“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth” (Isaiah 43:18)
As many of you know, I recently switched to only allowing paid subscribers to comment. This led to a few subscription upgrades from some awesome folks (thanks!). And — truth be told — it’s mighty helpful to have fewer email notifications to manage.
But alas, there is a trade-off: My overall traffic has dropped a little and the vibe of the comments section has shifted. Is it due to the paid-commenters-only policy? I don’t know.
With this in mind, I’m exploring my options. Here are some changes you will probably witness very soon:
I will slightly reduce the amount of posts I make. I’ll still write more than most others on Substack — just less than usual for me. So, don’t be alarmed if a day sometimes goes by without a word from yours truly.
Also, being a very organized person, I currently tend to share my posts at roughly the same exact time each day. I should mix that up and make things a little less predictable. Who knows? You might even get meme collections on a day other than Sunday!
In addition, I already post on a broad range of topics but I want to branch out even further. Why? Firstly, it’s the only way to keep things fresh for myself and (I trust) for subscribers. Also, the wider of a net I cast, the more likely it is that I can reach readers and listeners outside the stagnation of the general “truth warrior” hive mind. This is a major goal of mine.
When it comes to my podcast, I will reach episode #100 by the second anniversary of the show (The Fifth of November). After that, well… I’m still marinating ideas, plans, and options.
To be radically honest, I simply need to allocate a little less time to this effort. I love working on my Substack page but (for now) my primary income is earned elsewhere — and that also involves freelance work done on my computer.
This is unhealthy in terms of being sedentary for too many hours a day and the subsequent eye strain. Thus, since I need more time away from my desk, Substack will (for now) take a backseat to reliable revenue.
When Post-Woke garners the number of paid subscribers it deserves, I will joyfully flip that ratio and give as much attention as I choose to Substack.
I may also soon let free subscribers return to the comments section. If I do, that would make it tougher than ever for me to keep up with the discussions. As touched on above, time is already an issue. So please don’t take it personally if I don’t always reply.
Switching the comment policy back to no restrictions will be a trial period to discern the behavior of randos. I’ve been running blogs on and off since 2004. Throughout all that time, I’ve had a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to trolling, derailing, passive-aggression, and disrespect.
A few will try to paint me as a “censor” or “thin-skinned” because I set healthy boundaries so, please allow me to clarify:
If you come to my page, act disrespectfully, and I ask you to leave, that is not censorship. I’m sorry, but you are not “too awake” for me to handle. You’re being rude. So I’m merely exercising my right to set and enforce a personal boundary in my little corner of the web.
I'm no different in person. I very much expect and welcome people to disagree with my unconventional and often evolving views. But I do not tolerate insolence in the process. No exceptions.
Thank you in advance for respecting and supporting this space. It’s been a pleasure getting to know the vast majority of you!
In closing, I will remind all of you of my work helping as many vulnerable souls as I can reach. My project, “Helping Homeless Woman (& Others) - NYC” marks its seventh anniversary on October 16.
If you want to help me help others, here are the best ways to keep things going and growing:
Make a direct donation right here.
Order items from my wishlist here.
Commit to a monthly pledge at Patreon here.
To keep things simple, click here and donate whatever feels right for you!
No matter what, please spread the word by sharing the above links far and wide! Thank you, as always, for your kind and generous support. And if you cross paths with a homeless woman or any vulnerable soul, remember to be friendly and compassionate.
I don’t need to hear back from you every time I comment, Mickey. Put the time into earning your living and taking care of New York’s homeless women first. Then, if time allows, you can visit with us. I can’t speak for everyone here, but I like what you have to say, and I enjoy being engaged with others who feel the same. I pay for your content because it is of value to me.
This makes good sense. Your substack is largely an altruistic project. All sorts of constraints apply if it's going to be sustainable.