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Oct 2, 2022
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Thank you, Teresa! As George Bernard Shaw said: “Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.”

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This is where the gender-critical women and men have it all over the transactivists. They threaten rape, death, assault, and WE LAUGH! (They make it awfully easy.)

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Oct 2, 2022
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I'm not sure what you mean.

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Oct 2, 2022
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Thank you for clarifying! All the more reason for us to stay focused and diligent.

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Fauci, like so many of his ilk, sells out the people who trust him for sums that look puny compared to the vast harm he creates. Put another way, he's a chickenshit psychopath.

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Right? Like a craven little coward, he's ever-ready to betray and harm the masses just so he can hoard whatever is granted to him by those truly in charge.

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Good one's this week! Perhaps the meme core/source is shifting?

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You find/make some marvelous memes!

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Thank you, my friend!

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Plexiglas barriers: I think we should start complaining about them, and asking to have them taken down, whenever we visit a bank, store, etc. I’m tired of not being able to hear the employee through them, and being separated by these ridiculous barriers. Like face masks, they’re a symbol of compliance and perpetuate the fear.

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I second that motion!

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The memes and the ad libs were thought provoking. Thanks.

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I enjoy putting these posts together!

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I really appreciated your "evidence-based retort." My sister-in-law whined about being afraid of Putin; she of course knows nothing about what's been happening in Ukraine except for the Propaganda Broadcasting Service, listening to which she believes makes her a superior human beings..

I told my sister I would like to see Fauci publicly hung and she compared my saying that to the lynching of black people. I then told her "Just as I told the Fauci troll online, I do not discuss this with anyone who hasn't read The Real Anthony Fauci." One can only wonder how gullible and stupid people are, and feeling superior to us ordinary mortals is a surefire way to ossify one's brain.

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In a bizarre way, you almost have to admire that leftist jiu jitsu move she pulled on you regarding fauci. They are WELL trained!

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Comparing a public trial and execution of a mass murderer to lynching seemed a bit bizarre to me, but she KNOWS she is infinitely superior to us plebes. This attitude was not something she learned in our family, but a friend who had met her asked me if she was on the autism spectrum. To be truthful, she is a monster, and it's very upsetting to realize you're related to a monster.

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Oops, time to change channels on my TV, I don't want to hear Ms Zelensky gripe about Putin on "60 Minutes"; a supreme propaganda arm of corporate(MSM) media--seen by millions of indoctrinated fools. Movie time, dinner time too. Peace

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