Thanks so much again for All of these Wonderfull , Magical & Truthfull Memes , Dearly Beloved Micky Z. They Are Exactly what WeUMeAll Trying to Tell some TRUTH Needs ! Have a Blessed & Wonderfull Day & Take a Look at my Blog again for a Blissfull Mantra & More Goodies at https://andalightofovespiritual.blogspot.com . Now its Time for me take a Short Break & sit in the Sunshine , as I have been working on this unpaid job of Sharing & Caring for the Higher Good of All , since 5 am this Sundaymorning & its Now 12 midday here in the Netherlands . Much Love , Anne

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Happy Sunday, Mickey

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Same to you and yours, my friend! 🙏💕🙏

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I love all of these! ❤️🙏 😊

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Thank you, Claire...much, much appreciated! ❤️🙏 😊

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Thanks, Mickey. A great selection indeed! Chuckled mirthlessly at the Van Gogh one. Some days it sorta looks like that in my neck of the woods. Grid lines, loops, and circles…God help us survive the poison that rains down on us nearly every day.

God bless 🙏🏻

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Thank you, EK...I was hoping someone would mention that one! 🙏🏻

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