Jun 22·edited Jun 22Liked by Mickey Z.

years ago a Belgian politician started a party that would have paid women (or men if they so chose to) to stay at home and do the housework. All the others immediately jumped on the proposal, stating that it would be too expensive, impossible.. you name it. But the guy had done his homework and proved that it was very well possible. Of course, lots of emancipated women declared not to want this, either. Such a shame. I think a stay-at-home mom should certainly be paid. I know one with 5 kids who homeschools and has a farm. I thank that woman deserves a wage! Instead they have to pay school taxes for a school they do not use! (and so do all of us without kids)

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Yep, the programming is so pervasive that we regularly act against our own interest.

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I would think that if you are married and staying at home, you’ve already go a wage. Your husband earns his wage and gives it to you to run his house.

If you don’t send kids to public school, you shouldn’t have to pay taxes (in my opinion.)

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Those are some interesting tidbits regarding Adam Smith and Thoreau. No man is an island I suppose, or else we start naming our soccer balls Winston and talking to them. It's still amazing how much women's work goes on the background, unnoticed and unacknowledged...

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Jun 22Liked by Mickey Z.

Hi Amy, Oh Winston, if only he knew how Tom turned out.

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Jun 22Liked by Mickey Z.

I do wonder if these fellows would have considered life differently if they'd had families, instead if living at the ends of tgeir mothers' apron strings

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Baaooooommm!!!! :)

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Jun 22Liked by Mickey Z.

Another eye opener with a few more questions about the story.

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They’d write a lot less if they had to do their own laundry, cooking and cleaning.

Thanks Mickey!

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Jun 22Liked by Mickey Z.


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Holy moley. I did not know that! Sheesh.

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Have we considered that maybe those women chose to take care of those men? Maybe because they wanted to?

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Absolutely, George. But my point was related to how these men's famous public statements don't jibe with their actual lifestyle choices.

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People give Thoreau crap that those Concord “woods” he went into weren’t exactly the Alaskan Outback.. “His cabin was half a mile from a train track!” But that’s to miss the point, I think. Solitude is interior, and we are never separate from nature, ever, anywhere, no matter how much technology we use, how many people we surround ourselves nearby. Furthermore, there isn’t a single square mile on the planet anywhere that hasn’t been touched by us. It’s really only a question of the intensity of human presence and manipulation. Everywhere we go, we will bring our minds and manipulation - our technology - with us, and immediately effect our environment with it. “Chris McCandless was a posuer who cheated by using an abandoned bus! Hypocrite! He should have fashioned a spear from a stick, hunted moose and made clothing and a shelter from their pelts! He was still relying on the tainted technology of corrupt civilization!” It’s silly, really. We can’t escape civilization, because we cannot escape ourselves.. We can achieve inner freedom in solitude, “harmony with nature” though, and we can do this anywhere, even in the middle of Manhattan.

The true fallenness of man is in our selfishness, which is in an ironic way alienation from ourselves. That’s the problem. That Adam Smith and the feminists - all Enlightenment materialists, really - completely discount love as the primary motivation of all human behavior. We seek what we desire, what protect what we love. The Fall is alienation from and objectification and hence fetishization of everything external to ourselves.. You could think of damnation as absolute objectification and instrumentalization of our very selves. You don’t “use” what you love, you cherish it, and nourish it. Like Adam Smith’s wives or Thoreau’s mother, we all serve what we love..

The act of serving another, working for another, can be slavery, or it can be loving kindness.. It’s a continuum of grace, and avarice is absence of grace like cold is absence of energy. The very same action can have completely different motivation, depending only upon the degree of sanctity of the person performing it. You can work for money and power, or you can work for love, in other words. Most people have mixed motivations, but it’s really only the most debauched and avaricious, the narcissistic sociopaths, who only work to benefit themselves..

All of which is only to say that Enlightenment materialism is truly evil, and that the goal of our society ought to be the inverse of feminism’s: the entire human race should be seen as a great family, and the “communism of love” that is the ethic of a healthy home and family should be the universal ideology of man. Because that communism of grace and love is the ideology of the heaven those of us susceptible to grace truly desire.

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For every successful man, there’s a woman supporting him. If he’s lucky.

If not, she’s sharpening knives and getting ready to butcher….

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On a hike around Walden Pond a few years ago, my friend (who grew up in Concord) told me the story of how Thoreau's mother fed him while he was supposedly "roughing it". Locals always know the real history that often doesn't manage to make its way into books!

- This is a great illustration of how much truth "anecdotal reports" actually contain......no wonder scientism cultists work so hard to deny them!

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