Thank you, TL. I appreciate everything you said and will apologize up-front because I just cannot reply at length today. I love dedicating time to my Substack but I must stay focused on efforts that bring in some reasonable income.
That said, my post was not meant to address anyone's individual situation but rather a larger trend I've now observed for decades across all "sides" of the ideological debates.
Also, I listed a few rules simply as a retort to all those who claim to live "free" and be all about "freedom." As mentioned, I was addressing the concept of a "free country."
Yes, some rules are for safety... but here in NYC, most folks believe mask mandates fall under that umbrella. Where does that leave us?
It's obviously complicated and I deeply appreciate that folks can read this post without taking it personally and also, they read it with a willingness to do some self-reflection afterward.
And please, you have nothing to apologize for, TL! I'm honored that you took this much time to share.
I avoided masks wherever I could, and made it clear than no one need mask on my account.
After the truck rally in Ottawa, I wore them much less.
Our DENTIST (how does that make any sense??) still requires them in the waiting room. I suppose I should tell him that once my ongoing treatment is finished, I plan to change offices.
But you're correct. Making mask-absense the flag of freedom is as silly as wearing them for viral protection
Thank you, Jaye. If anyone doesn't wanna read my post, you summed it up so well: "Making mask-absense the flag of freedom is as silly as wearing them for viral protection."
I keep reminding people, we didn't do anything about the bankers in 2008, to the next bubble they printed 10+tril in a year instead of four, and they gave us covid, trans and woke authoritarianism. Since no one has been held accountable for the I would argue. Americans need to make masks a red line.
If the majority of us refuse to wear masks, then it would be like a loud message of accountability to the covidians. CNN just yesterday said, "Masks work." I wanted to add, "to keep you in line." If we all refuse to comply, a lot of their house of cards would fall, and real accountability might just be more likely. We have to draw a line somewhere, somehow. Will we, I don't know. I never thought authoritarianism in America would be met with so much enthusiasm.
I hope you're right. But I can imagine that if most Americans ditched the masks, the corporate media would likely announce that masks don't work and thus, what's happening is not rebellion. That's basically what they did once folks stopped getting boosters.
Our responses have to be much deeper and more intertwined with the demise of the existing system.
As for authoritarianism, I refer you to all the folks who enthusiastically embraced "airport security" 23 years ago.
For me masks are not only an obvious psyop but medically unsound and dangerous. Those other restrictions you mention are mostly sensible whereas masks are not. 8 out of ten places accepted my claim that I cannot safely wear a mask. The other two lost a customer.
As I stated in the post, I'm on record about the madness of the masks. One of my points is that not wearing a mask can be virtue signaling as much as the #woke person who hangs a handmade BLM sign in their window.
I have friends from Denmark who lived in the US for two years, complaining most of that time how terrible life is here and how Americans do nothing about the rotten state of politics and exploitation. I agreed with most of this but asked what it was they expected us to do. There are no democratic avenues for voicing dissent, all of it channeled into the cesspool of 2-party politics or the irrelevancy of third and fourth parties fighting for a ballot slot. Voting of course achieves nothing anyway, even at the local level (mostly one-party corrupt political bosses.) Then there are street rallies, etc., which you have aptly pointed out are mostly virtue signals that achieve nothing. And then there is the politics of insurrection, of class struggle, which takes a great deal of organization, political (not "community") organizing and education of a populace generally uninterested in and/or fearful of confronting the state. It is the most effective tactic, and nearly impossible to pull off at this historical moment.
I agree that mask refusal is not a revolutionary act, but it is something that everyone can do, and most want to do. It can be a basis for political organizing against the biosecurity state, for fueling discussions and organizing on bigger issues, for letting people know they are not alone in confronting this madness. Parking in the handicap space or driving at at high speeds achieve nothing at all and simply harm other people. Mask refusal is a necessary but insufficient way to send a message of non-compliance to everyone around you, but it can foster the kind of organizing I think we all want. You encourage us to "Instead, allocate that energy/passion to discovering other methods and avenues to help create a better world." That's great but I am stumped about how to create that "better world" from behind a muzzle that signals conformity to authoritarianism.
