just how far will some people go to soothe their ego by believing they're right [sic] online?
who will you punish to "prove" your [sic] point?
Anyone who reads this Substack on a semi-regular basis knows that I’m a free agent. I do not adhere to any of the accepted (read: enforced) ideologies and I encourage others to resist groupthink, hive minds, thought police, and echo chambers.
For this effort, I am sometimes insulted and often deleted. People I’ve never met choose to follow me and then — without any explanation or warning — vanish into thin air.
Even more dramatic, I have folks I’ve known in real life for decades ghost me for the heinous crime of disagreeing with them.
But it gets worse…
As most of you also know, for more than eight years, I’ve run a program to help homeless women and many other vulnerable souls in NYC. This mission relies on donations but is not immune from the viruses of pride and fear.
On multiple occasions, long-time supporters of my project have suddenly cut off financial help because once again, I’ve dared to disagree with them on issues that have nothing to do with the street work I do.
These particular folks have consciously chosen to punish downtrodden strangers to satisfy their hunger to prove [sic] some kind of point. Their ego-driven desire to virtue signal outweighs the palpable needs of the individuals I help.
Translation: They care more about their triggers than about their brothers and sisters.
Think about it: What someone views as “their beliefs” are quite often implanted narratives. But most people, instead of taking time to regularly examine “their” opinions, opt to remove any contrary evidence from their line of sight. After all, it’s easier to dismiss someone as “wrong” than to entertain the possibility that you don’t have it all figured out.
From there, such people have the audacity to relentlessly present themselves as “free thinkers” or “woke” as part of their fictional online personas. Meanwhile, in real life, the least of our brethren are denied essential help because the effort might cause “truth warriors” to actually encounter something truthful.
But it gets better…
You are in control.
You don’t need anyone’s permission (except your own) to expunge hypocrisy from your repertoire by re-booting your faculties of sovereign thought. Whenever any of us do this, it activates the motivating power of example.
There’s only one group that suffers when we become role models of humility, compassion, discernment, and joy: The Powers That Shouldn’t Be™ hate it.
The parasites don’t fear your 10,000th article or snarky comment about the “sheep” who got jabbed or the “racists” who voted for Trump.
But make no mistake, the diabolical entities seeking to control you are petrified at the thought of you remembering that you are fearfully and wonderfully made — and acting accordingly.
The choice is yours, brothers and sisters…
Friends, I could use your support for my ongoing mission of 8-plus years to help homeless women and other vulnerable souls on the streets of NYC. Here’s how:
First option: To avoid any extra fees, digital tracking, or corporate involvement, I’d love for you to send cash or checks (payable to Michael Zezima) to:
Mickey Z.
PO Box 9028
Astoria, NY 11103
Also, you can:
Donate at GoFundMe
Donate at Ko-fi
Donate at Venmo: @Michael-Zezima-1
Make a monthly pledge at Patreon
Order items from my wishlist
Follow me on Instagram
Share all the links
Thank you in advance!
Beautifully said, Mickey - thanks!!
":Think about it: What someone views as “their beliefs” are quite often implanted narratives."
I don't understand not supporting charity because one disagrees with a personal opinion.