Made me cry <3

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Apr 22Liked by Mickey Z.

Delightful! I recall, as a girl of about 8 years old, stopping at a roadside pull-out while on a road trip. My dad and I were standing in the edge of a long drop down to a river.

We saw a couple of canoes coming along, occupied by uniformed young men.

One of them doffed his cap to me as they passed. I was totally charmed.

It doesn't happen often now. Even then it was not the norm, as most didn't wear hats.

But I'd include the doffing of hats on your list.

Years later, I was walking down the street with my eldest son, who was about 17. We passed another young man and I noticed my son raising his right hand, index and middle fingers extended, and giving an almost imperceptible nod.

It was the 00's equivalent of a doffed cap.

I chuckled.

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Apr 22Liked by Mickey Z.

So sweet! Thank you Mickey, for showing humanities adorable and lovable side.

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Apr 22Liked by Mickey Z.


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Soooo good!! Yes indeed. Humans are quite wonderful. Imagine what we might do with these proverbial monkeys off our backs? (I think we are going to find out.) Thanks, Mickey. So sweet.

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I find it adorable when my bess fren.

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Apr 22Liked by Mickey Z.

from Jeff Childers' Substack :

CLIP: Regular Americans heroically work together to rescue driver (0:44).

Around 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, along I-94 near St. Paul, a Honda pickup drifted to the right, left the road crashing into a light pole and guardrail. A fire quickly started under the truck, and then lots of other commuters pulled over and tried to remove the stunned driver before he got burned alive.

The trouble was that the highway guardrail blocked the driver-side door. The bystanders — all strangers to each other — bravely worked together as the flames grew higher and stronger, scorching them and pushing them back, but they persisted in trying to bend the guardrails and get the door open before it was too late.

"He was awake," Kadir Tolla said. "He was saying pull me out, pull me out, pull me out." Mr. Tolla explained he leapt to help because it could have happened to anyone. "That could be me one day," Tolla told FOX9. "What would happen if I was in that situation and my life was in the hands of strangers that I don't even know?”

The regular Americans, all shapes, ages, colors, and sizes, did not stop to worry about their own risk, not their physical risk or their legal risk either. They didn’t stand around waiting for the government. They selflessly sprang into action.

Finally a highway worker braved the heat and dramatically broke out the driver’s side window. Working together, the citizens quickly evacuated the diver to safety just as the truck was fully consumed in a fiery furnace.

The driver, attorney Sam Orbich, survived. Over the weekend Sam issued a statement thanking his rescuers: “My family and I are incredibly grateful for these heroes. I sincerely thank everyone, including Kadir, Tessa, those who hammered at my car door amid the flames, and Minnesota’s FIRST Highway Helpers. I look forward to thanking them all in person.”

If the video clip doesn’t make you choke up a little, you might have spike protein in your heart muscle. Watch it and be encouraged. No matter how hard the selfish elites try to destroy America, our can-do culture survives.

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Apr 22Liked by Mickey Z.

The lovely, spontaneous magical moments the burst from our hearts. Witnessing these joyful expressions opens our mind to understand that our souls/spirits are truly connected, even if at times it seems humanity has lost its way. Recovering our inner child spirit can help us restore the sense of wonder and beauty in the world that surrounds us. May the healing begin and many blessings to all!

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Apr 22Liked by Mickey Z.

Smile, make eye contact and say hello in the grocery store.

How may I be of service today?


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Apr 22Liked by Mickey Z.

Thank you, Mickey. I needed to hear this today.

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Whenever we tie cargo down in the back of a truck, we twang the straps and say “That’s not going anywhere.” It just what people do.

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What a lovely post! So good to be reminded of how innocent - & kind - & kinda silly! - we humans can be. 🙂🙁

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Apr 24Liked by Mickey Z.

So, I “stumbled upon” this substack by coincidence (even though, I don’t believe in coincidences) and I’m just so delighted with every post that I have had the opportunity to read. Thank you, Mickey Z., for being you, and thank you for sharing your heart with us.

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