When the lockdowns (and other anal-sadistic policies) were first implemented, it took me about five minutes to understand why they were useless and dangerous. It wasn't hard and many millions of others easily reached the same conclusion. For a brief while, I thought there was no way the cruelties would be obediently observed. They make everything either impossible or a terrible burden. And yet...
I had many chances to talk to the obedient during this time. Most of them are not bad people. But they do have what I consider terrifying vulnerabilities, the worst of which are reflexive credulity and susceptibility to sanctimony. The more education (i.e. social Skinner Box) they had, the more convinced and resolute they were.
It's possible to cultivate small changes in them, but it's labour intensive, it has to be done in person, and it's easily undermined. One awkward joke is enough. I wish there were some other way. It's exhausting and depressing. Nevertheless, I'm grateful for the company, near and far, that tries to do the same. We do have a few small things to show for it; not least, the increasing rejection of the so-called boosters.
You said it perfectly, James. I also thought there was no way people would follow masking "rules" and all the other nonsense for SO LONG. Boy, was I wrong. Then I remembered people LOVE drama. Yep, my family was oozing with sanctimony! My mother proudly declared that she "follows the rules and does whatever the governor tells her"!! It was frightening - like there wasn't a soul in her anymore. She lined up for all the boosters. I guarantee that if the governor ordered "unmaskers" be reported to the police she would have gladly turned me in. We seemed to have witnessed an "invasion of the body snatchers" moment. I was most upset to see men blindly follow unlawful masking orders and put masks on their children.
Every time they come out with a new "vaccine" I think back to the quote from Rudolf Steiner in 1917.
“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – ‘foolish’ here, or course, in the eyes of materialists. . . . a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination toward spiritual ideas to develop, and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses...The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.”.
From the lecture The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness
I believe vaccines are a clever part of this spiritual battle to destroy peoples' minds and spirit during this lifetime. The parasites are very clever because most people are WILLINGLY being injected.
Thanks for that brilliant quote, Laura! Steiner was prescient—in that and in so many other ways. Over the years, I've greatly admired the accomplishments of some of his followers, e.g. the Steiner/Waldorf education methods and biodynamic agriculture. Both, I believe, offer some non-sectarian paths to genuine progress.
Laura, I am so glad you posted this Steiner quote. I completely agree with and have witnessed this, esp lately. I have shared and commiserated with others a lot around this concept over the last few years. To put it simply... I've witnessed significant personality changes in people I've known very closely and who -before the lockdowns, which is the only way I'll refer to the past three years, never 'the pandemic,'-- were incredibly sensitive, kind, loving and sweet people. I have seen them become extremely irritable, spacey, forgetful, cranky, hateful (!) and even ragey and outbursty, like the worst 'karens' you'd see on a viral tiktok video, in one case! It's been shocking and heart-breaking to see these folks with what appears like a spiritual lobotomy. Lots more to say about it all, but I'll leave it there for now. In sum, I've seen people I've known and felt close to -for decades- become very different after the past couple years of "covid vxs." And I know many, many others have experienced the same thing. A lot of people seem to be severed from their previous connection to their souls/sweetness/selves. It's alarming and heart-breaking. And I don't think it's a coincidence that there is a growing disregard/skepticism/or worse for people of (any) faith during this time. On the upside, this cannot be a blanket summation for all people who got the shots, and the bright light in all people who care about goodness/love/connection is stronger than anything else out there. The light will and always does crowd out the darkness, just sometimes wish we could fast-forward to that part! Meanwhile, prayers, patience, and power to the people!
Lobotomy is an excellent comparison. It's like people have been given chemical lobotomies through vaccinations for well over 100 years. It's just gotten so much worse now. I think of the millions of people who have what is coined "autism" are simply suffering the aftermath of a chemical lobotomy. I hate even using the term "autism" because that is such a lie, too. But those individuals become so disconnected from humanity. So tragic.
I hear you, sister!!! ❤️💔😢Thank you for your reply. My heart goes out to all the folks “diagnosed” as autistic, & to their families. I pray the end is near for these ‘chemical lobotomies.’ More than ever, people are connecting the dots. ✨
I am very hopeful that the end of this medical tyranny will be over soon. The author, Charles Higgins, who wrote in 1920 "the Horrors of Vaccination" prayed that within 100 years this diabolical procedure would finally end. I hope he's correct!
Thanks Mickey - My wife and I were always the only ones with our faces showing in stores, post offices, etc., and I'm glad for the challenge - it's how we build character.
