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Jan 23, 2023
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"Bad terminology. The situations described have nothing to do with medical practices."

Which terminology and which situations are you referring to?

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Jan 23, 2023
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I truly do not understand your initial point and the need to break down Laura's personal experiences into a game of semantics.

Your closing paragraph, however, sounds spot on to me.

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The system you are describing is troubling. It sounds a bit like socialized medicine - everyone being paid the same no matter how skilled they are?? So, a doctor who spends 34 seconds with a patient should get paid as much as the doctor who spends 2 hours with a suicidal new, young mother to help her learn how to breast feed her baby because the mom was discharged from the hospital the day after giving birth??? Both incidents happened at the clinic I worked at. The problem is the doctor who saved a mother's life was FIRED and the other doctor whose only aim was to see as many patients as he could in one shift was REWARDED. The dangerous doctor could see up to 105 patients because the clinic paid doctors according to how many patients, they saw not according to the QUALITY of care they gave. Doctors would FIGHT over who would be able to see the next patient. I don't begrudge doctors - (allopathic or alternative) for getting paid. They have bills to pay and hefty malpractice insurance to cover.

One of the few aspects of the reimbursement system I somewhat agree with is that many doctors are now reimbursed more for "positive" patient outcomes like no post-op infections.

I agree that patients "know next to nothing". One of the reasons for the willful ignorance is because of the recent adoption of the belittling phrase, "what do you know? You're not a doctor"! We saw an explosion of this sentiment during COVID. Over and over, we were told to only listen to the "experts". Really? What constitutes "an expert". Nowadays an "expert" is someone who agrees with the agenda. Another reason patients are so ignorant is it's easier to depend on the medical industry to "fix them". Instead of taking personal responsibility for their poor health it's easier to just blame the doctor for their health not improving.

People are being brainwashed to not trust their instincts and to not learn how to manage their own health by doing their own research. As nurses, we were taught to discourage patients from doing their own research.

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Jan 23, 2023
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I completely agree and witnessed everything you said. We only disagree about socializing medicine. In a perfect world, yes, the socialization of medicine sounds wonderful. No one should go bankrupt because they are ill and drowning under medical bills. I do believe we can come up with a solution.

You are correct that most "peer reviewed" studies are fraudulent and written by ghost writers to push a lucrative agenda. Just look at how the blood pressure standards were changed in 2017 and now, magically, over half the population is "hypertensive" "requiring" dangerous drugs. And most doctors are just going along with this BS because they only care about their paycheck, and they are complacent cowards. Many times, doctors were caught lying in their documentation at the clinic I worked at in order to boost their reimbursement. You are correct about childish and, I dare say, sociopathic communication "skills" - throwing chairs at the nurses' station, hanging up the phone on nurses when they call for guidance, screaming at nurses, destroying medical equipment out of frustration, intimidating patients, and on and on. Sanford Health required all staff, including doctors, to take a class on how to behave respectfully and to empower staff to report incidents because doctors were so out of control. It's absurd to think that supposedly highly intelligent, caring doctors would need to be instructed on how to behave like a good boy or girl, but that's the current state of our "healthcare" system. Doctors are worshiped like gods but if you would pull back the curtain, they all know that they can't cure anything. That's why, I believe, they are so angry - because, deep down, they know they are frauds taking blood money. (Yes, emergency medicine and surgery can stabilize in the short term.)

Don't get me wrong, I did work with some selfless, ethical doctors who did try to make a difference and their practice was not fueled by money. But ethical doctors are pushed out of the system - they don't last long.

I wish more patients would stand back and ask themselves if this system would lie about the safety of vaccines and anti-depressants and statin drugs and cancer treatment and antihypertension drugs and the importance of nutrition, etc, why should we believe anything that is coming from their mouths?? It defies logic. Society bears the bulk of the blame - the medical system reflects the complacent attitude of society. We have the medical system that the collective demanded. Big pharma clearly states in every drug commercial and in black and white in the drug inserts how dangerous and ineffective their drugs and vaccines are. Big pharma OPENLY tells us that their products are CAUSING blood clots, heart attacks, cancers, brain disease, pneumonia, diabetes, skin diseases, TB, Hepatitis, arthritis, apnea (SIDS), confusion, hearing loss, nerve damage, DEATH, etc. Yet we all clamor to ingest and inject poison somehow believing that will bring health. The system is laughing at us. So, it starts with us to push back and start asking the tough questions. Doctors hate to be questioned - it makes their heads explode.

