Precisely, I noticed that when the truckers got into action many followed, after almost 2 years of yammering cannibal activism many are wary of that gang of people..... so protest but in different ways.

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Amen. 🙏

I've watched so many "activists" get high on their own supply and lose sight of why they started protesting in the first place.

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and get worse than the people they activated against

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Yeah, all sorts of appalling pathologies in play there. They defeat themselves and drag others down with them. Many are just frauds and drama queens.

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...And folks with unhealed trauma, playing out their neuroses/hate/anger on others, while labeling it "activism."

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Well said. I do feel badly for them, though they're just impossible to work with.

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As long as people continue to 'battle' and 'fight' and make war on X, nothing but trouble will follow. Come to peace is the first thing to do. Been diagnosed with some illness? That is because you are battling inside already, starting a second front has never been a good idea (ask Napoleon). When you make peace with whatever is eating you up, it will stop. I read about several cancer patients, who gave up a straining job and went to live quietly, and healed. Changing lifestyle can do wonders.

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You *live* heroism every day, Mickey, and your courageous defense of me against a narcissistic covert aggressor is yet another example of your rock-solid integrity and strength of character. Thank you, once again, for your radical honesty. I treasure your friendship, and I admire how committed you are to helping others in tangible ways. You exude kindness and authenticity, and your love shines through your words and deeds 😇

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MAA, I genuinely do not know how to respond to such generous sentiments... so I trust you will accept my simple but heartfelt THANK YOU. I'm deeply grateful for your support and friendship. 😇

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I have a hunch I know who (s) is. I unsubscribed ages ago as things got progessively stranger.

I am so sorry about what you're dealing with, Mickey and MAA.

Narcissism seems to be the Spirit of the Age.

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Thank you, Jaye. 💕

The Powers That Shouldn't Be have created seductive systems through which dissidents can be subtly coerced into losing the plot.

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Thank you for your compassion, Jaye, and I appreciate your discernment.

This experience has led me to study narcissism and personality disorders more deeply, and it gave me goosebumps to read the following books as it was like reading a verbatim account of my own experiences:

• “In Sheep’s Clothing”

• “5 Types of People Who Can Ruin Your Life”

• “The Narcissist’s Playbook”

I have also found DoctorRamani’s videos incredibly applicable, especially this one:

• “What to do when a narcissist turns people against you” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOXhri6c4AA)

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Dr. Ramani is excellent. What is funny is that the the narcissist I am being affected by was sending me Dr. R's videos because "narcissism is in the family!" My therapist smirked when I told her that.

Projection much?

I appreciate the book suggestions. I am just starting on this wave of discovery...

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I am so sorry you are having to deal with a narcissist, too, Jaye! And YES to projection! That is both funny and disturbing that your narcissist recommended Dr. Ramani 🤦‍♀️

I honestly have never in my life seen such an epic level of projection as S has exhibited. I am coming to learn that is part of the narcissistic abuse cycle: they attack you (either covertly or overtly, depending on the type), and when you expose their malicious behavior, they accuse you of attacking them and being the narcissist. It is difficult to know how much is intentional manipulation and how much is delusion—probably a mixture of both in most cases.

I think you will find those books exceptionally illuminating. They also provide strategies for dealing with toxic people and red flags to watch out for so you can avoid getting entangled with them in future (although some are masterful at masking their disorder, as S is).

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Thank you, again. We will endeavour to persevere...and guard those boundaries!

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"Don’t blindly follow “leaders” or anyone who gets by on their charisma. Never stand by in silence when someone else is being unjustly targeted by a brood of vipers."

I have been fighting this for a LONG time within the three unions I have been part of......very difficult as there is a cult mindset in this sort of organization.....

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Stella, I'm truly sorry to hear this. I wish I had something useful and specific to suggest. The best I can do is send solidarity and urge you to commit to daily self-care that fortifies both your physical and mental well-being. Keep building resilience as you work to build a better world. 🙏

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