Of course. I'm not talking in black-and-white terms.
I'm introducing a conversation that other Substackers run from. I could post 3 x week about how our lives will be a living hell this winter - and my subscriber list would probably quadruple.
On a different but same note.... Well, it's not going to stop..... ever, it seems like...... worth re-posting..... Dr. Mike Yeadon Comments on President Joe Biden’s Bold Plan for Mandatory Immunization
I guess the question always is, and I see it asked here a lot in the comments, is how do your protest? To me, going against the mask mandates and showing that at least a few folks have the courage to stand for freedom, is the only way. If you are going to comply with the mask mandates, do you also prepare yourself for the cancelled church services, the curfews, the world of government recognized "Essential Workers" and "Essential Services", and the mandated roll up sleeve for the next version of experimental (but safe and effective) vaccines? Do we prepare to see the completing demolition of the small business community? Do we finish killing off our economy?
I won't tell people to wear a mask or not to get a vaccine, but I will calmly go about my business sans the masks, spreading the gospel of freedom every chance I get. I fear that we are already waving good-bye to freedom but I will continue to do my part to try to hold on to even a small part of the country I grew up in.
With that being said, I recognize your points and appreciate your perspectives, Mickey. I am also thankful that we can exchange ideas and thoughts on Substack in a fashion that does not demonize folks or censor them for their thoughts.
Thank you, TL. I appreciate everything you said and will apologize up-front because I just cannot reply at length today. I love dedicating time to my Substack but I must stay focused on efforts that bring in some reasonable income.
That said, my post was not meant to address anyone's individual situation but rather a larger trend I've now observed for decades across all "sides" of the ideological debates.
Also, I listed a few rules simply as a retort to all those who claim to live "free" and be all about "freedom." As mentioned, I was addressing the concept of a "free country."
Yes, some rules are for safety... but here in NYC, most folks believe mask mandates fall under that umbrella. Where does that leave us?
It's obviously complicated and I deeply appreciate that folks can read this post without taking it personally and also, they read it with a willingness to do some self-reflection afterward.
And please, you have nothing to apologize for, TL! I'm honored that you took this much time to share.
I avoided masks wherever I could, and made it clear than no one need mask on my account.
After the truck rally in Ottawa, I wore them much less.
Our DENTIST (how does that make any sense??) still requires them in the waiting room. I suppose I should tell him that once my ongoing treatment is finished, I plan to change offices.
But you're correct. Making mask-absense the flag of freedom is as silly as wearing them for viral protection
Thank you, Jaye. If anyone doesn't wanna read my post, you summed it up so well: "Making mask-absense the flag of freedom is as silly as wearing them for viral protection."
I keep reminding people, we didn't do anything about the bankers in 2008, to the next bubble they printed 10+tril in a year instead of four, and they gave us covid, trans and woke authoritarianism. Since no one has been held accountable for the I would argue. Americans need to make masks a red line.
I'm not clear on your closing point: Are you saying mask avoidance will hold anyone accountable?
If the majority of us refuse to wear masks, then it would be like a loud message of accountability to the covidians. CNN just yesterday said, "Masks work." I wanted to add, "to keep you in line." If we all refuse to comply, a lot of their house of cards would fall, and real accountability might just be more likely. We have to draw a line somewhere, somehow. Will we, I don't know. I never thought authoritarianism in America would be met with so much enthusiasm.
I hope you're right. But I can imagine that if most Americans ditched the masks, the corporate media would likely announce that masks don't work and thus, what's happening is not rebellion. That's basically what they did once folks stopped getting boosters.
Our responses have to be much deeper and more intertwined with the demise of the existing system.
As for authoritarianism, I refer you to all the folks who enthusiastically embraced "airport security" 23 years ago.
