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Feb 26, 2023Edited
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Zach, your words bring shimmers of tears, how much we are missing tenderness and real neighborly spirit, fighting for the generations behind us. The deliberate cauterization of our feelings, ourselves and for others, beating up a senior just because he is there, grabbing a toddler out of their stroller because ‘someone else wants a baby’, and really nuts, driving into the same place because someone didn’t get biscuits? on her order. Beyond anger management, what must they be like to live with? Yes, it is really hard to find the words. ~~I confess I went at least 20 years without church…my parents were in ministry and it seemed that God was busy with everybody else. ~~ As to that, someone has said, “who moved?”~~ here’s one for yah…I always laugh at Earth Day : in San Diego Balboa Park had to be closed for three days, to clean up the cups and paper bags and unfinished burgers left by the 200,000 celebrants. ~~Who couldn’t act upon their own scriptures. ~~ I lie awake for hours these nights, thinking about the world and how so much as changed and how so many millions have no idea what used to be. Have you heard about the woman who painted a table turquoise, during the pandemic, and set it out hoping for neighbors to collect around it and share their lives? Lots of turquoise tables now around the world, a movement of extraordinary courage and humanness. Shared triumphs and tragedies, for an old table and a can of paint. And lifetimes of friends to follow. Hold on Zach, you are amazing. Amen and amen

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Feb 24, 2023
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Agreed. There's something sketchy about the need to control something that is (by definition) free flowing.

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Feb 24, 2023
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You're welcome. I haven't had the time to look into Asbury's policies yet so, for now, I'll be watching and listening here.

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I understand why Asbury had to end it for the General Public: the town is so small it didn't have enough restaurants, gas stations, or even bathrooms to accommodate everyone who showed up. In addition, next week is mid-term exam week for Asbury students. That's something the university most likely just could not put off until a later date, and students had undoubtedly missed almost 2 weeks of classes as it was. I understand the predicament. Those who came from out of town can always go home and help start a revival there.

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Thank you for this context!

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Thanx again Mick, for Another Great Share. I'll check it out.

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My hope is that it spreads across the country, especially for the generation that has grown up since 9/11, The PATRIOT Act, years of lockdowns, iPhones, mandated vaccines, brutal wars against terrorism that have since turned into propaganda wars against Americans, they have turned out to be the most hopeless generation I think our country has ever seen. They don't want to marry; they don't want children; they don't believe in anything. One ray of hope for them is the Asbury Revival. If it spreads, I see it as the best chance these kids have for meaning in their lives. In addition, America has historically been fertile ground for spiritual awakenings ever since before the Revolution. I can't think of a moment for which a revival is better suited than this one.

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Just a quick addition to the above: there is some evidence that the First Great Awakening in the American colonies (1730s and 40s) acted as a kind of "dress rehearsal" for the movement to seek independence from Great Britain.

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I agree with Mary Ann. This country needs a revival. Our young kids are so lost. I am really struggling with the whole transgender ideology that is being pushed. I really feel like those kids just need to know they are loved and God does not make mistakes. I pray that this Asbury revival and now this movie will help reach some of these young people who are searching for something but searching in all the wrong places.

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Hmm. A couple of "truthers" that I follow have been predicting that we will now be facing the rise of the Christian Right and it will simply be a pendulum shift from the current woke insanity to usher in just as much insanity under the guise of "morality". It appears they were correct. I will probably trigger a lot of people with my suspicions. Don't get me wrong, I am a very spiritual person and I think society desperately needs to get back on track with morals/ethics, but I think it is organized religions that tend to lead people down the wrong path - not always, but frequently. People think spirituality is a once-a-week thing. People need to develop discernment and follow their own, individual path in order to find true spirituality rather than follow a dogma of a group of people that may have a nefarious agenda. As we've seen over the past 3 years anything can become a "cult" - science, belief in an imaginary virus, new age movements, religions, celebrities.

If organizers of this new "spiritual" movement do not allow questioning, RUN!!! But I fear most people will just blindly follow this new "spiritual awakening" without question. Maybe people need to stop looking for an outside savior and realize that salvation starts from within. That sentiment is found throughout scripture.

Galatians 2:20 ESV: "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." The power of Christ is WITHIN us. the Kingdom of God is WITHIN us. We keep waiting and waiting and waiting for an outside force to save us when, just like they told us in the Wizard of Oz, we already have the power WITHIN ourselves. "The powers that be" don't want us to realize we have inner strength. But realizing our inner strength requires PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and it's easier for most people to be order followers.

