Not that I need to tell you this, but it's remarkably difficult to get regular people to even CONSIDER that NAMBLA is a real organization. Not just a REAL organization, but that it is an IRS recognized tax-exempt organization.
Do you know how so many people fall for the telephone scam "This is the FBI/IRS (you name the law enforcement agency), and we have a warrant for your arrest for outstanding taxes/fines, you can pay it now over the phone and we will drop the charges"? Or even better, the internet romance scams, where no matter how much evidence you show to someone that they were scammed, they absolutely refuse to believe it? It's because people instinctively believe what their ears hear and their eyes see and just cannot get beyond that. And when you try to tell someone that that nice, regular looking, funny, normal, seemingly kind/generous relative, friend, or neighbor is a homosexual pedophile who is a member of NAMBLA, their little brains cannot wrap around the cog dis.
It goes along with "boys will be boys". Turning a blind eye to what soldiers did while on leave. Turning a blind eye to what was going on in Hollyweird. Jettisoning the "repressive" rules of major religions. Allowing groups like NAMBLA any airspace at. All. Young women being in a chemically induced sterile state seen as default.
Then psychology gets big and "cures" perverts who take treatment. So perps are moved around to offend again.
This crap has been with us for millennia. We just keep making it easier.
A Canadian soldier who served in Afghanistan was recently arrested for human trafficking. I may have seen this guy on the street, is how close his workplace is to my family.
Thing is, back when we were sending troops to AG, there were chaplains, whom I knew personally who were speaking out against activity similar to what happened in Tangiers. Nothing came of it. Several of the chaplains left the forces after AG.
When, indeed. But as long as it remains the powerful, the highly educated and the celebrated who are the purchasers and perpetrators and protectors of this heinous evil relying upon the compassion of the powerless to bring justice keeps them laughing at the parties and stockpiling the victims in the coat rooms, figuratively speaking.
I had to stop reading but I am grateful you shared this. The Beats & their writing were extremely influential on me in my teen years, for a lot of reasons. I learned about this awful underbelly a lot later. Thanks for pulling back the curtain on these lauded figures.
I always thought it was strange that more guys went to the concerts, I believe it was a way for the men to engage in gay sexual activity and then pretend they were straight in the public. Lots of strange goings on in the parking lot parties…
it is weird. I know I man who did time for dating underage kids (I don't know if it were boys or girls). Before I thought he was a very nice person, I had no idea. And then I heard he was in prison. And found out why! I was shocked. How could this nice man be a predator! And how come, knowing his family, has he become a predator and his folks are such nice and educated people?
I think this has always existed, I read stories of medieval monks and novices. And of young nuns and their pastors. Of old greek man and their students. And of course the word lesbian comes from a woman living on the Greek island of Lesbos, 2500 or so years ago. Nothing new under the sun. Well, may be the only thing new is that nowadays the young don't seem to care and find it normal
when I was young I hoped to have 3 children. Then my marriage broke up and I am glad I don't have any. Certainly seeing what has become of the world. Where is a safe place nowadays for a child to grow up? Even in small town GA you read every week of murders, drugs, etc. I cannot even imagine what it must be in Atlanta, not to talk about NY!
You've shown frustration in your words today Mickey Z.
You recently shared a rock meme and claimed to even possess a heart-shaped rock of your own. Many of us do, and everyone of us knows how throw stones as well. Our problem is we stopped stoning unforgivable behavior. WHY? Because Jesus said "let he who is free from sin cast the first stone?" In that case, not me.
The universe has laws and retribution is certain. Life on earth is the wild west of the universe, the lowest plane of existence, just like hell with the devil running to and fro. Our goal here is to know when to stone and when to shun; To ultimately arrive at the end of life with your soul intact, leading like a shepherd fellow souls you've saved along the way. Perhaps if we had shunned these authors earlier on they would have become more wholesome thought leaders? Shame is a powerful emotional tool when applied appropriately.
Shame requires a moral conscience and doesn't always work as intended, when the shunned find another community to exploit. Birds of a feather flock together? A bird in hand is worth two in the bush? Two birds with one stone?
Keep yer guard up and be aware of the plumed serpents around ya. Learn to discern.
This is such a fascinating response! You see, as I've been mentioning, I wrote much more on such topics in the past. Hence, my primary writings on Burroughs and Ginsberg dates back a while. When I returned to those articles this week to compile today's post, I diligently attempted to edit out much of the anger/frustration from the earlier work.
Even so, your sharp eye caught the energetic vibe. I'm glad you did because it led to the provocative thoughts you've shared and now have me pondering. Thanks!
