Oct 3, 2023Liked by Mickey Z.

Good advice! Borrowing trouble usually gets repaid with burdensome interest.

There's a lot of pressure to sink into crippling forms of morbid ideation. I've seen it sold as a moral obligation, e.g. the following syllogism:

• This is something good people worry about.

• We're worrying about it.

• Therefore we're good people.

Next thing you know, they're lining up for dubious pharmaceuticals...

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Mickey Z.

I have recently started psychotherapy. I have been introduced to "mindfulness". It is incredibly difficult for an over-thinker to reign in and domesticate the maverick brain waves!

But I know I must. As I square off against events and people of my past and decide who is sharing my future, and on which terms (that sounds so harsh...), living in tge moment will be worth the effort

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When I was very young my father the cop started hiding money in plain sight, and dropping hints that it might be around. His plan was to get his kids to become aware of their surroundings at all times. I find myself so absorbed in looking for what is going around me that I rarely have time to daydream. It worked on me. He also taught us to trust God and ourselves. It was a good plan.

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Love this!!! "The fear matrix depends on you to activate....They can't program what they can't reach." Present moment is all we have. Even if we wanted to go back 5 minutes, we literally can't or move ahead a day. It only lives in our head and our interpretations of it. The only things we can control is our thoughts and interpretations. Thanks for always speaking such words of wisdom!!!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Mickey Z.

Magnificent! The fear porn only reaches and harms minds that are vulnerable & lost in past/future "time travel" as you brilliantly call it. A meditative mind that is awake is not afraid, and as you say, Mickey, is unreachable... Plus, when we are present, we open to our intuition - Remember the old martial arts story about the man and his 3 sons? -

I just wrote this for my new book, Food for Freedom:

"There is a well-known story in the martial arts tradition of a father with three Samurai sons, who, in order to test their fighting skill, invited them into his room, with a trained assailant hiding behind the door. When the youngest son came through the door, he was easily knocked down from behind by the assailant. When the middle son came through the door, he immediately sensed the assailant’s attack and with lightning speed, whirled around and blocked the assailant’s blow. When the eldest son approached the door, he intuitively felt a threatening presence and stopped and stood outside the door, calling in to his father that he felt something was awry, and thus compelling the father to admit that he had hidden an assailant behind the door to test him. Just as the youngest son, because of his lack of training, created the most violence and most harm, those of us who fail to question official narratives cause the most damage. If we can, like the second son, recognize the deception and block it, we create less harm and violence. With more training and insight, we can, like the eldest son, shine the light of truth, reveal and dissipate potential violence, and help to heal the situation. Discriminating awareness and mindfulness tend to minimize harm and abuse, while gullibility and acquiescence tend to foster them."

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Mickey Z.

Thanks, Mickey.

I was going to say something clever when I started this. But now I can't remember what it was.

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Very timely for me - thank you! I love that graphic about weird shit's gonna happen. Perfect advice &, as I say, very timely.

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