So, I am cautiously optimistic that this rise of spirituality is organic. But since Hollywood is on board, I'm more cautious than optomistic.

My 2 cents.

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I hear you, Laura, and I'm also concerned about this movement either being a psyop or being co-opted. Yet, as you appear to be hinting at, there's nothing stopping people from taking this seed and re-planting in their own garden to make it the organic uprising the powers-that-shouldn't-be fear so much.

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I am with you on having a personal relationship and responsibility with a higher power, whatever name one uses. There is a beautiful book, The Yoga of Jesus, whose premise is that The Kingdom of God is within and that this was the message of the Christ.

There are non-religious people that have ethics and morals and there are very so-called religious people, who have neither. Organized religions often detest yoga, because it teaches that we each have a direct and unique relationship and experience with and of the Divine. Having studied several world religions, this is what resonates with me. Religions and dogmas that aim to control people, are not the answer, imo.

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Hafta start again, side tracked….Mickey, thanks so much for the great movie referral. I had time just to share you information with a few friends first. Almost as soon as I read your note, I searched the movie times and was out the door for my favorite theater, and made it with 20 minutes to spare. ;-) The movie is powerful, so authentic in colors, wardrobe and vocabulary, I almost felt in the moment, the way one would be shocked to go outside and wake in another decade LOL. I had actually attended several of Chuck Smith’s services, in Costa Mesa, in a tent years ago, as well. I hadn’t known the history of Greg Laurie, though have read several of his books, and a deep and understanding one, about Steve McQueen and his last years after coming to faith. I hope more theaters will open in more layers as the audience shares the news. Certainly timely with the Asbury gatherings as they spread around the country. All amazing! Bless you all….amen and amen

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Wow...I'm SO excited that you were able to see the movie so quickly! Thank you for the review and feedback. I hope to see it very soon, too!

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I expect that the same folks who have been telling us we are all “anti vax, racist, transphobic, etc” Will be the very same folks sewing scarlet letters on the chest of those who don’t “salvation” enough. We will still be here in the middle, watching those who follow the latest thing swing as far right as it can get. The mob mentality always afflicts the usual suspects, and the waves carry them to one end or other of the bell curve of social insanity.

Find God, know Him, and let Him keep you grounded in the middle.

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George, I wish I have a compelling retort but I do not. You laid it out simply and convincingly.

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It would be interesting to see how many of these "spontaneous" Christian converts faithfully followed the illegal government COVID mandates and got all their boosters and faithfully wore their face diapers. From the footage and interviews I watched and seeing some of the leaders, I am 100% certain there is nothing spontaneous about this "revival" and it is not a positive movement. It appears to be another leftist psy-op with an LGBTQ /racism agenda to warp the meaning of scripture and for society to just accept the woke agenda as being moral and beautiful because God supposedly spoke through these nitwits at this "revival". Yeah, sure he did. Since most people just want to be blindly led, they will not try to delve deeper into the true symbolic meaning of scripture, nor will they do the actual hard work to find God. God/spirituality isn't a "religion". I would imagine 90% of the attendees haven't ever cracked open the Bible or Koran or the Vedas or any other sacred scripture. Watching a 30 second TikTok video about Jesus will be all they can muster.

To me, the entire spectacle was grotesque. Just more virtue signaling..."Look at me, look at me! I'm so spiritual!!" In an article I read they admitted to essentially censoring speakers by "vetting" people who wanted to give their personal testimonies. They kicked out a pastor who spoke up against homosexuality, the organizers did not want pastors to introduce themselves when they were preaching because they "wanted Jesus to be the only celebrity" (or maybe so the public couldn't research who was behind this nonsense). I think a TRUE spiritual awakening is meek, is humble, is personal, and doesn't need to be featured on Tucker Carlson. Ugh!!! It's also interesting that Asbury College has had a lot of practice having multiple "spontaneous revivals" over the past decades.


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Thanks for that link, Laura.

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Hi Mickey, and many thanks for your comments. I do hope folks get out to reward the hard work and months of planning of this type of vision, and uplift. Something to help our country remember what could be, and needs to be, again.~~It’s not often that one has the sort of look back, churchy spiritual reflection that this movie offers. Indeed, If I could have guessed the long, loud! beyond tacky, previews, exploding off the screen I might have stood outside the door until the real movie started. Interesting to see the junk now, also blowing out my eardrums~~It’s been a while since I’ve been to a movie, and I was shocked at the trashy, scary images, Harry Potter-nightmare worthy, exploding clouds and scaly fire breathing animals….Yuk and Yuk. Nothing I want a teenage, young or old to fill their brains with….don’t get me started, oh well, I guess I already am. ;-). ~~Spiritual warfare not withstanding, depression, drugs and despair are not Improved by such previews. And then of course folks who actually know each other, around the dinner table, wearing out their thumbs because they don’t recognize a real interactive conversation …..I ramble on …. Amen and amen

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I hear you, Sharon. I used to LOVE going to the movies but, as you state, the loud previews alone are enough to make me wait for streaming.

