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Apr 20, 2023
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I feel ya, Frank, and I admire your doing so!

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there is a psalm in our {episcopal) hymn book that has this title too, and it is one of my favorites. Thanks for making me remember. We only sang it once in church and I have not been since the beginning of 2020, but there are some nice songs in that book and sometimes I sing them in the woods where only the trees and the birds can hear me. And the One.

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You're welcome, Ingrid, and thank YOU! I like to think we all hear you in one way or another. 💕

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uh oh lol should I give out eardops?

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I felt the same way seeing Bonnie Raitt last summer. I have loved her for so long, way before she started winning Grammys. To see her singing in front of a large Ukraine flag was heartbreaking, but I can’t stop being moved by her music.

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I feel that, Gail, and good for you for making that distinction and allowing yourself to be moved!

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One of the things I noticed with the antifa & marxist blm movements is that there was no song - just anger, etc

Back in the 60’s & 70’s there was incredible music from that era & the movements back then!

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I hear you, San, but I urge you to remember that it's never just one group or one side who falls into these traps.

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Thx 4 the reminder

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We're here to remind each other.

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Your stack is great.

We never know what we're going to get.

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This is the best possible reaction I can ever ask for. Thank you!

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Spot on Mrs S!

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Yep, it’s the song that matters.

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I've been wondering lately why we don't sing anymore, as family even (my family did sing! Albeit sometimes booze fueled, but as a kid I loved the singing, you take what you can get). Lately I go to a nearby underpass and sing by myself when I can. Or in the car. I think it's yet another thing we've lost here in the US. outsourcing everything, including our own voices, to "experts."

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Brilliant and sobering analysis, Lorie. Let's change this trend ASAP.

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yes! There's something kind of inherently powerful and really basically human about singing together, even if you think your voice sucks (especially then!). Paul Cudenec recently wrote about this in Winter Oak--


or, maybe not even human. Coyotes around here stage entire concerts ;) seemingly for the joy of hearing each other (these are not hunting calls, which one can recognize pretty fast). And of course birds... anyway. a good subject to muse on.

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Thank you again! I like Paul's work and had him on my podcast almost a year ago.

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Sounded fun. Good ending there too! llustrates how many aspects there are to each of us. Some musicians who make great music are assholes. A surgeon is a jerk of a person but you would have no other surgeon operate on you., for a few examples.

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Mickey - you might like to check out Sage of Quay, the research project of musician and student of life Mike Williams. He’s taken a very deep dive into what he is certain that the Beatles and much else in music and entertainment was a giant PsyOp run by the Tavistock Institute. Turns out that the Paul is Dead story from way back had some validity after all. You can start here.


If you find this whole matter as fascinating as I do, consider having him on your show. Hearing two New Yorkers talk about unveiling the truth - what can be better?

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Thanks, Jeff! I'm not sure how soon I can watch the video but I will.

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Great. Mike is one of the most interesting podcasters I’ve run into. So many of us feel that music has been a key part of the molding our lives and a lot of it is positive, even awe inspiring. I’ve seen U2 play live on several occasions and used to consider it close to a religious experience. And this was the case with other performers as well. Since 2020 when it feels like we all stepped into the Twilight Zone, I’ve begun to question so much which I once considered brilliant and noble. What if it (at least some of it) was created through social engineering for an agenda that is far from that? I find myself now being far more careful about which influencers I give creed to. I still enjoy the music, the movies, the games etc but many of the stars have lost much of their shine. For that I turn to my soul ☀️ https://youtu.be/Cpn_PX2AxGo

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Thank you, Jeff...for such a meaningful and relatable comment!

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