I don't think it's possible to talk about these topics without showing frustration. Are you following the new WHO guidelines where they want all children to learn consent by 4, and have them introduce to pornography by 6 in preparation for their first sexual experience by 9. This needs more exposure. I'm also raising awareness of Nancy Scheafer who taught against Clinton's laws to make it easier to traffick children through the family courts, as this is a major global problem. Please let me know if you'd like more breadcrumbs. Appreciate you and your work.
Mickey, I saw the film last Monday, with a fellow Freedom Warrior. We printed and distributed hand-outs for O.U.R., Jim Ballard's non-profit organization.
What was disconcerting to me was: noticed a number of paunchy, middle aged men wearing very similar attire to the perps portrayed in the film.
These particular men sat alone, unaccompanied by spouses, etc.
For whatever reason, I felt compelled to observe them, during several scenes in which the (imminent) sexual abuse of children was alluded to.
Mouths half open. Mesmerized. Popcorn bag on lap.
My gf and I stood up before the credits to stand near the exit to hand out flyers.
The men in question did not stick around for the credits, nor the film's post-script.
They were the first to hustle out the door.
Maybe I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist, but what an icky vibe those men exuded...
Lastly, is it just me, or did the actress who played the female procurer of children give anyone else a trans vibe?
Just wondering. (And if so, was that intentional?)
Wow... "icky" indeed. It had not crossed my mind that the film might attract such an audience. Now that you shared your experience, I feel naive. 😕
And an emphatic YES to your first question about the female procurer. She had a trans vibe. I cannot claim to know if it was intentional but wow again. 😕
I spoke to another gal who also saw the film last week, at another theater.
Without prompting, she shared the same feelings with me. (Which her husband, who accompanied her, (under duress 😉) had dismissed...
What are the odds that 2 women, who saw the film on 2 different days, shared the same experience. (First thing she commented was "did you get the impression that the "beauty queen" is trans?)
I was wondering if this film my serve as marketing for these services as a lot of things about the interviews don't add up to me, like where are the survivor interviews and why do they call it aftercare, which is a term used in BSDM for repairing for reuse, knowing this would be triggering for some victims. Unfortunately there are a lot of icky people in this world.
Hmmm... Probably as so many people are questioning it. Something just doesn't feel right to me, but that's probably because I have no trust whatsoever in the government changing and protecting children based on my own personal experience.
I haven't watched that one in a while but it mentions Burroughs' comment and I seem to remember that Gajduzak was directly tied to Burroughs. This video even ties Gallo in.
Pedophile is a strange word. To love children? I prefer the word pederast, and I am growing increasingly militant about the movement to normalize such. Government, if it should exist at all, exists to protect citizens. This government is actively killing, maiming, disfiguring, sterilizing and making of eunuchs, it's citizens, increasingly pathological toward children.
Meanwhile I am watching Dems in Congress falling all over themselves to get in bed with the FBI.
In 2014, Tim Ballard was a hero interviewed on 60 Minutes. Now he is a QAnon conspiracy theorist?
This movie must REALLY be hitting the bone!
By the way, the Department of Justice no longer considers international child sex trafficking an important issue! Could it be because of all the kids being brought across the wide open border?
Thank you for sharing, Nicole. I pray for you to gain more and more strength as you process and resolve.
Not that I need to tell you this, but it's remarkably difficult to get regular people to even CONSIDER that NAMBLA is a real organization. Not just a REAL organization, but that it is an IRS recognized tax-exempt organization.
Right? It's as if most folks choose willful denial and/or they are under the influence of something more evil.
Thanks, Ann.
Do you know how so many people fall for the telephone scam "This is the FBI/IRS (you name the law enforcement agency), and we have a warrant for your arrest for outstanding taxes/fines, you can pay it now over the phone and we will drop the charges"? Or even better, the internet romance scams, where no matter how much evidence you show to someone that they were scammed, they absolutely refuse to believe it? It's because people instinctively believe what their ears hear and their eyes see and just cannot get beyond that. And when you try to tell someone that that nice, regular looking, funny, normal, seemingly kind/generous relative, friend, or neighbor is a homosexual pedophile who is a member of NAMBLA, their little brains cannot wrap around the cog dis.
If I recall correctly, the ridiculously named American Civil Liberties Union defended their website as free speech!
You are correct. NAMBLA has always maintained that it is a civil rights organization. You cannot make this stuff up.
It goes along with "boys will be boys". Turning a blind eye to what soldiers did while on leave. Turning a blind eye to what was going on in Hollyweird. Jettisoning the "repressive" rules of major religions. Allowing groups like NAMBLA any airspace at. All. Young women being in a chemically induced sterile state seen as default.
