets. I'm wondering now if that pitch was featured on-air as part of the greater agenda you outline here.
- I would advise anyone who still thinks this is all innocent stuff, to consider the phrase "You are what you eat."