
No different than keeping chickens, they have the keeper as a slave!

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that goes for all domestic animals. Cats demand service. Dogs no less. But the reward is a gentle, faithful friend. Just like Saint Exupery's little prince finds out. Friendship, too, has a price.

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Runs in The Family.


Thanx Z.

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I spent several hours day before yesterday, listening to the fascinating Twitter files on Twitter space. I believe more is going to come out!

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Thank you, Z...



Meryl Nass.

Matthieu Lumiere


Celtic Shining Sea

& French Light

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My pleasure, Paul!

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Thank You, Again

For Your Thoughtful Work.

Happy Holidays !

Peace To You & Yours.

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Who the heck is Jeremy Parish and how does that get 9055 retweets?

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He's an author who writes about (wait for it) video games.

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I don’t know where everyone else is with all that is going on in this mess in which we live, but here is where I am:

I am not willing to sacrifice a possible eternity of peace for a possible eternity of suffering just to have all of the material things of this world. Certainly someone like Pelosi or McCarthy will have everything their hearts can desire for a minuscule 40-50 years in this life time, but is the indulgence and damage to the world worth what is possibly waiting in the eternal? There may be no eternity waiting, I’ll concede that, but is it all worth it if there is?

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I'm with you, George.

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Also don’t these people care about the world they are leaving for their children and grand children? Unless they feel they are setting them up not to fail. But like Mickey points out their grandchildren may fall for the propaganda they don’t want them to follow.

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Also, Medium cancelled me for my mRNA reporting; now prevalent on Substack! Meryl Nash being just one of many now reporting on the *vaccine's* nasty side effects. Peace, All

P.S. It's now very apparent the the *vaccines* don't work.

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Or, at least, don't work as advertised

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Love the meme and thank you for spreading the news on the Australian Doctor. Happy Holidays!

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