USA, Powerful People allied with Our Government. MK-ULTRA.
Michelle Remembers
~ Michelle Smith & Lawrence Pazder, MD.
Victoria, Canada. Satanism. Child Abuse. (But Great Deliverance at the end) !
Hostage To The Devil
~ Malachi Martin.
The Virgin & The Girl Fixer:
"Richard-Rita" Case: Transsexualism. Satanic Mass, Chicago IL.
Also, scene of Father Mark, psychic priest, called to apartment by mother of prostitute, where pimp had thoughts otherwise. Father Mark was not yet ready to face off against The Shadow.
That was not the most uplifting start to my morning, and I simply can’t stick that little heart thing on it even though it’s brilliant, but it is something that needs to be shared. Hell, it needs to be shouted from the rooftops, over and over, until everyone understands that the vast majority of these women do not choose this life, do not want to be treated as objects for abuse. And for those who think it’s not your fault, that you have no part in it - you do. Anyone who has ever visited a prostitute, been to a strip show, viewed pornography (even the most vanilla), or just turned a blind eye to those who do - you are complicit in an industry that rips women apart, both physically and psychologically. Thank you, Mickey, for shining a light into those dark corners where most of us would prefer not to see, because we need to be made to look, and to understand exactly the harms our participation or our silence cause.
Is there any woman who wants to be a prostitute? you must be out of your mind if you do. I think almost all came in by force. (I only read a bit of the article, realizing I was probably right)
Thanks for sharing Mickey Z. My understanding (and perhaps that of other men and women of my age) was formed from the 1971 book "The Happy Hooker" about the life journey of Xaviera Hollander. I myself never liked attending strip clubs with my compadres and thankfully never became a habitual porn viewer nor buyer. I very much preferred the traditional monogamous relationship with women who were preferably the same age or older than myself.
At the end you wrote - "Again: Trafficking, pornography, prostitution, and more — it’s all connected and it’s all stoppable." I am afraid IT IS NOT unstoppable in our current state of depravity. Our schools do not teach anything resembling ethical and moral behavior anymore. Our entertainment industry promotes this depravity with reckless abandon. And we are currently importing the worst, morally depraved people from all over the world.
Our courts are corrupt, our police are corrupt and our selected political class dances to a distant drummer. This is the last generation before the fall. Our original culture is being destroyed faster than we can make repairs and the parasites know this. Jeremy Mackenzie prefers to call them goblins from "Lord of the Rings" lore. Perhaps goblin parasites is a more appropriate description of the money changers in the central temple.
Here are some quotes I picked up over the last week:
"Trudeau is a modern day Caligula." Nathaniel Pawlowski (son of Pastor Artur Pawlowski)
Thank you, my friend, and I would say, yes, it is precisely our current state of depravity that must be addressed.
Remember, every revolution looks impossible until it starts to gain momentum. Then it looks inevitable.
"For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20-21)
I read you Mickey Z and your biblical reference does ring true. However, witnessing the "inevitable" taking place in France leads me to believe that mountain moving is best left to the creator than to men, since most men harbor a misfit "faith" that believes in falsehoods and lies.
My heart goes out to you, Nicole. I hope you have support and care around you. You're not alone, and there are folks who want to & are trained to help.
It's so disconcerting to introduce such a topic in a post and then witness just how many people bear the wounds and scars. I pray to St. Agatha for them. 🙏 And I try to do my part by shining a light on the work we all need to do.
Sorry about that. We're living in a time of opposites. Justice is supposed to be speedy and science is a discipline in truth learned over a longer period of time. To clarify, the gene therapy was rolled out at the speed of science while the Jan 6 prisoners are still waiting for justice.
I've read, but I don't have a source for this, sorry, that the 3 biggest industries in the world, in terms of money, are, in this order: defense, pornography, and packaging. There's megabucks in porn, just like there is in making and selling weapons that kill and maim millions. And it's economic terrorism that forces people into porn, too--can't feed yourself or your family. If you're female, and you've ever been in an economically vulnerable situation in this country, I guarantee you've had that option presented to you. If you're lucky, it's only presented and not forced.
Other Stories & Resources:
Trance Formation of America.
~ Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips.
USA, Powerful People allied with Our Government. MK-ULTRA.
Michelle Remembers
~ Michelle Smith & Lawrence Pazder, MD.
Victoria, Canada. Satanism. Child Abuse. (But Great Deliverance at the end) !
Hostage To The Devil
~ Malachi Martin.
The Virgin & The Girl Fixer:
"Richard-Rita" Case: Transsexualism. Satanic Mass, Chicago IL.
Also, scene of Father Mark, psychic priest, called to apartment by mother of prostitute, where pimp had thoughts otherwise. Father Mark was not yet ready to face off against The Shadow.
