
Is there a Kill Switch in action, too?


Moreover, here is a little summary of the general poisoning by a large variety of sources:


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Good reminder, Mickey. I read it and thought of that admonition, "Tell no lies, Claim no easy victories...".

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Thanks, James. I figure this might piss some people off but, as you state well, some things need to be said.

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Thanks for saying it! I have a tendency towards catastrophizing. It's easy enough to slip into—and it's a bad idea to pursue it. I've ended up in "threat inflation" spirals that veer sharply from anything that can be substantiated.

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"Hey Mickey !..."

I'm not sure if you're being all-too-Wise & sardonically-satirical-simultaneously, or otherwise.

But if you're serious, then it is always best not to rush to the mission. & That's Great Advice !

All I could offer is that the "face-planting," associated with videos, post-vaxx, "seem"-to-suggest, a different underlying cardio-muscular-neural pathway or etiology.

But I have no proof, obviously.

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Thanks, Paul! Yes, I'm being serious and yes, I concur with you. The rise in all-cause mortality since mid-2021 is alarming.

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Different Views & Coloured Hues, need-not-be-necessarily, contradictory.



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Indeed, Paul. And by now, readers and listeners should be quite clear as to where I stand on the jab. This post is simply a call to resist slipping into a hive mind.

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Oh, I completely agree Mickey.

What I Love about all this, is The Unique Individual Views.

It's one thing for The Politicos to preach "unity & diversity."


I with you, In The Spirit of Truth.

And in the end, it's kinda fun, walking along the way.

Luv & Peace Bro'.

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My partner engaged in face planting in 2020 a number of times, had two grand mal seizures in 2021, and the doctors were utterly bewildered. A hospitalist, when told the symptoms, immediately identified the problem: acute metabolic encephalopathy. What I am now wondering is how many people suffer this condition which is apparently undiagnosable for American doctors (the hospitalist mentioned is Thai), leaving people frightened and without treatment. What is the treatment for someone who essentially poisoned himself with junk food? An ultra-clean diet that is low in carbohydrates and a LOT of exercise. No wonder Big Pharma and its minions can't diagnose it! How many of those people falling over suffer from some form of encephalopathy? (One symptom is shaky handwriting.)

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Thanks for that context, Susan.

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"...acute metabolic encephalopathy..."


I don't know what this means.

Perhaps Western "low blood sugar."

My simple understanding is that the brain requires "pure glucose." (C6H12O6, in a specific physical configuration).

That is, no chemical-same enantiomer.

(same molecular formula, different physical orientation of atomic binding sites).

I believe, but not sure, that HFCS, High Fructose Corn Syrup (sodas, etc.) may, may, cause a non-metababolic substitution, for the gray cells of brain.

Thereby, "starving" the brain. Even tho' caloric consumption has been taken.

Refined v. Complex "sugars."



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You were asked for proof of vaccination to enter a coffee shop, go to a concert, travel, but we are not allowed to ask for vaccination status for the millions of people dying suddenly. Hmmmmm

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I never said that, Myriam.

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Just making an observation, Mickey. Not implying you said that. Peace.

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Thanks for clarifying. I hope you can understand why I felt the need to clarify my own stance.

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My pleasure. Yes.

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We must indeed look closely at every death. People have been dying since people were invented. There’s just more of it going on now. To be taken seriously, we must BE serious.

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There's a paywall on that post.

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Sorry Mick, what does that mean ?

If it means that a person cannot read it for free. Ok. I understand & you need not reply.

If different, please let me know the accurate meaning.

I am of the belief that Work, need not be given free.

Your Honourable Street Work, needs to be SUPPORTED. This I believe. Presently, it requires gifts of monies, EARNED.

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I agree that writing and podcasting should not be free but I feel uncomfortable using a paywall. So I trust my readers and listeners to become paid subscribers as a point of support.

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Your "uncomfortable" Trust, is Honourable.

& Duly-noted.

He who is most Trustworthy, is oft, most trusting.

It will Work out in the end.

"All Things Work For GOOD, In Those, Who Trust, The Lord."

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People faint plain and simple...always have, always will. Heck, I have fainted twice in my life. I can recall (over the years) videos of grooms fainting at the alter...new dads fainting during the birth of their children...military men fainting when receiving shots, etc...however, while fainting (for a myriad of reasons) might be commonplace, dropping DEAD suddenly & unexpectedly has never been (at least not to my recollection). It is of GREAT concern (whatever the cause my be attributed to)!

I do agree that we can’t just chalk off all collapses and/or “sudden deaths” to the jab, but based on statistical death data, perhaps an in-depth investigation is warranted!

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Type "people dying on camera" and you'll find plenty of pre-2021 compilations.

But, my point is the same as yours: an in-depth investigation is warranted. Thank you, Carolyn!

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I don't find fainting normal. All those fainting Victorian women were wearing extremely constrictive corsets. I fainted for about a second once in my life and I think it might have had something to do with suffering a concussion after falling off a horse (tongue is in cheek). I was bending over and a friend who wrote a book about brain damage told me I had probably injured my middle ear, and since we don't tend to spend much time upside-down my body had not adjusted. I still cannot do yoga inversions, and if my head is lower than my body I feel a strong urge to upchuck.

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 The keyword appears to be “every”

 So I’m sure you are correct not EVERY death is attributed to the “vaccine”  so I shall employ the “every idiom”

every other

each alternate one (= the first, third, fifth, etc. one, but not the second, fourth, sixth, etc.)