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Jan 23, 2023Edited
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No, no, it's not the death care system in the U.S. They want to keep you alive (and sick) as long as possible to squeeze out the last possible dollar. (Just to let people know, NEVER pay the bills for someone who has died. Tell 'em to go whistle in the wind.) They do surgeries on people who are terminal that are not for comfort care, gotta make another buck!

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This is true! They don’t want you to die, just linger and suffer. It’s disease management. BUT...we, families and individuals often fail to recognize our participation. Too many times I’ve seen families “want everything done” so that the poor beautiful human becomes a lab rat for residents to experiment their skills on and then they code and the barbarity escalates into horror.

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I once visited a man close by who loved horses and it was deeply saddening. He was ill and just wanted to die, but his family kept insisting on treatment. He had to tell a total stranger he was not happy with the situation.

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Yes, most are just looking for the quick fix. However, there are many people choosing to take control of their health. We just need a whole new model that honors patients’ autonomy and respects practitioners. Read Chris Kresser’s Unconventional Medicine for one example of how it could happen.

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Thanks for the suggestion, Dawn!

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It is worse than that - The textbooks all need to be discarded and rewritten. Much of medical research is fraudulent and misleading. Nutrient topics are suppressed in medical resources and the medical professionals are trained on the wrong information and wrong tactics - so 'believe' in them very strongly.

For-profit model is part of the problem but the decades long 'culling' is part of it too. We are not supposed to know of the health role of iodine, selenium, magnesium, other nutrients, and we are supposed to believe that only a prescription and doctor can help - because everything is so mysterious and nutrient research showed really bad results - fraud and disinfo. Anyone starting the 'new system' needs to be someone who recognizes that medical doctors know misinformation about nutrition. They are not preventive focused, trained, and are really bad at it for those reasons as well as the misguided belief that illness is a lack of medication..

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several American doctors told me there is no mention of food at all in the years of studies, nothing. So if you have indigestion the doc does not even confer to what you ate LOL. Even my animals know that. Cats and dogs eat grass to throw up and then it is gone.

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Starvation, probably diagnosed as lack of appetite stimulants rather than lack of food. ;-)

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Yes, and mental health too. Empirical validation is bogus. Check out my work on Interpersonal Wisdom which explains how psychotherapy really works - the two R's Relationship and Resilience. www.interpersonalwisdom.com.

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I think you might be pleasantly surprised at Kresser’s body of work.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I look forward to reading his book!!

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I hope Laura does not give up her job, we need people like her. Just read another article by DR Mercola, about the fraud behind colonoscopies, which are one of the favorites nowadays it seems. I read his book of how the doctor can kill you and that stuck. If you have a computer you can do better than the doctor - you can take responsibility for your own health. Lots of harmless cures are available, and if nothing helps, then I will go see a doctor, But if you don't know what you have, most of the time they don't seem to know either. My doc is lucky to see me 3 times in 10 years. It has been 2 now and the Medicare lady could not find him listed, so he might be retired by now. I hope he did not starve because of patients like me LOL

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I did give up on the system. It was destroying me spiritually. I would have been fired anyway because I would have refused to give vaccines and most medications. I now have a rewarding job working with special needs individuals (I presume a high percentage of whom are disabled due to vaccine injuries - which is vehemently denied by this system). I have never been happier and feel I am making a small difference.

I'm not going to pretend I was some saint; I wasn't. I was just as indoctrinated as anyone else and I worshiped the allopathic system, too. I mocked antivaxxers and people who adhered to "natural healing." My eyes were only opened when I was personally impacted by the system. I couldn't unsee the truth about how corrupt the ENTIRE system is. What helped me heal spiritually was to admit to myself that I was wrong; then I could forgive myself and move on.