Thank you, Paul. 🙏
That was not the most uplifting start to my morning, and I simply can’t stick that little heart thing on it even though it’s brilliant, but it is something that needs to be shared. Hell, it needs to be shouted from the rooftops, over and over, until everyone understands that the vast majority of these women do not choose this life, do not want to be treated as objects for abuse. And for those who think it’s not your fault, that you have no part in it - you do. Anyone who has ever visited a prostitute, been to a strip show, viewed pornography (even the most vanilla), or just turned a blind eye to those who do - you are complicit in an industry that rips women apart, both physically and psychologically. Thank you, Mickey, for shining a light into those dark corners where most of us would prefer not to see, because we need to be made to look, and to understand exactly the harms our participation or our silence cause.
Thank YOU, Caroline, for such a cogent and powerful reaction. And for seeing the situation with such clarity. 🙏
Thank You, Mickey. 🙏
Is there any woman who wants to be a prostitute? you must be out of your mind if you do. I think almost all came in by force. (I only read a bit of the article, realizing I was probably right)
Thanks for sharing Mickey Z. My understanding (and perhaps that of other men and women of my age) was formed from the 1971 book "The Happy Hooker" about the life journey of Xaviera Hollander. I myself never liked attending strip clubs with my compadres and thankfully never became a habitual porn viewer nor buyer. I very much preferred the traditional monogamous relationship with women who were preferably the same age or older than myself.
At the end you wrote - "Again: Trafficking, pornography, prostitution, and more — it’s all connected and it’s all stoppable." I am afraid IT IS NOT unstoppable in our current state of depravity. Our schools do not teach anything resembling ethical and moral behavior anymore. Our entertainment industry promotes this depravity with reckless abandon. And we are currently importing the worst, morally depraved people from all over the world.
Our courts are corrupt, our police are corrupt and our selected political class dances to a distant drummer. This is the last generation before the fall. Our original culture is being destroyed faster than we can make repairs and the parasites know this. Jeremy Mackenzie prefers to call them goblins from "Lord of the Rings" lore. Perhaps goblin parasites is a more appropriate description of the money changers in the central temple.
Here are some quotes I picked up over the last week:
"Trudeau is a modern day Caligula." Nathaniel Pawlowski (son of Pastor Artur Pawlowski)
"Canada is dead, long live the republic of Alberta" Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Although I do love the fact that people like yourself are always trying to change my mind. Keep on inspiring us Mickey Z since God only knows when...
Thank you, my friend, and I would say, yes, it is precisely our current state of depravity that must be addressed.
Remember, every revolution looks impossible until it starts to gain momentum. Then it looks inevitable.
"For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20-21)
I read you Mickey Z and your biblical reference does ring true. However, witnessing the "inevitable" taking place in France leads me to believe that mountain moving is best left to the creator than to men, since most men harbor a misfit "faith" that believes in falsehoods and lies.
For the record, I'm refraining from saying too much about France until I know more. But I still get your point.
I don't think there is much time to wait my friend. You may wish to begin moving at the speed of science rather than the speed of justice.
I'm not sure what you mean.
Tough read, Mickey, but a great follow up to seeing, "Sound of Freedom." Thank you.
Thank you, Kevin, for pushing through it. Much appreciated.
And also, thank you for upgrading your subscription. It means SO MUCH to me!
Some of us are just learning that we were trafficked and groomed as tiny children and have had to repress those
memories to survive.
Thank you for sharing, Nicole, My heart goes out to you.
I trust you're practicing self-love and I hope this post was not triggering. 🙏
My heart goes out to you, Nicole. I hope you have support and care around you. You're not alone, and there are folks who want to & are trained to help.
I don't think I can read this but I appreciate you sharing. I had to stop at the first Q and A.
Thank you, Malika, and thank you for having the self-love to stop reading. Sending virtual hugs.
A relative of our family took in "difficult" foster care cases. She spoke of a 10-year old girl who'd been prostituted.
She just wanted to play with Barbie dolls and to colour pictures.
And coercion of adults. It seems to be how the world goes 'round.
Perhaps calling jab mandates "medical rape" isn't so far-fetched
Thank you, Jaye.
It's so disconcerting to introduce such a topic in a post and then witness just how many people bear the wounds and scars. I pray to St. Agatha for them. 🙏 And I try to do my part by shining a light on the work we all need to do.
Sorry about that. We're living in a time of opposites. Justice is supposed to be speedy and science is a discipline in truth learned over a longer period of time. To clarify, the gene therapy was rolled out at the speed of science while the Jan 6 prisoners are still waiting for justice.
I'll refrain from future tongue in cheek.
You have nothing to apologize for and I trust you won't refrain.
I get a fair amount of comments here and sometimes, I need to be more clear so I understand what the commenter meant as opposed to how I read it.
I've read, but I don't have a source for this, sorry, that the 3 biggest industries in the world, in terms of money, are, in this order: defense, pornography, and packaging. There's megabucks in porn, just like there is in making and selling weapons that kill and maim millions. And it's economic terrorism that forces people into porn, too--can't feed yourself or your family. If you're female, and you've ever been in an economically vulnerable situation in this country, I guarantee you've had that option presented to you. If you're lucky, it's only presented and not forced.
Thank you, Lorie, for this sobering assessment. I have learned SO much from listening to women - especially the homeless women I've known.