I love this. Is it odd here in my late 50’s that I remember where and from whom I learned the most important bits of wisdom that have carried me here?

We can all hope to be someone’s Frank, and more than likely, we are.

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Thank you, George. I truly appreciate your comment.

Odd, you ask? From where I'm sitting, you sound like someone practicing wisdom and mindfulness. Here's to all of us connecting with our inner Frank!

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What a treasure! ~ Both you and Frank . . . .

Thank you for all you are doing and sharing.

Your gifts are genuinely appreciated.

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Your kind words have me smiling ear to ear! 💕

Also, congrats on starting your own Substack. I will be reading.

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Thank you, Mickey. I actually have 2 ~ both in the early stages of development. Each has a large set of archives I'm gradually importing behind the scenes. Thank you for your interest. :-)

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What a great guy (I'm feeling his perspective here, in my early sixties....). Great story, Mickey. Clear head and open heart is real wealth.

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Clear head and open heart describes you well, James.

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A great story

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Thank you. 😇

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Once in a while you get shown the light

In the strangest of places if you look at it right. (Scarlet Begonias, Grateful Dead)

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Thanks for that. Puts you in a reflective place for a while.

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You're very welcome. 💕

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