
I still remember our small village back in Belgium, when govt was not Big yet. In a small place, in a small country, only Benelux existed then, 3 small countries trying to stand against the big France and Germany we are sandwiched, with only 3 or 4 people as 'government' and where everyone knew everyone. I don't know if it is possible to go back to those times, they are now 'fusing' villages, first 8 together, and now 3 already fused ones - it will be an even bigger disaster. They build a new town hall, a new police station, a new sports hall (costs now a month what it was for a year before that) and what is in it for the people? Bills... they pay up but they don't know to whom anymore, and elderly without a car have no means to even get to town hall! Here in the US, I don't even know the local govt. You never get to see them Decorating, beautifying, while thousands are without the most necessary items... I remember a few years ago how European reporters had gone through black neighborhoods in Alabama and declared it a third world situations. Not much better here, but at least no one lives in corrugated cardboard boxes covered with a metal sheet, like I saw 15 years ago in Kentucky... the armpits of America.

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I’ve heard Swiss government stays local with frequent referendums on issues. Perhaps that would be a better model.

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Oct 3Liked by Mickey Z.

Thanks, Mickey. It's beyond awful, and power-plays (and emotion-manipulating AI images, as if reality isn't bad enough) are springing up like tulips. Pray and help where you can, right?

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Amen, Jaye! Work as if everything depends on you; pray as if everything depends on God (it does)!

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Oct 3Liked by Mickey Z.


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Oct 3Liked by Mickey Z.

Changing the weather? Chemtrails? 5G?

A few years ago, I would not have believed it.. today I think that there is no limit to the insanity of the parasites.

GMO? Cloning? Nanobots that change the human genome ( DNA )????

Messing with divine creation.

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Yes! All the more reason for us to surrender our egos and unite.

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THIS!!!!! "Hurricane Helene could be geo-engineered or caused by climate change or just bad luck. I don’t know — and neither do you. What I do know is that I have no interest in pretending I have the secret scoop while so many people’s lives are in turmoil and at risk."

I'm so angry and disappointed at how people are having fun conspiracy-theorizing. I had to leave my life in Asheville behind so that I wouldn't become a target of desperately hungry looters. What purpose does it serve, to speculate about lithium -- except to jerk off one's own ego? At the expense of centering the hurricane victims' need for emotional healing? "LoOk At mE EvErYoNe, i'M sO cLeVeR" Okay but you have no empathy, so shut the fuck up.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Author

Amen, bestie...and, after what you went through, I'm so grateful you were able to leave. 🙏

My prayers are non-stop for everyone who was impacted by the storm and everyone still waiting for news from their loved ones. 🙏

P.S. To anyone else reading this comment, keep a close eye on Alicen's Substack for she will be writing about her experiences soon: https://alicengrey.substack.com

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Oct 3Liked by Mickey Z.


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As I listen to callers from Western NC calling into the Alex Jones Show describing the devastation of their homes, the dead bodies everywhere, no roads, no power, no water and entire towns gone. The subject of the lithium deposits and resistance to the mining has been mentioned a few times by these people. I take exception to your portrayal of this kind of information as some kind of "divisive" rhetoric generated on Substack. Get a grip, Mr Post Woke.

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when known and proven disinfo shills like Stew Peters (stu-pider), the one who ran point on covid being snake venom in the water and graphene razors in the vials, and Greg Reese who promoted the EBS will turn the jabbed into ebola-zombies using 5G last year, you can guarantee its BS. You must look at the track record of who promotes these things. If they have a history of doom peddling and never admitting error when it doesn't happen, how can you possibly trust these clowns?

And Micky, sorry to name names here, but I am sick and tired of these people and they need to be called out. I will edit them out if you would like.

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It's all good, Joel. Thanks for asking though!

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But do you KNOW that this disaster was engineered, and that it was engineered to access lithium? No, you don't. What you DO know is that people are suffering and need direct, immediate aid, not Substack users having fun paranoia-theorizing at a comfortable distance. What it comes down to right now is how useful and helpful you're being when you choose to spread rumors about lithium. You are helping no one at all. So "get a grip," yourself, Mel.

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