Then psychology gets big and "cures" perverts who take treatment. So perps are moved around to offend again.
This crap has been with us for millennia. We just keep making it easier.
Flow of consciousness...hope it makes some sense
Thank you, Jaye.
That quote about what they did in Tangiers is vomit inducing.
They should burn in hell.
A Canadian soldier who served in Afghanistan was recently arrested for human trafficking. I may have seen this guy on the street, is how close his workplace is to my family.
Thing is, back when we were sending troops to AG, there were chaplains, whom I knew personally who were speaking out against activity similar to what happened in Tangiers. Nothing came of it. Several of the chaplains left the forces after AG.
So frustrating.
Thanks for sharing, Jaye. I feel your frustration.
And each ensuing generation raised on woke theology and extreme, easily accessible porn is more susceptible to such diabolical conditioning.
When, indeed. But as long as it remains the powerful, the highly educated and the celebrated who are the purchasers and perpetrators and protectors of this heinous evil relying upon the compassion of the powerless to bring justice keeps them laughing at the parties and stockpiling the victims in the coat rooms, figuratively speaking.
Thank you, Kate.
I had to stop reading but I am grateful you shared this. The Beats & their writing were extremely influential on me in my teen years, for a lot of reasons. I learned about this awful underbelly a lot later. Thanks for pulling back the curtain on these lauded figures.
Thank you, Malika...and I also revered the Beats in my youth. 😕
Same here. & then I followed the band the Grateful Dead. Some of them were at bohemian grove.
Oh my....🤯
I always thought it was strange that more guys went to the concerts, I believe it was a way for the men to engage in gay sexual activity and then pretend they were straight in the public. Lots of strange goings on in the parking lot parties…
Btw, listening to Jordan Peterson interviewing Tim Ballard & Jim Caviezel about the SOUND OF FREEDOM. Really eye-opening.
Thank you! 🙏
The revisiting of absolutely everything is painful. Nothing is what it once seemed.
Indeed, ATR, it feels like a slow, but building red pill awakening.
it is weird. I know I man who did time for dating underage kids (I don't know if it were boys or girls). Before I thought he was a very nice person, I had no idea. And then I heard he was in prison. And found out why! I was shocked. How could this nice man be a predator! And how come, knowing his family, has he become a predator and his folks are such nice and educated people?
I think this has always existed, I read stories of medieval monks and novices. And of young nuns and their pastors. Of old greek man and their students. And of course the word lesbian comes from a woman living on the Greek island of Lesbos, 2500 or so years ago. Nothing new under the sun. Well, may be the only thing new is that nowadays the young don't seem to care and find it normal
Yeah, the younger generation is having so much imposed upon them. That's a big reason why I often focus on such topics.
when I was young I hoped to have 3 children. Then my marriage broke up and I am glad I don't have any. Certainly seeing what has become of the world. Where is a safe place nowadays for a child to grow up? Even in small town GA you read every week of murders, drugs, etc. I cannot even imagine what it must be in Atlanta, not to talk about NY!
You've shown frustration in your words today Mickey Z.
You recently shared a rock meme and claimed to even possess a heart-shaped rock of your own. Many of us do, and everyone of us knows how throw stones as well. Our problem is we stopped stoning unforgivable behavior. WHY? Because Jesus said "let he who is free from sin cast the first stone?" In that case, not me.
The universe has laws and retribution is certain. Life on earth is the wild west of the universe, the lowest plane of existence, just like hell with the devil running to and fro. Our goal here is to know when to stone and when to shun; To ultimately arrive at the end of life with your soul intact, leading like a shepherd fellow souls you've saved along the way. Perhaps if we had shunned these authors earlier on they would have become more wholesome thought leaders? Shame is a powerful emotional tool when applied appropriately.
Shame requires a moral conscience and doesn't always work as intended, when the shunned find another community to exploit. Birds of a feather flock together? A bird in hand is worth two in the bush? Two birds with one stone?
Keep yer guard up and be aware of the plumed serpents around ya. Learn to discern.
This is such a fascinating response! You see, as I've been mentioning, I wrote much more on such topics in the past. Hence, my primary writings on Burroughs and Ginsberg dates back a while. When I returned to those articles this week to compile today's post, I diligently attempted to edit out much of the anger/frustration from the earlier work.
Even so, your sharp eye caught the energetic vibe. I'm glad you did because it led to the provocative thoughts you've shared and now have me pondering. Thanks!