We need more people like you who take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their health. Unless it is a true emergency, your best bet to be healthy is to stay away from doctors because it is their priority to get people on as many prescriptions as possible, so they have a revolving door of income. Doctors use fear and intimidation to pressure people into taking medications and have unnecessary procedures. People are labeled with a diagnosis, and I believe people then BECOME that diagnosis which turns them into helpless victims. It's all a mind game. People fail to realize how miraculous and resilient the human body truly is to heal itself if it is given time, proper nutrition and LOVE. But people have to be willing to do the hard work to be healthy.

Take care!!

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i am glad you found a more rewarding job and hope you will have a fulfilling life. Yes at first it takes a getting used to taking care of yourself, but I have been doing it for over 45 years now. Getting older does not make it easier, because more things are starting to go off in the body, but hey, long as there is life there is hope ! Thank you for your testimony. It gives us all hope to see that people indeed wake up !

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Thank you, Laura. Thank you for caring for your patients and clients. Once you open your eyes to the horror of our “health” system, you cannot unsee it. Thank you for giving others hope that there is a better way forward. ❤️

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Here is some hard work of mine, it could be prettier but has useful info - that is being suppressed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/oygywczah7iiju5/Protocol%20Collation%20%26%20Therapy%20Goals%20%284%29.pdf?dl=0

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Colonoscopies! A plumber told me about a woman in town who died after having one; his doctor told him you never have one past age 70 in case your colon walls have thinned. You would think people would rebel about having a foreign object stuck up their bum, but no!

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LOL you would think so. If you have constant tummy pains, yes then it might be needed. But just for the heck of it? no way !

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My aunt had one at age 70, but her hemoglobin was in the cellar, and she did have color cancer. I have trouble keeping my hemoglobin sufficiently high and have to take a lot of iron (not atypical of hypothyroid people), and I've had to tell my PCPs NO colonoscopy, EVER!

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A number of years ago I saw the documentary The Truth About Cancer - way more people die from the treatment than from the disease. And both natural and. Unconventional therapies like B-17 and vitamin C are scorned.

I have heard that John D Rockefeller who as considered the father of modern medicine was a worshipper of darkness. Wouldn’t doubt it. And the same can be said of his later day protege Mr Gates of Hell.

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Very grateful for Laura and others like her. Yes, the system is woefully broken and it's overwhelming. It takes some courage not to look the other way, but at some point there will be no place left to look. Hopefully others will step up and speak up. People also need to reclaim their health choices and walk away. Each of us has a role. Thank you, Mickey Z, for this post.

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This is why I trained to be a medical herbalist and homeopath.

I didn't want me or my family to be at the mercy of the pharma-pushers.

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How exactly would nurses come to the conclusion it would be a good idea to put out choreographed dance routines filmed in a hospital at a time they were supposed to be getting crushed by COVID cases?

There was so much publicity given to these stunts at the time but no one mentions these things now. Hospitals are overwhelmed now that the pandemic is over and no in depth analysis is given as to why and what genuinely can solve the situation.

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Another perpetually heartbroken nurse here. Still bedside. Now in an ICU. After my shift Friday night I moved through another state of desperation and considered seriously handing in my resignation. It’s a regularly demoralizing experience being inside such a sick system. I’ve considered moving to hospice where at least I could do a bit more good. But I did my meditation and got myself through the next shift.

It’s possible I’m rationalizing because this work does pay my bills but I do have moments of goodness. The fact of the matter is that human beings end up in the system and need loving care. Most end up there due to there own choices and are never really called to task for those choices. I’m constantly questioning whether I’m doing any good at all. For right now I’m sticking with it. Could change at any moment. Over the weekend I was able to give good loving care to a morbidly obese woman who cried telling me the most horrific things about her life and told me before I left how grateful she was to me. The daughter of the other patient I cared for as he died expressed to me how grateful she was for my care and for keeping her updated. I had talked to him as his heart slowed and his breath became more ragged. He was due to go home on hospice the next day but he was deciding to head out earlier which was likely a blessing as the family didn’t seem capable of the care he would need.

