Jun 29Liked by Mickey Z.

Thanks! I was the last stop on the R train in bay ridge years ago.

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You're welcome! And back when the R ran on the elevated line in Astoria, I was also the last stop - but on the other end.

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Jun 29Liked by Mickey Z.

I’d get my friends to meet at the Verrazano bridge, after work in the summer, we’d watch the sunset and play frisbee and hackey sack . Late 80’s / early 90’s.

My former in-laws got amazing cold cuts & pastry at the polish deli in green point before every holiday.

Have a great day.

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Wonderful memories...and not a cell phone in sight.

Have a great day, too!

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Jun 29Liked by Mickey Z.

what a trip ! makes me think of the much less complicated underground and bus system in Prague. And the polluted water made me think of the Belgian Albert Canal, years ago a few boys went swimming in it and had 3rd degree burns. Then the govt decided to start a cleaning operation with result that now there is living fish in it again. Still would not go for a swim though. (the Albert Canal served as reservoir for drinking water, they purified it, but still!)

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We humans have quite the propensity for despoiling God's green earth.

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another anecdote - when we came back from a vacation in the Ardennes, southern Belgium, we passed a river just before Brussels. The open ditch with wastewater. We both would do Yuuuuk, and after that it got worse... all the chemicals factories, the stench... no surprise that most people get sick living close to all that ! (another reason I left my birth country)

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Jun 29Liked by Mickey Z.

Nice pix, Mickey!

Do you mind saying what you're shooting with?

(Please don't say an iPhone.)


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Thanks, MB! I had a nice hand-me-down camera for a while but it eventually died. So now...yeah, well...I use my phone.

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Jun 29Liked by Mickey Z.

Interesting photos! Thank you!

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Thank you, Jaye! 🙂

I hope your travels went smoothly.

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Jun 29Liked by Mickey Z.

They didn't. Plane was delayed 2.5 hrs by a thunderstorm, which meant we were landing at 4am home-time.

But we've had a couple of slow days here so we're beginning to feel human. Got to help weed my sister's garden

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I'm sorry to hear of the snafus, but thrilled to hear you pushed through it and are now reaping the rewards of doing so. Bless you! 🙏

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Jun 29Liked by Mickey Z.

My old stomping ground! I used to walk across the Pulaski bridge every day to get to the #7. Newton creek is legendary, apparently it used to be a dumping place for offal from slaughterhouses. One strange day I happened to look down and saw what looked like a mini-moby dick...a white fish that looked to be about 15 feet long swimming under the bridge. Maybe I dreamed it, I worked midnight shift for a while and you can see anything if you work that shift long enough. Never saw it again and could never convince anyone of what I'd seen. anyway, it looks a lot cleaner now from your pix! But still toxic! (and they never had warning signs up in my day...!)

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Hey Lorie...thanks for this comment. Lemme first say that I believe you about the white fish. And yeah, as you probably know, Greenpoint is the "new Williamsburg" so cosmetic changes have been made. But two Superfund sites in one tiny geographical area is frightening.

Btw, isn't it wild how much the Pulaski shakes when you walk over the part that rises as a drawbridge?

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Jun 29Liked by Mickey Z.

Ha YES! very freaky, and I'd forgotten that! But nice views from there, as you've captured.

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Thank you! 🙂

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Oh how I miss NYC

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Thanks for the ride!

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