I've known a few reporters. They didn't start out as compromised hacks. But they had deadlines, advertiser/revenue pressures, fear of drawing litigation and, most of all, vulnerability to slick operators who can offer plausible content. The ones with strong integrity got forced out.

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Same here, James. If I only had a dollar for every time someone I knew went into a corporate field aiming to make changes from the inside...

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Thumbs up. If not presenting omissions and half-truths, then self-censorship is the name of the game.


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Control the input. Question authority. Be your own mentor.

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Don’t develop Gell-Mann Amnesia. ✅

Read everything with a critical eye. ✅

Stop trusting “experts.”✅

Take time to research and self-educate. ✅

Make your own fact-checking the norm. ✅


Extra Memo:

Try not to get sucked in by tears and nice Andrea Bocceli-like background music. Do your due diligence. ✔

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