Thanks for the refresher. Living here in Washington under lord inslee, (asslee as we call him), probably the dictator of them all was fun. One day, bang, only allowed to travel for groceries or medicine. The good intentioned starting sewing worthless cloth masks like crazy. To this day, I see people driving ALONE in their cars with masks on!
Local businesses got creative. Had mask signs posted, BUT federal law makes medical info secret so we will not question if you don't wear a mask.
Then the essential and nonessential business B.S. like money was to materialize to feed you and your kids!
The State Police became the goon squad. However local police and Sheriffs made very public statements they enforce law not mandates. So asslee made Labor and Industry the goon squad to go after businesses "not complying". Even set up a 1-800 rat line to report businesses.
The rest of us were totally shocked how everyone folded so easy. We were now in an official police state!
I wrote opinion letters in the paper about how useless masking, social distancing, vaccines were. When I called the editor on Ivermectin being a patented human drug before it was used on animals with 3 or 4 BILLION safe doses, he wouldn't print it and said he was being " tolerant with all my other misinformation. " If I continued, he would not print another letter! So I sent him an article from NPR of all places with a guy questioning why the science of natural immunity over vaccines was being questioned and never wrote another letter.
Gotta admit, as one who ignored the (mostly voluntary) lockdown policy in PA, going out in public, especially driving, was the most peaceful and serene year of my life.
You know, there were also times for me in NYC when things felt simpler than ever before. I can imagine that if I had a car, driving would've been surreally smooth!
Quite often driving to and from home to a friend's house (which took me through 4 or 5 jurisdictions depending on the exact route), that in addition to a car or two max, I wouldn't even see a single cop. Some real life Shangri-La stuff there. That said, I would have to imagine empty/near empty streets in the Boroughs was quite creepy though, especially in Manhattan.
hahahaha. I only started referring to it that way once it occurred to me how many police I wasnt seeing in all of them. Let's just say I have a particular 'skill' of getting pulled over with or without cause, so I tend notice those things.
When the lockdowns (and other anal-sadistic policies) were first implemented, it took me about five minutes to understand why they were useless and dangerous. It wasn't hard and many millions of others easily reached the same conclusion. For a brief while, I thought there was no way the cruelties would be obediently observed. They make everything either impossible or a terrible burden. And yet...
I had many chances to talk to the obedient during this time. Most of them are not bad people. But they do have what I consider terrifying vulnerabilities, the worst of which are reflexive credulity and susceptibility to sanctimony. The more education (i.e. social Skinner Box) they had, the more convinced and resolute they were.
It's possible to cultivate small changes in them, but it's labour intensive, it has to be done in person, and it's easily undermined. One awkward joke is enough. I wish there were some other way. It's exhausting and depressing. Nevertheless, I'm grateful for the company, near and far, that tries to do the same. We do have a few small things to show for it; not least, the increasing rejection of the so-called boosters.
Thank you, James, for such a clear-headed, open-minded summation. I truly appreciate you ending on a note of gratitude and hope.
And wow...I had not heard the term "anal-sadistic" used in a long time!
You said it perfectly, James. I also thought there was no way people would follow masking "rules" and all the other nonsense for SO LONG. Boy, was I wrong. Then I remembered people LOVE drama. Yep, my family was oozing with sanctimony! My mother proudly declared that she "follows the rules and does whatever the governor tells her"!! It was frightening - like there wasn't a soul in her anymore. She lined up for all the boosters. I guarantee that if the governor ordered "unmaskers" be reported to the police she would have gladly turned me in. We seemed to have witnessed an "invasion of the body snatchers" moment. I was most upset to see men blindly follow unlawful masking orders and put masks on their children.
Every time they come out with a new "vaccine" I think back to the quote from Rudolf Steiner in 1917.
“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – ‘foolish’ here, or course, in the eyes of materialists. . . . a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination toward spiritual ideas to develop, and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses...The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.”.
From the lecture The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness
I believe vaccines are a clever part of this spiritual battle to destroy peoples' minds and spirit during this lifetime. The parasites are very clever because most people are WILLINGLY being injected.
Thanks for that brilliant quote, Laura! Steiner was prescient—in that and in so many other ways. Over the years, I've greatly admired the accomplishments of some of his followers, e.g. the Steiner/Waldorf education methods and biodynamic agriculture. Both, I believe, offer some non-sectarian paths to genuine progress.
