US gov is no doubt an evil fascist enabling enterprise. Bought and paid for fascist collaborator, Richard Nixon chief among them. We now live in dependent misery more from his policies than anyone. Judging by the unraveling of global trade - now currently underway - the government will be hard pressed to tie their shoe laces here soon enough.

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You have A Great Grasp of History, in ALL Its Elementals.

A Great Gatsby-of-sorts,

I reckon.

Thanx, Z !


"These days it's all The Mind

It's Elemental"

"Take another leap in the dark

With a humble Heart"


Fire Earth Air Water

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Great Gatsby?

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The Way you weave A Story. Factual yes, but nonetheless, most interesting to read. Not boring, & germaine for Our Present Times.

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Thanks for clarifying, Paul, and thank you for such kind words. 🙂

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Always Friend.

I find Your Writing HeartFelt, in the midst of Your Intellectual Prowess. There is sooooo Much Good Writing on Substack. Each Unique Producers !

And Thank You !

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Right Back At YA !!!

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One of my 1st semester college classes was "20th Century Authors."

It started with Conrad's Heart. Amazing thing was Coppola's Apocalypse just entered the cinema & the professor made salient, IMHO, correlaries, since FFC, used it as a template. Kurtz, et. al.

We then covered GG {FSF}. I found this more complex, a bit dour in places, due to the subject & times of the writing, but nonetheless interesting.

It was a Compliment To You, that's all.

I'm not an English Literature major. Just a Reader, trying to understand as best I can.

My sister is an Eng. Lit. Masters.

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Thank you again.

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Americans should be protesting in support of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. It appears that the American people have lost their souls.

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A century of relentless, targeted conditioning can profoundly change a populace.

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With a nice pile of cheap junk to go along with it! Americans sold their birthright for a mess of plastic.

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Great article. We need more people like that

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I've read Daniel Ellsberg's book, "Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam...", a surprisingly riveting account of getting the Pentagon Papers published. I doubt if today the pussy newspapers would go out on a limb as they did(reluctantly) back in the 70's. If Nixon's spooks were actually competent (?), things would even be worse today. I think they(the spooks) were supposed to be caught to bring down Nixon, which, in fact did happen. Seedy is too nice a term for government actors. The capitalists have become front and center these days. Bezos, Musk, Gates, Koch(s), et. al. Ruthless comes to mind. Peace

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Yes Yes, I won't forget Ellsberg's Work & Daring.

I find all Your Historical Pieces really interesting & ENCOURAGING, because You Evoke Themes of past-to-present & provide examples of past courage, & therefore solutions, of how WE NOW, can WIN !

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Fantastic piece, Mickey - yes, how the Times have changed! And how the Times has changed!

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Thank you, as always, Will! 🙂

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Almost always when you are an "enemy of the state' you are actually one of the good guys!

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