Thanks Mickey - amazing to see the push for insect-eating way back in 2013 - not surprised - the Rockefellers & Rothschilds have been planning, as you say, a long time - quick question - your stat that we're using 13,000 times more pesticides than when Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring - do you have a source for that? - That is really disturbing!
Thanks Mickey - amazing to see the push for insect-eating way back in 2013 - not surprised - the Rockefellers & Rothschilds have been planning, as you say, a long time - quick question - your stat that we're using 13,000 times more pesticides than when Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring - do you have a source for that? - That is really disturbing!
Thanks Mickey - amazing to see the push for insect-eating way back in 2013 - not surprised - the Rockefellers & Rothschilds have been planning, as you say, a long time - quick question - your stat that we're using 13,000 times more pesticides than when Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring - do you have a source for that? - That is really disturbing!
Thanks, Will. I used that stat in the 2013 article but it wasn't hyperlinked. Gimme some time and I can dig up the original source!
In fact, I'll delete the line from the post until I have a clear source. Thanks for prompting this clarification, Will.