It is my sincere hope that you open your eyes to dimensions you have not considered.

Respectfully, this is not a truth mountain, not IT. This "no difference," thing. But it's also not something I expect you to be open to re-considering, since your algorithm produces "capitalism" as the root cause, whereas to me, clearly history shows that central bank capitalism funded every revolution, every conflict, and every war including the so-called Russian Revolution.

Historians I suggest you read include Antony Sutton, James Perloff, and Juri Lina.

This document is of paramount importance.


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Celia, thanks for the link but why do you assume you know what I have or haven't considered or what I'm open to re-considering or what my "algorithm" is?

I'm also unsure how your comment relates to the primary point of my article.

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"Inevitable negative outcomes of all of the above — like the automobile culture, genetic engineering, AI, internet porn, manmade chemicals, additives, plastics, and countless other lethal, taxpayer-funded toxins"- 👏

Its working the way the transhumanist or left wing Accelerationists are cheering along complete in Clown regalia. I saw one on TV who thinks Donald Trump would affect their appearance but they could have been doing a sick troll too, not sure but funny either way. My point is when can identify these problems but money is money and the two party system battling like this goes back to Mason vs anti Mason and solutions addressing the issues secret societies pose which discussion on got JFK MKULTRA 'd at the behest of Hoover and the CIA after Dr Feelgood got to him, Marylin Monroe was a psyop with Monarch, they killed her and him and showed how easy it was for them to do it. Trump assassination. The shooter had 3 offshore accounts and behavior health parents ( field heavily influenced by new age spirituality and Ultra ie Leary) think about it. When are these problems and the webs the weave and have wove get exposed, the doj is a bigger problem that who votes or doesn't. The focus on thus has bore a lot of fruit except for alerting, at least most Republican voters what they mostly know, modern voting is a scam and has been but even more now than ever. Have you followed the Dominion lawsuit in GA where their own techs admit they( the machines) are not full proof. There's bigger problems. What happens after everyone quits voting or paying taxes hypothetically. Mass hysteria, what if all digital commerce was wiped out on top of that? What's that look like?

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I'm not sure I understand your point but for now, I'll say that what I describe has nothing to do with "left" or "right."

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It does it wants us to examine the lesser of two evil approach vs the no vote as none of can really remember give the consent to government that slipped us a mickey and told us we're safe and to trust them while trying to destroy us. Not voting in how many ever years has helped how. Voting is rigged, yes but there is no alternative and like in a horror movie I saw recently its like dreamer awake, what actions can communities make presently so themselves and others aren't victims of the obvious Zersetzung going on by the left in these positions, usually in some form of regalia Clown hair and costumes. It's not right, it's like OK don't vote but then what? I for one don't trust anyone in my community except a few people and ganging up on people who feel like post covid world is a nightmare with horrors yet untold due to the two wars and value of the dollar and so many are not in positions where they'll be truly able to be anything but a slave or soldier so to speak to whomever is in power. Well the two party system was set up by a single source. Sure nobody votes, those dudes are still then around causing all kinds of their fuckery.

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the lesser of two evils approach has gotten us here. its utterly delusional to think it could possible get us out. If nobody votes, nobody can win an election as that means everybody refuses to be ruled over. If 350 million people simultaneously said 'No', what exactly do you think the government could do? Nothing. We out man them and we out gun them. Their authority exists only because enough people BELIEVE it exists and we allow it to exist. We can end this tomorrow if we wanted. Unfortunately, too many are stuck at the 'lesser of two evils' mind virus.

Two wings, one vulture.

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Aug 23Liked by Mickey Z.

Two wings, attached to the same bird of globalism. It doesn’t matter which “side” gets in, the same agenda is pushed forward. What if there were no sides? Why are we pushed to pick one over the other? The division is the key. Until people decide to disengage from the systems given to us and create their own, en masse, it will be a continued cycle of tyranny.

Everything we’ve been told is a lie - there is no spoon. ❤️

#idonotconsent #donotcomply

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The only sides are good and evil - and I know which one I choose!

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Aug 23Liked by Mickey Z.


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Aug 23Liked by Mickey Z.


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Aug 23Liked by Mickey Z.

Yes, I see this all now. Four years ago I was still all in with the democrats and had a very bad case of TDS. I was ecstatic when Biden was declared the winner. The years since have been very eye and mind opening, and I still only know a little more than I used to. Once the democrats instituted vax mandates and were obviously censoring narratives other than their own, I started dropping some of my closely held beliefs and pre-conceived notions. This year it is easier to see how it is all a circus, and not a fight to "save our democracy".

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Bless you, Karen, for sharing this testimony and for leading by example! 🙏

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Aug 23Liked by Mickey Z.

so fkin true. sigh.

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Aug 23Liked by Mickey Z.

another wonderful post!

Thank you

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Thank YOU, Kathleen! 🙏

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Too many chiefs not enough Indians is what that is called. I have wanted electronic money wiped out and tax payer strikes for years, they get the most undeserved with the refund carrot after taking too much or undeserving in the first place. Then in states like FL there's elderly, not to mention movement and production of goods and services. If everyone refused to participate and nobody be a scab what does day 1 and 2 look like as it's realized people can't or won't vote for whatever philosophical or coercive action attempted?

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Aug 24Liked by Mickey Z.

Great post, Mickey. I've long hoped that the energy and resources that go into the electoral farce could be directed towards more productive ends. Come to think, it needn't even be productive. A national picnic would be so much better.

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Thank you, James...I was just thinking of you, hoping you're well.

And a resounding YES to picnic. Feel free to sit me at the doomer table. I accept the challenge.

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