Now I'm going to have that Toto song in my head all morning!

That aside, interesting stats in Africa. I'm not sure how anyone can buy what the Lord Fauci-led mecca is selling.

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Thanks, Kristi!

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Africa may be the Tower 7 of the covid narrative. ("It just doesn't add up!?") In Summer 2020, I recall being in a health food store in Santa Monica, CA (maskapalooza) and a Gabonian I knew said nobody in their hometown in Gabon was wearing masks, and life was carrying on as always. We both knew BS was afoot. A brief glance just now at WHO info on Gabon says 306 ppl died "from covid" and that 11% of the pop. completed the first round of "vxs." Nothing to see here, folks!

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Indeed, the evidence is hiding in plain sight.

P.S. Your Tower 7 comparison is thought-provoking!

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Yes, and John Magafuli, pres of Tanzania, famously used the PCR test on a paw paw fruit and on some other itemsI don't remember, they tested positive. He defied the Covid narrative and then died under mysterious circumstances.

Africa has always been, as one of your other commenters said, the "WTC building 7" of the narrative. And all along we hear breathless exhortations from people like Amy Goodman that Africans are in danger because they don't have enough vaccines. Um, no, they're in danger because we want their resources, and not for any other reason.

Honestly, the bad faith of these NPR, Huffpost type pundits is revolting.

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Thank you for every single word of this comment, Lorie. I'm mad at myself for neglecting to mention the Tanzania story in this post! Thanks for doing so.

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Merck originally developed Ivermectin 40+ years ago as a drug for HUMANS, and has donated most of the 3.7 billion human doses in the third world to date with no real side effects, making it one of the safest drugs ever invented. The inventors got a Nobel Prize. Merck came out against Ivermectin only after the U.S. Govt granted it $356 million to develop a new drug for Covid 19 called MK7110, demonizing it as "poison horse paste." Ivermectin IS Ivermectin! Taken by body weight. On 06/09/2021, Merck announced that it has reached an approximately $1.2 billion deal to supply the U.S. government 1.7 million doses of molnupiravir, an oral antiviral early onset treatment for COVID-19, which is still being tested. They will get about $705 PER DOSE.

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Strange how when COVID was out of control India was all over the media. Once Ivermectin treatment began in April of 2021??, cases dropped 98% in Delhi, 97% in Uttar Pradesh, 94% in Uttarakhand, and 86% in Goa, which adopted a pre-emptive policy of mass Ivermectin prevention for the entire adult population age 18 at a dose of 12 mg daily for five days. By contrast, Tamil Nadu opted out of Ivermectin following WHO advice, resulting in their cases increasing tenfold to the highest in India. Real time data yet crickets!

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On 05/25/2021, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) sued WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan accusing her in a 71-point brief of causing the deaths of Indian citizens by misleading them about Ivermectin as prophylaxis and treatment for Covid 19 by issuing statements in social and mainstream media, influencing the public against the use of Ivermectin. The legal notice mentions she included a hyperlink in her 05/10/2021 Tweet to a page on the website of Merck, dated Feb 4, 2021 titled, ‘Merck Statement on Ivermectin use during Covid Pandemic’.

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Thank you for this info, David. And watch out when you mention crickets. You'll make the globalists hungry!

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Thanks for this info

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