I do shutter when I see the comments from those who counter the insane narrative that nurses are culpable. There is truth to that for sure. But for nurses who know that nursing is sacred and once existed more outside of medicine it’s a lot more complicated. And yes I’ve read about the nazi nurses. We’ve been the whore and the angel right from the beginning. We are also the ones bearing witness to extraordinary and unending human suffering as we wade through piss and shit and blood.

So yeah. I understand the shame that awake nurses feel and the condemnation that righteous non nurses feel towards us. But those two precious beings who I cared for over the weekend needed loving care. And I gave it to the best of my ability. That may not make me a hero (who the fuck cares about that anyway) but I know that if those two people were my family I’d want me there for them.

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Thank you so much for sharing and for adding some crucial context. My heart goes out to people like you who bring humanity on a daily basis to an inhuman system. Thank you for that and for the patients (and families) you connect with on a human level.

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Gabrielle I so appreciate your insights and your kindness. It's inspiring to read your love-in-action as a nurse. I think your 2 patient anecdotes here would, if further developed , make for a powerful essay. I for one would read it!

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Thank you for talking about your experience - you are making a huge difference in patients' lives. You are so right; we do bear witness to the suffering. Nurses could have made more of an impact in the direction of healthcare. We are the life blood of the industry, and we should have spoken up years ago and demanded a change in the trajectory of this sinking ship.

As painful as it was for me, I had to admit that I was part of the problem. I, like all other nurses, are order followers. And order followers are culpable. I am mortified when I think back to all of the unethical, potentially harmful "doctor's orders" I followed without speaking up. I remember the few times I did have the guts to question the orders resulted in being hauled into the office and management "put me in my place". The allopathic system punishes those who sound the alarm and not enough people inside the system are speaking up. It's easy to chop the heads off of a couple of troublemakers, but it would be impossible to silence a tidal wave of freedom fighters.

For example, vaccine "mandates" have been around for decades. About 12 years ago, when Sanford Health finally "mandated" the flu shot for healthcare workers (people should know that vaxx "mandates" are about Medicare reimbursement NOT health) I naively thought there would be an uprising. NOPE, crickets!! I was the ONLY one in my department who said NO; everybody else caved because they said it "was easier" to go along even though they all resented the unethical policy. They all turned against me and would report me if I wasn't wearing my mask "properly". According to the HR rep I talked to, only approximately 120 people out of over 3000 staff at Sanford said NO - pathetic! Health practitioners should have been up in arms even if they believe in vaccines because INFORMED CONSENT not COERSION is the paramount tenet of "do no harm". That was my official wakeup call and the beginning of the end of my nursing career. I hate to admit, I only started to care when the system impacted ME personally - I was just as indoctrinated as anyone else. Mandatory vaccines opened my eyes to all the other egregious fraud of the allopathic system. I couldn't unsee the Truth.

A handful of people aren't going to fix this problem. Lasting change requires a complete change of consciousness from the majority of practitioners. It is daunting and overwhelming to stick your neck out - it isn't going to be easy. Yes, there is safety in numbers. That's why I left because, at the time, I was the only one speaking out in my dept and I would have been fired anyway because there was no way morally I could administer vaccines and most medications anymore. I am ashamed thinking back to all the children I poisoned with vaccines when deep down I knew they were harmful.

You are a hero for providing selfless, loving care. Those families were BLESSED to have you at their bedside. Sadly, you are the exception, not the rule. The allopathic system does not allow LOVE to flourish within its walls. The allopathic system uses fear-based mind control to get both patients and staff to comply. Doctors relentlessly pressure patients through fear, belittlement, and intimidation into receiving, in most cases, unnecessary, dangerous, procedures and "treatments". The entire system is ugly and terrifying - it burns, poisons, mutilates and treats the extraordinary human body as nothing but a heap of unrelated pieces and parts - completely denying the existence of our spirit.

I wish you all the best!!

