You're a good guy, Mickey Z.

Your mum would be so proud.

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Thank you! 😭

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This, what you do, is the thing that breaks the Zimbardo, Milgram, Asch dynamic. Taking the lead in kindness can restore people's essential agency. The better parts of them may have been damaged, but their souls are still there.

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Yes! A thousand times, yes!

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Thank you for this reminder

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Thank you, Mickey. Heart-warming stories and reminders. May the ripples flow and flow. Best.

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{"Street" EM'Z'}.

"And there are those who have little [e.g. material wealth] and give it all.

These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty."

There are those who give with JOY, and that joy is their REWARD."

"Who among you does not feel that his POWER to love IS boundless?"

~ Kahlil Gibran

{The Prophet}


"This fusion of INsight

IS all that we Imagine."

~ Jon Anderson {YES}



"See how your Father feeds the birds of the air..."

Arrayed In Splendor.

~ meow.

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when we moved here, there was a band of feral cats, lead by the older male my former neighbors had left behind. In the next years, we started feeding them, and a few stayed. The 2 I still have are children of that wild band. And this winter I started feeding the birds. Now I get an even bigger concert, and mostly all day long! No we are not useless. Dogs and cats make us feel like we are the saviors of the world, of their world at least LOL

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"Joy In The Morning"


Right beside you,

When you're walking

Down the street."

{or kneeling down, in tender Samaritan Care}.

~ Chris Squire


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You are an inspiration! I did donate to the Go Fund me yesterday! I can’t help but want to help after I read your posts! ❤️❤️

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Thank you so much! We can inspire each other!

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it is amazing though, that lots of people still want to help, especially older ones. I have little experience with youth, but the mexican children in the neighborhood are really nice so I have good hopes! And of course, in small places like where I live, there is probably more hand-out from churches etc. than in big cities.

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They're Singing To You !

Continued Blessings...


"How wonderful it is

that nobody need wait

a single moment

before starting

to improve

The World."

~ Anne Frank

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As a fellow New Yorker, your posts really resonate with me. Especially this one.

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Thank you, Jo Ann! NYC certainly forces us to choose sides in an unexpected situations.

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Do unto others. Nice story. Blessings on Z.

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Thank you! 🙂 🙏

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Beautiful inspiring stories - thanks Mickey!!!

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Thank you! 🙂 🙏

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It really is so simple. My teacher of the last five decades always says peace on Earth begins with you and me. It's always been an inside job. Personally I've found no other way. When I was a peacenik at another time, it was a real turn off to see so many of the people were not very peaceful at all. And they weren't very kind either. it made me stop and begin to listen to my heart. And this song was playing - https://youtu.be/EjHLxTGn--s

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Amen, Jeff, and thanks for reminding me of these lyrics from the song you shared:


My Lord

Please take hold of my hand, that

I might understand you

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Thanks MIckey! and here's a quote from Paul Cudenec, which is right along these lines...

“What if you believe that humans have a natural tendency for co-operation rather than for competition, for mutual aid rather than for mutual robbery? In this case, you obviously do not believe that a state is necessary to hold society together, as this is something that happens naturally from within”.

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Thank YOU, Lorie!

And spoken like a true anarchist! (P.S. I interviewed Paul last May on my podcast.)

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You are so awesome, such a good soul. And your interview is going up probably in the next few hours, sorry again about the wait, it's such a great interview!! xo

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Aw, thanks, Tessa! I appreciate your kind words and look forward to the interview! 🙂

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:) Thank YOU for an awesome conversation and just being you!

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