1111%! ⚡️🕊️☀️
Laura, I am so glad you posted this Steiner quote. I completely agree with and have witnessed this, esp lately. I have shared and commiserated with others a lot around this concept over the last few years. To put it simply... I've witnessed significant personality changes in people I've known very closely and who -before the lockdowns, which is the only way I'll refer to the past three years, never 'the pandemic,'-- were incredibly sensitive, kind, loving and sweet people. I have seen them become extremely irritable, spacey, forgetful, cranky, hateful (!) and even ragey and outbursty, like the worst 'karens' you'd see on a viral tiktok video, in one case! It's been shocking and heart-breaking to see these folks with what appears like a spiritual lobotomy. Lots more to say about it all, but I'll leave it there for now. In sum, I've seen people I've known and felt close to -for decades- become very different after the past couple years of "covid vxs." And I know many, many others have experienced the same thing. A lot of people seem to be severed from their previous connection to their souls/sweetness/selves. It's alarming and heart-breaking. And I don't think it's a coincidence that there is a growing disregard/skepticism/or worse for people of (any) faith during this time. On the upside, this cannot be a blanket summation for all people who got the shots, and the bright light in all people who care about goodness/love/connection is stronger than anything else out there. The light will and always does crowd out the darkness, just sometimes wish we could fast-forward to that part! Meanwhile, prayers, patience, and power to the people!
Lobotomy is an excellent comparison. It's like people have been given chemical lobotomies through vaccinations for well over 100 years. It's just gotten so much worse now. I think of the millions of people who have what is coined "autism" are simply suffering the aftermath of a chemical lobotomy. I hate even using the term "autism" because that is such a lie, too. But those individuals become so disconnected from humanity. So tragic.
I hear you, sister!!! ❤️💔😢Thank you for your reply. My heart goes out to all the folks “diagnosed” as autistic, & to their families. I pray the end is near for these ‘chemical lobotomies.’ More than ever, people are connecting the dots. ✨
I am very hopeful that the end of this medical tyranny will be over soon. The author, Charles Higgins, who wrote in 1920 "the Horrors of Vaccination" prayed that within 100 years this diabolical procedure would finally end. I hope he's correct!
Me, too!!☀️💕
Thanks Mickey - My wife and I were always the only ones with our faces showing in stores, post offices, etc., and I'm glad for the challenge - it's how we build character.
It makes me smile to think of you two leading by example by refusing to surrender to fear!
Thanks for the refresher. Living here in Washington under lord inslee, (asslee as we call him), probably the dictator of them all was fun. One day, bang, only allowed to travel for groceries or medicine. The good intentioned starting sewing worthless cloth masks like crazy. To this day, I see people driving ALONE in their cars with masks on!
Local businesses got creative. Had mask signs posted, BUT federal law makes medical info secret so we will not question if you don't wear a mask.
Then the essential and nonessential business B.S. like money was to materialize to feed you and your kids!
The State Police became the goon squad. However local police and Sheriffs made very public statements they enforce law not mandates. So asslee made Labor and Industry the goon squad to go after businesses "not complying". Even set up a 1-800 rat line to report businesses.
The rest of us were totally shocked how everyone folded so easy. We were now in an official police state!
I wrote opinion letters in the paper about how useless masking, social distancing, vaccines were. When I called the editor on Ivermectin being a patented human drug before it was used on animals with 3 or 4 BILLION safe doses, he wouldn't print it and said he was being " tolerant with all my other misinformation. " If I continued, he would not print another letter! So I sent him an article from NPR of all places with a guy questioning why the science of natural immunity over vaccines was being questioned and never wrote another letter.
Thank YOU for this refresher. So many of us have tragic tales to tell of control and compliance.
Gotta admit, as one who ignored the (mostly voluntary) lockdown policy in PA, going out in public, especially driving, was the most peaceful and serene year of my life.
You know, there were also times for me in NYC when things felt simpler than ever before. I can imagine that if I had a car, driving would've been surreally smooth!
Quite often driving to and from home to a friend's house (which took me through 4 or 5 jurisdictions depending on the exact route), that in addition to a car or two max, I wouldn't even see a single cop. Some real life Shangri-La stuff there. That said, I would have to imagine empty/near empty streets in the Boroughs was quite creepy though, especially in Manhattan.
Yeah, I took a photo, mid-day, of an isolated Times Square. I'll try to find it and post it at some point.
P.S. I have literally never heard anyone used "jurisdictions" as a measure of distance before!
hahahaha. I only started referring to it that way once it occurred to me how many police I wasnt seeing in all of them. Let's just say I have a particular 'skill' of getting pulled over with or without cause, so I tend notice those things.