Facebook sucks supremely! What a dump!

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I concur. I see myself no longer using it much in the very near future.

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Same here!

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I deleted my account when covid started. Don't miss it one bit!

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That's awesome, Dee...you're an inspiration.

I deactivated for years but actually came back to FB a few months into Covid because I felt so isolated in NYC. It helped...for a while.

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I think it does have some limited utility, but the bien pensant paternalism makes any attempted use of it a major struggle. We can do better.

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Mark Crispin Miller has a substack doing the same thing. Every week he publishes one or to articles, one called In Memory of those who died in ... It is astonishing how many people drop dead every week. There is a collage of people just collapsing like the Saudi diplomat in Egypt a couple of days ago, several artist collapsing on stage etc. I never use Facebook or Twitter, too much garbage on there !

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Thanks, Ingrid...and I'm encouraged to hear how many people have ditched social media.

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that would be interesting to know. and I am also curious to see, if Musk manages to buy twitter, how many will go and how many new will come. If he allows free speech I might check it out LOL. So far I have been very hesitant. I will not go on Facebook though.

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I believe he already got out of the deal saying that there were too many fake accounts.

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yes I read that too. that they removed a gazillion bots. but I also read that Musk was still considering, once the bots gone, if he might or not buy the thing. Very interesting things happening there.

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that's why I hate facebook

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well, one of the million reasons I hate it.

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