Nice collection today. I hadn't seen a lot of those.
*Spoiler David Bowie was allegedly very much an insider, rather than being a rebel, only posed as one. Helped shift the public more towards acceptance of androgyny for men which may seem rebellious unless that is the covert goal.
obviously a lot of people can no longer think for themselves. Sad to find out most of my friends are in that category. One has accepted to read the articles I send, so water is starting to drip through the barriers ! Hopefully they will remember when the next scam comes around, and hopefully so will we!
You two sound like so many women commenting on Graham Linehan's blog. It is very sad that people cannot agree to disagree and let certain subjects alone, but my Republican aunt and I had this sort of agreement and she broke it by hysterically shrieking, "I believe Kavanaugh! I believe Kavanaugh!" I know it was her amygdala speaking, but I couldn't trust her anymore.
But here's what was weird for me. I grew up in a working-class suburb (50,000 population) of Akron, Ohio. In elementary school we got some union history and other good stuff; remember social studies? I find that I learned things in school that people with college "educations" don't know. I left this school system so I don't know how junior high and high school were, though my sister took Greek and my other sister did a major project on Chinese art.
Utterly heartbreaking.
Another fabulous offering
Thank you, Jaye! 🙂
Nice collection today. I hadn't seen a lot of those.
*Spoiler David Bowie was allegedly very much an insider, rather than being a rebel, only posed as one. Helped shift the public more towards acceptance of androgyny for men which may seem rebellious unless that is the covert goal.
There are a few there that hit the mark for me. Excellent thanks Mickey.
Speaking of having to unlearn
Here is a great documentary for anybody interested?
it is amazing how miuch useless stuff we learned in school and how little useful.
I think that was the whole idea Ingrid to dumb us all down. Going by the useful idiots still wearing masks out there. I would say they did a good job.
obviously a lot of people can no longer think for themselves. Sad to find out most of my friends are in that category. One has accepted to read the articles I send, so water is starting to drip through the barriers ! Hopefully they will remember when the next scam comes around, and hopefully so will we!
Same here “lost” lots of “good” friends.. and yes..agreed
You two sound like so many women commenting on Graham Linehan's blog. It is very sad that people cannot agree to disagree and let certain subjects alone, but my Republican aunt and I had this sort of agreement and she broke it by hysterically shrieking, "I believe Kavanaugh! I believe Kavanaugh!" I know it was her amygdala speaking, but I couldn't trust her anymore.
But here's what was weird for me. I grew up in a working-class suburb (50,000 population) of Akron, Ohio. In elementary school we got some union history and other good stuff; remember social studies? I find that I learned things in school that people with college "educations" don't know. I left this school system so I don't know how junior high and high school were, though my sister took Greek and my other sister did a major project on Chinese art.
And, from Tom's insomniac brother, "I won't sack down!"
Hahaha!!! hilarious.!!
Amazing wisdom here - thanks!!
Here's a little present for you, Mickey:
Watch when you're having a bad moment!
Thank you, Susan! ❤
Good set that encouraged thought. Put me in a much better frame of mind than earlier in the day.
I'm thrilled that a post of mine could offer you solace, my friend. ❤
They are always good mind stimulants, my friend.🤔