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Can’t thank you enough for your comment. Cried all the way through. Agree on all counts. It’s a terrible system, beyond what most imagine. I’ve had conversations with patients about how bad it is (those capable) and they don’t get it. All they can point out is that is the “best the worlds got”. Which is BS as you know. It’s a daily battle in my mind. How to leave etc. Most nurses just die inside. I see it all the time. I’ve been able to avoid the vax and am down to just two shifts a week. Intending to move into more genuinely healing work. Thank you again. So much love!

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I'm so glad we've all been able to share our experiences - makes me feel like I'm not alone. There is no easy solution. It's overwhelming. Even though nursing was the worst years of my life, I'm glad I experienced it. I have no doubt you will be guided to a new path - just take the first step :-)

You're so right about our healthcare not being the best in the world - our "fabulous" healthcare system is the 3rd leading cause of death. We've been force fed so much propaganda!! You've probably already seen this study from 2000. If people only knew they were risking their lives going to their yearly "check-up". I wish you all the best!!


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This is what I mean! Good nurses make it possible to live through hospitalization. And many people in the hospital are not there because of their "choices." I did not choose to be hypothyroid, I did not choose to have care that knew nothing about hypothyroidism, and I am totally convinced that undiagnosed / untreated hypothyroidism is why I ended up in the hospital for 12 days in 1995. I remember my good nurses with intense gratitude.

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Thank you Susan. This comment means the world to me. While I try to navigate myself into more healing work I will remember that I can make a tiny difference. I’m so glad you experienced some genuine nursing. I hope you never need it again! :). Blessings!

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The pharmacock suckers in major media, corporations and government go to private practitioners, while their retirement is partially financed by the corporate takeover of healthcare turning it into a glorified drive through, while medicine, food and chemical corporations make America sick to increase "health" profits.

It's demonic if you believe in that sort of thing.

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Great summary by Laura - fascinating perspective that the goal is to completely collapse allopathic medical industry to open the door for Amazon clinic use - wow!

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I grew up never going to doctors, never got vaccinated, relig exemptions in school. Of course I rebelled and thought when I left home I'd start going the way everyone else did. But I never developed the habit. Now, I'm really glad.

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Love that you were a rebel!!

Another thing that I think the COVID agenda wanted to normalize was the idea of needing a "religious exemption" to decline a potentially deadly medical procedure. Even when I was provaxx years ago, I never understood the rationality or legality of requiring a "religious exemption" for vaccines. When I worked at Sanford, I also got a religious exemption, but it always bothered me. Declining vaccines has nothing to do with religion. The key is INFORMED CONSENT not RELIGION. Our religious beliefs are no one's business.

The system doesn't want to address the admittedly inherent dangers of vaccines, so they want people to run around in circles trying to come up with unrelated "religious" reasons to decline the injections. They don't want people to research all the provable reasons to decline the procedure. And they wanted to intellectually paralyze those who aren't "religious." so they would feel that they had no way out of the vaccine. Frankly, these "religious exemptions", in the end, were designed to demoralize and make fools of people who quoted Bible verses that they never read/understood or claiming they keep their body pure, etc. These religious exemptions made people beg like children instead of empowering people to make informed choices.

With my current job, I sent my employer a letter asking him to provide the evidence where he had the legal authority to require a medical procedure, my private medical information or my religious beliefs as a condition of employment. Funny, he couldn't provide me that evidence and nobody bothered me again. NO mask, no vax, no testing.

In my humble opinion, people should stop seeking religious exemptions and simply say NO, I DO NOT CONSENT.

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yeah well it was a little different when I was little, I imagine. don't really know. I wasn't the one claiming exemptions. I don't think we even had to have them up until a certain point. I'm not young. but my mother was very very against medicine & doctors. considered them all "in it for the money". And she was pround of her religion, and could quote the bible verbatim for almost anything. so whatever.

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Your mother was wise!! You were lucky to have her as your mom. I didn't mean to offend or make you think I didn't think you were sincere about your religious exemption. Many people were very sincere, but they never should have been put in that vulnerable situation. They had to start all of this exemption nonsense in order to hold people hostage and intimidate people into compliance.