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The truth is clear: We don't know how many people have died directly from the jab. We do know that a rise in all-cause mortality exists and must be investigated.

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And it is very weird to see people under 40 collapsing and dying without a previous diagnosis of a serious health condition.

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It is easy to go to a place of "every unexplained death is due to the covid jab," because the official story is "no one has ever been harmed in any meaningful way and if you suggest someone has been harmed you are a deranged anit-vaxxer."

Freddie DeBoer called Bret Weinstein a deranged conspiracy theorist recently, so it is not like it is an even playing field. But I get your point. The film "Died Suddenly" was a good reminder, I'm not interested in getting rid of the current liars for a different kind of not beholden to the truth.

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Yes! I expected pushback on this post but I stand by the very simple suggestion: Don't engage in black-and-white thinking.

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That's what drives me nuts about "heterodox" yahoos like Freddie DeBoer, preening himself as a free thinker about all things while being as black and white as you can get on Covid, utterly blind and yet sneeringly dismissive toward any negative news about the jabs.

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I expected de Boer to have shifted by now, if only to protect his brand. His willfully stupid Lockdown Leftism was a good schtick in 2021 and maybe the first part of 2022. Now it's past its shelf life. The audience for it is declining with each "booster" roll-out. Most of his peers are edging away from their own vindictive fatuity and re-embracing a nominal anti-corporate posture. He doesn't want to be stuck defending sunk costs for too long. Even a dramatic metanoia won't help him much if his readership gets fatigued.

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My guess though is he and most of his readership is at least thrice jabbed, so they apparently have a mutual sunk costs blind spot.

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They're truly the cruise missile liberals of public health.

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It's like the meme that says, "Unvaccinated People Aren't Dying"

That's all---well, of course we are, we die everyday---the converse is: "Vaccinated People Are Dying"

Well, of course they are---they day every day, as well.

The only thing we know for sure is that the unvaccinated are not dying from the vax.

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Thank you, Cindy. 🙂

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Yes, I don't see it as helpful that so many are positive that only the jab could make people collapse suddenly, or young people have heart attacks. But I can't really blame them, given that those are side-affects of the jab (per Phizer) and they aren't being heard at all. I do think that the powers that be who are intentionally muddying the waters foresaw this and are again directing the psyops so that the injuries remain hidden to some extent, and to the extent they are acknowledged, accepted as normal.

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Thank you, Vida!

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I haven't read this yet, but it looks interesting:


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Well, I agree, but do you really think that's what most of us injection-critical people think?

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Thanks, Beverly. I don't know if I'd say "most" but the number of times I've seen this in action was alarming enough for me to consider writing this.

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I understand. I'd like to come up with ways of acknowledging the possibility of vac related deaths succinctly while being clear that ultimately we are talking about the alarming trend of excess deaths.

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I like that idea and will factor it in when I write/speak about such topics from now on.

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Yeah, I've noticed that YouTube is pushing vids of people collapsing prior to the vax roll out.

Regardless, every one of these that happened post rollout is fair game. Because even if it isn't true, the volume of the problem is hard to ignore and the vax is the reason for the uptick

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Very true, Mickey! Not all deaths are from the jab. However, something has the all-cause-mortality numbers skyrocketing. What we need are autopsies! If your loves one dies "unexpectedly" or "suddenly" - make sure an autopsy is done. You can find the evidence to prove it was an adverse reaction with an autopsy.

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Well-said, my friend...thank you!

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Thanks again for the usual thought provoking article. On this one, I think I generally agree with the main point, but .......

Yes, as stated, the only thing we can know for sure is that those who died and were not vaccinated didn't die from (this) "vaccine." And probably all of us here agree totally on the critique of blaming "covid" for all the deaths in the first year. But after that, logic -- and emotions -- come into play. Emotionally, it's totally understandable why some of us might "overreact" the other way after being suppressed by a psychological boot on the head for nearly three years disallowing ANY questioning of the narrative and injection rollouts before the mass injections actually started. I tend to react this way, I admit. But hasn't this really become a war? If so, at a certain point, you go beyond the point of worrying if you're wrong in some cases because it might turn off ... who? The "undecideds?" (And I do think there are degrees, i.e., I didn't like the Stew Peters video even if most of the stuff was true; I questioned his style, presentation, and ultimate honesty). But beyond emotions, logically it's not a black and white, other side of the coin phenomenon. We, the peasants, will never be allowed to know the real, ultimate truths. So anecdotes and, yes, circumstantial evidence are really what we have to go on. In those respects, you nailed the valid bases to question the covid narrative, from the tests to comorbidities, plus more. In contrast, look at the "safe and effective" side. The BEST they can claim is that people dropped dead suddenly before these "injections." Ignoring the factual increase in numbers. Not even disclosing if the victims were even vaccinated or not. Not engaging in autopsies as a standard in the exceptional cases. NOT finding co-morbidities in most of the cases. Etc.. I just don't see the two polarized reactions as "equally bad."

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Much, much appreciated, Howard. I nodded my head all the way through.

Also, if I gave the impression that I see the polarized reactions as equally bad, that was just bad writing on my part. I do not and thanks to your prompt, I'll be more mindful when discussing these topics in the future.

Thank you, again.

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Always appreciate your work.

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Thank you 🙂

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