The government has forgotten all about the law. Not one church hereabouts stayed open, which meant to me they all serve the government rather than God. I worship in the woods now and avoid all churches. And whoever asks me about it, I tell them what I think of the whole mess !
The government has forgotten all about the law. Not one church hereabouts stayed open, which meant to me they all serve the government rather than God. I worship in the woods now and avoid all churches. And whoever asks me about it, I tell them what I think of the whole mess !
The government has forgotten all about the law. Not one church hereabouts stayed open, which meant to me they all serve the government rather than God. I worship in the woods now and avoid all churches. And whoever asks me about it, I tell them what I think of the whole mess !
Bravo, to all of the above! 👏👏👏👏