I don't think it's possible to talk about these topics without showing frustration. Are you following the new WHO guidelines where they want all children to learn consent by 4, and have them introduce to pornography by 6 in preparation for their first sexual experience by 9. This needs more exposure. I'm also raising awareness of Nancy Scheafer who taught against Clinton's laws to make it easier to traffick children through the family courts, as this is a major global problem. Please let me know if you'd like more breadcrumbs. Appreciate you and your work.
Wonderfully written, I try daily to pray for discernment.
GREAT comment wrcu2. 🧡 My kind of human.
Mickey, I saw the film last Monday, with a fellow Freedom Warrior. We printed and distributed hand-outs for O.U.R., Jim Ballard's non-profit organization.
What was disconcerting to me was: noticed a number of paunchy, middle aged men wearing very similar attire to the perps portrayed in the film.
These particular men sat alone, unaccompanied by spouses, etc.
For whatever reason, I felt compelled to observe them, during several scenes in which the (imminent) sexual abuse of children was alluded to.
Mouths half open. Mesmerized. Popcorn bag on lap.
My gf and I stood up before the credits to stand near the exit to hand out flyers.
The men in question did not stick around for the credits, nor the film's post-script.
They were the first to hustle out the door.
Maybe I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist, but what an icky vibe those men exuded...
Lastly, is it just me, or did the actress who played the female procurer of children give anyone else a trans vibe?
Just wondering. (And if so, was that intentional?)
Wow... "icky" indeed. It had not crossed my mind that the film might attract such an audience. Now that you shared your experience, I feel naive. 😕
And an emphatic YES to your first question about the female procurer. She had a trans vibe. I cannot claim to know if it was intentional but wow again. 😕
Thanks for your feedback Mickey.
I spoke to another gal who also saw the film last week, at another theater.
Without prompting, she shared the same feelings with me. (Which her husband, who accompanied her, (under duress 😉) had dismissed...
What are the odds that 2 women, who saw the film on 2 different days, shared the same experience. (First thing she commented was "did you get the impression that the "beauty queen" is trans?)
It's interesting how the billionaire character practiced charming the "beauty queen" by kissing a man's hand.
What an astute observation.
I strongly believe that character was portrayed by a trans actor. And that the choice of casting was deliberate.
You da best Mickey Zed.
A child of 3 teaches the audience basic anatomy, in 30 seconds...
Mel Gibson, circa 1998:
He knows what's afoot. He has known for probably 30 years.
His knowledge tanked his career, way back then.
These days: Mel gives ZERO PHUCKS about his "career".
A man to watch.
I was wondering if this film my serve as marketing for these services as a lot of things about the interviews don't add up to me, like where are the survivor interviews and why do they call it aftercare, which is a term used in BSDM for repairing for reuse, knowing this would be triggering for some victims. Unfortunately there are a lot of icky people in this world.
Tim Ballard is still connected to survivors, who are now adults.
He claims that a documentary is coming, with interviews.
Hmmm... Probably as so many people are questioning it. Something just doesn't feel right to me, but that's probably because I have no trust whatsoever in the government changing and protecting children based on my own personal experience.
Have you looked into Carlton Gajduzek?
Thanks, Kat. I have not but I'll try to watch that video soon.
I haven't watched that one in a while but it mentions Burroughs' comment and I seem to remember that Gajduzak was directly tied to Burroughs. This video even ties Gallo in.
Pedophile is a strange word. To love children? I prefer the word pederast, and I am growing increasingly militant about the movement to normalize such. Government, if it should exist at all, exists to protect citizens. This government is actively killing, maiming, disfiguring, sterilizing and making of eunuchs, it's citizens, increasingly pathological toward children.
Meanwhile I am watching Dems in Congress falling all over themselves to get in bed with the FBI.
I hear you. Even the word (pedophile) feels like a ploy to normalize.
Tereza Coraggio has made that point repeatedly, so I have been following her lead on that.
Hey Mickey et al:
Would you send YOUR kids to "Drag Camp"?
This camp is subsidised by provincial tax dollars.
(Me? I object.)
Have you seen Celia Farber's 'Stack from today?
Thanks...I just saw the email and will read it soon!
In 2014, Tim Ballard was a hero interviewed on 60 Minutes. Now he is a QAnon conspiracy theorist?
This movie must REALLY be hitting the bone!
By the way, the Department of Justice no longer considers international child sex trafficking an important issue! Could it be because of all the kids being brought across the wide open border?
Thanks for that link, David. I may write something about this very soon.
The millstone industry is about to explode.
If you do, correction, it was actually on CBS Evening News
Pedophiles were "salivating" in the theater too.
I watched them.