watch (27 seconds):
Challenge white supremacy!
turn off the TV.
“It is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda.” (Aldous Huxley)
no PCR test required.
taxation = theft.
“Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.” (Mary Oliver)
those people can and will change for the better.
don’t treadmill on me.
speak it into existence.
People love servitude. Otherwise they would not go from the independence of their own farm or even their own herd of animals to work in factory for a boss. Workers specially in the US are little more than slaves. Gotta love Huxley. Prophet
Just tested positive for Sovereignty! Love it!