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my mother's sincerity, not mine. I was never as religious as she wanted me to be. And I don't spend a lot of time thinking about religious exemptions, to be honest, but it occurs to me that they are no more of a surveillance tool (putting people in vulnerable position) than requiring medical interventions and records for kids in school in the first freakin place. The whole thing is fucked up. I don't want to get started on schools, because I'll sound like a crackpot, but they were on their way to becoming prisons even when I was young--all those records on everyone. An easy way to track & trace the working class. So while I agree with your point, the whole thing goes deeper than that. As to intimidation--i've seen that my whole life, so, again, not the easy subject of a comment on an internet post.

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"Medical" isolation is only a small part of turning the country into a single isolation/death camp:


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Do you ever leave a comment that doesn't contain a link to your own Substack?

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We are the small ones and we have to work together.

I only leave links, whenever they are applicable and expand/complement the scope of an article.

You are more than welcome to do the same.

In this case, everyone can choose to see my article and I'm not clogging up your site with my comment that, otherwise, would amount to my whole article.

Which way do you want me to go?

It's YOUR site, after all.

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To the best of my memory, you have never commented here without leaving a link to one of your own articles. Yes, it's not exactly taking up much space but it's also not the same as engaging with other readers and commenters. After a while, it feels like spam.

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I thought you and I were on the same team, and I offered you that you can also leave links to your articles in my comment sections.

Have you ever read any of my articles? They are ALWAYS relevant and complementary to yours. How is that spam? Of course, you can ask me politely to stay away and I will. Alternatively, you can ban me. Frankly, at this point, I don't care, just let me know.

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All I did was ask a question and accurately point out a trend and look where you've taken this. I'm done with this thread, Ray. I'm not interested in manipulation attempts like "I thought you and I were on the same team."

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So, what exactly do you mean by "accurately point out a tend and..."? Sorry, I don't get it, especially the manipulation part, but I can live with all these.

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Mickey, thank you for this post!! It has been a lively discussion with people having the courage to share their experiences and suggestions. If we all put our minds together and support each other, we can get out of this mess!! As I mentioned in a previous comment, the first step to lasting change is to admit when we were wrong. Only then can we move on a new path forward.

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Thank YOU, Laura, for sharing in those comments and making this possible. 💕

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I have been throwing doctors under the bus. In order to be fair and to see all sides of this issue, we also need to address the egregious ritual abuse, intimidation and violence that is occurring in medical schools. Doctors are also unwitting victims of the system. Doctors are also drowning in student loan debt which also fuels their focus on money instead of quality patient care. Medical schools are creating monsters who then perpetrate abuse on patients and staff. Below is a link with a compilation of articles that discuss this horrific abuse in medical schools and why institutions perpetuate and protect the abusers.

Here are a few quotes: "Medical student abuse leads to significant student psychopathology. In one study in which 80% of the hundreds of medical students sampled claimed they were abused in medical school - particularly during third year - more than two thirds describe the experience as being very upsetting and of major importance. Half said they were adversely affected for over a month. Fifteen percent said the abusive experience would always affect them." "...The literature starts in 1982 when a landmark study in JAMA pointed out striking parallels between changes that occurred in children who had been abused and changes that occurred in medical students, both having suffered largely ignored and/or unrecognized abusive episodes. The gradual transformation from eagerness and enthusiasm to depression and fear." "...Not surprisingly, studies find that the frequency of abuse was greatest during the surgical rotation. In one study, eight percent of students were threatened with bodily harm, assault, or assault with a weapon. Perpetrators were most often surgeons."

I don't think it's an accident that using fear and abuse is the modus operandi of the allopathic system to get compliance from doctors. Fear and abuse are how they control the entire world. We have a medical system full of people with broken spirits.




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Thanks, Laura! I may write an article about this topic soon.

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Buying a "cure" ??? Not likely...Buying a dream and fantasy of a cure !!!!! We are the product of "our" environment, and not only the "food chain" toxic, but so is Humanity !!!!!

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