Well said. The proactive things people can do are going to very greatly, but any program of mutual aid is a good start. That can be modest. It probably should be. Talking in-person helps too, as long as it's friendly. Asking questions rather than preaching is another.

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Right back at ya: Well said. 🙂

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I suspect people are hoping for a ready-made organization they can join. Needless to say, there's very little of that available. The big NGOs are captured. The smaller ones are most often auditioning for capture. This has to be done from the ground up. It starts on the sidewalks and in the neighbourhoods and it's going to take time.

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Your comments serve as an effective coda to the main article, James. Thank you.

The powers that (shouldn't) be have trained us well. We reflexively eschew our inherent power and run into the arms of those merely pretending to be oppositional to the oppression.

It's quite a task to first convince folks that a crisis is in full effect and then dissuade them from choosing the path of less resistance and least effectiveness when it comes to dealing with the crisis (if they ever recognize it).

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