Merry Christmas, Mickey!

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Merry Christmas, my friend! 🎄❤️🙏

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Best Christmas wishes fellow Early Bird ! could not answer on the cellphone - the thing refuses to send at times. That choir is lovely - years ago a friend showed me an orchestra in a train station. Everyone stood there halfway crying. What I miss most is the caroling! Singing along with the recording is not the same (and my dog must think I am sick when I sing, she does not seem to like it LOL)

Kinda fan of Cary Grant too. I will have to check the other actor, I don't think I know him

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Yes, I love singalongs! And the other actor pictured is Jimmy Stewart.

Merry Christmas, Ingrid! 🎄❤️🙏

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oh yes of course, another of my favorites. The man who killed Liberty Valence. I meant that Baley - from the first pics. I don't think that movie made it over the ocean. (all my favs are dead now, Yul Brynner, Stewart, Grant, Peck, Sellers, Bronson... probably forgot a few hundred LOL). I have not seen a movie in ages. Been watching youtube christmas markets for a several weeks now. You can almost smell the gluhwein and pretzels !

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I may have worded it in a confusing way. Jimmy Stewart plays s character named George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life." If you haven't seen it, Ingrid, I highly recommend you check it out. Christmas is the ideal day for that!

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OMG is that Stewart??? I had not even recognized him LOL. See how long it has been since I saw a movie ! I have to check it out. Unfortunately I easily fall asleep when watching movies, I don't know why. Thanks for the explanation, I will wipe my glasses and watch again LOLOL

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🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

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Merry Christmas to you Mickey! Wishing you a wonderful day celebrating our Saviors birth! We watch “ It’s a Wonderful Life” every Christmas Eve! Love it! It’s an awesome story! Thanks for all you do! Your life touches so many people just like George Bailey! ❤️🎄🙏🏻

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Bless you, MDR, you are so kind and generous. 😭 And I'm not surprised to learn that you love "It's a Wonderful Life," too! Merry Christmas to you and yours...and a blessed 2024! ❤️🎄🙏🏻

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Blessed Christmas greetings to you, Mickey! Thank you 🙏 for the gift of sharing the video featuring the flash mob choir ❤️ Amazing!

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Hi Claire! And it was my honor to share the flash mob. A blessed Christmas to you, too! ❤️🎄🙏🏻

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Merry Christmas, Mickey! "It's a Wonderful Life" is THE Christmas day movie in our house. (Maybe we'll follow with The Bishop's Wife). 🎄

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I like the sound of that double feature, Kathleen! Enjoy and Merry Christmas to you and yours! ❤️🎄🙏🏻

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Thank you, & bless you, Mickey!! (& thanks for the reminder of 'It's a Wonderful Life!' I may watch it later on today/tonight). & Merry Christmas to you - & to us all!

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Bless you, Janet...and yes, I spread the word about "It's a Wonderful Life" with evangelical glee! Merry Christmas! ❤️🎄🙏🏻

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Thank you and Merry Christmas, Mickey!

Whenever I hear It’s a Wonderful Life, Louis Armstrong’s Wonderful World plays in my mind. It never fails to bring joy and a sense of gratitude - so thank you again!

Now must go watch those movies....

Blessings upon you

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I am beyond thrilled that these movies resonate with so many folks here. Enjoy, my friend, and blessing upon you, too. Merry Christmas! ❤️🎄🙏🏻

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Beautiful! Merry Christmas! ✨🎄✨

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Right back at ya, my friend! ❤️🎄🙏🏻

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May your Christmas be Blessed with Joy and Love, Mickey! I can only imagine it will be, as you are a Loving Heart in action and bring so much to others all year long. May you continue to Shine into the world in 2024 and enjoy Peace and Abundant Love.

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Mark! Your generous sentiments are humbling. Thank YOU for that and I'm sending love and joy right at ya! 🙏❤️🎄

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Beautiful! - Thanks Mickey for shining your caring heart's light into our world so brightly!!!

Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas, Will! I so appreciate your kind, wise spirit and I'm honored to get to know you a little here. Thank you! 🙏❤️🎄

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Thanks Mickey - Just watched this video - seems to be a potentially helpful reminder! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3t95GxODzKA

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Thank you, Will! I'll do my best to watch it this evening. 🙏

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Merry Christmas, Mickey! So lucky to have you in our lives...you are a gift and a blessing, for sure! ❤😘

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Stella! You are such a kind soul, always ready to offer support. I appreciate you and I'm so glad we crossed paths. Merry Christmas! 🙏❤️🎄

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Grazie...I appreciate you, too.... you are one-of-a-kind! ❤

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😊 ❤

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