For me masks are not only an obvious psyop but medically unsound and dangerous. Those other restrictions you mention are mostly sensible whereas masks are not. 8 out of ten places accepted my claim that I cannot safely wear a mask. The other two lost a customer.
As I stated in the post, I'm on record about the madness of the masks. One of my points is that not wearing a mask can be virtue signaling as much as the #woke person who hangs a handmade BLM sign in their window.
I have friends from Denmark who lived in the US for two years, complaining most of that time how terrible life is here and how Americans do nothing about the rotten state of politics and exploitation. I agreed with most of this but asked what it was they expected us to do. There are no democratic avenues for voicing dissent, all of it channeled into the cesspool of 2-party politics or the irrelevancy of third and fourth parties fighting for a ballot slot. Voting of course achieves nothing anyway, even at the local level (mostly one-party corrupt political bosses.) Then there are street rallies, etc., which you have aptly pointed out are mostly virtue signals that achieve nothing. And then there is the politics of insurrection, of class struggle, which takes a great deal of organization, political (not "community") organizing and education of a populace generally uninterested in and/or fearful of confronting the state. It is the most effective tactic, and nearly impossible to pull off at this historical moment.
I agree that mask refusal is not a revolutionary act, but it is something that everyone can do, and most want to do. It can be a basis for political organizing against the biosecurity state, for fueling discussions and organizing on bigger issues, for letting people know they are not alone in confronting this madness. Parking in the handicap space or driving at at high speeds achieve nothing at all and simply harm other people. Mask refusal is a necessary but insufficient way to send a message of non-compliance to everyone around you, but it can foster the kind of organizing I think we all want. You encourage us to "Instead, allocate that energy/passion to discovering other methods and avenues to help create a better world." That's great but I am stumped about how to create that "better world" from behind a muzzle that signals conformity to authoritarianism.
Thank you, Jerome! As I just wrote to Teresa above, I can't reply at length but please know I appreciate you taking the time to share.
My brief replies: I'm not suggesting anyone cave on masks. It's just that we can't get too attached to one approach. Tactics have a half-life.
Also, I cannot and will not tell anyone what methods and avenues to choose. Something tells me that quiet, device-free contemplation is the path.
Can be, yes, but not necessarily is.
Of course. I'm not talking in black-and-white terms.
I'm introducing a conversation that other Substackers run from. I could post 3 x week about how our lives will be a living hell this winter - and my subscriber list would probably quadruple.
On a different but same note.... Well, it's not going to stop..... ever, it seems like...... worth re-posting..... Dr. Mike Yeadon Comments on President Joe Biden’s Bold Plan for Mandatory Immunization
"This is the first thing I’ve read in years that has really shaken me."
Thank you, Stella. But to be radically honest, I'm wary of Yeadon's proclamation until I've had a chance to dig deeper.
I've enjoyed reading this conversation thread! Thanks for the post, & thanks to all who commented. You have thoughtful, intelligent readers!
Thank YOU, Janet and yes! I am so blessed by the people who have opted to make Post-Woke a regular part of their day! 🙏💕🙏
I guess the question always is, and I see it asked here a lot in the comments, is how do your protest? To me, going against the mask mandates and showing that at least a few folks have the courage to stand for freedom, is the only way. If you are going to comply with the mask mandates, do you also prepare yourself for the cancelled church services, the curfews, the world of government recognized "Essential Workers" and "Essential Services", and the mandated roll up sleeve for the next version of experimental (but safe and effective) vaccines? Do we prepare to see the completing demolition of the small business community? Do we finish killing off our economy?
I won't tell people to wear a mask or not to get a vaccine, but I will calmly go about my business sans the masks, spreading the gospel of freedom every chance I get. I fear that we are already waving good-bye to freedom but I will continue to do my part to try to hold on to even a small part of the country I grew up in.
With that being said, I recognize your points and appreciate your perspectives, Mickey. I am also thankful that we can exchange ideas and thoughts on Substack in a fashion that does not demonize folks or censor them for their thoughts.
Thank YOU, Kevin, for being part of this exchange!