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That’s how I’ve felt for the past 20 years, when I’d take my two youngest to the movies, so I stopped going to movies, unless they were foreign films.

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I feel that, Myriam. Prior to the lockdowns, my solace was all the small, indie movie theaters in NYC. Loved those experiences!

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We were not locked down in Florida. There was a curfew, but I was not aware of it because I do not watch TV, haven't for 18 years. I went out at 11pm one night to walk my dog, and it felt like a ghost town. I was living near downtown Miami, a heavily populated area on the water. I stopped going to Hollywood movies because I am incredibly particular about what I allow into my energy field and felt the darkness even in the previews.

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I grew as a film buff so it hurts at times to reduce my movie watching but, slowly, I'm doing it and leanring to be more discerning.

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My children say I am overly sensitive. I tell them they have been desensitized by social engineering. It is sad. I wanted so much more for my children than the society we have turned into. I am praying for a Renaissance of all things good and beautiful!

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I watched a video of this Revival on twitter a few days ago and retweeted it. It was very moving and gave me hope for the younger generation who have been led astray and are greatly suffering from all the social engineering and what they have experienced the past three years and before. This is not an easy time to be a young person. Anything good and uplifting that pulls them away from the darkness that has been taking over their minds, I believe is good. It brought me to tears.

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Myriam, remember to "test the spirits". I agree that society is so far off in the ditch. Something that is nice and shiny on the surface may be dark at its core. It's interesting that the new Jesus movie uses the hippie movement as the basis of a revival. I may be mistaken, but I think the hippie movement was just another clever govt psy-op to associate the anti-war movement with irresponsible, strung out, promiscuous lost souls. We live in upside down world - evil is good, good is evil. The hippie movement also glorified bad behavior just like this new "spiritual awakening" seems to be doing. It is trying to force us to accept and "love" anything and any vile behavior and if we question, we're deemed "unchristian". So far what I've seen of this new "spiritual awakening" is completely antithetical to Christianity - and I wouldn't really even call myself a "Christian". I haven't spent a lot of time researching, but it's been difficult to even find the names of the people who were preaching to the "masses". Were they college staff or students? Hopefully this "revival" will simply be a gateway for people to learn discernment and find their way to the narrow path. It's also a little suspect that this "revival" just happened to coincide with the opening of the Jesus movie. Just like COVID just happened to coincide with Event 201 and the "Pandemic" movie. What a coinkydink that what is happening on the screen is also happening in "reality"!!

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Good points, Laura. I also read that about the Hippie movement being a psy-op. I tend to be more Hippie (peace and love is the way) than conventional, and I do not call myself a Christian - raised Catholic but it no longer resonates with me. I've learned too much about its dark side. I consider myself a child of God and a citizen of the world/universe.

I have studied several world religions, including Kabbalah with a Rabbi at a friend's home with 11 others. That was my favorite way to learn and share in spiritual teachings. It felt sacred. I am drawn to the sacred, in many forms, including the spiritual teachings of yoga, the Yamas, Niyamas and Yoga Sutras. I am a yoga teacher and have felt more healing from practicing it than any religion. I have 4 adult children, 3 of whom have bought into the gender fluid/gender dysmorphia social engineering agenda. I do not align with that one bit. I am very discerning and feel most guided by my God-given intuition. I believe we are all a spark of the Divine, but that some (many) have lost their light and turned towards evil and darkness.

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Those of us who know about God’s timing, acktually, can see that the movie was timed to demonstrate past spiritual upheavals in synchony with the present Real Life. Happening now. ~~~And, it’s probably a lot better that these students are not being drugged out in a rave, with black light and all, and are now facing their struggles together. ~~Good to show mercy I think. Yes, I have been around the wrong leaders in that sandbox ~~~We don’t know if some of these students have alcoholic fathers, absent parents emotionally, $$$ but not much real understanding, or a sequential parent~~ a couple friends of mine in the past have told me their mom has been married half dozen times. Plus ~~I have a wonderful picture, black background, the universe, the Blue Marble, our earth being held between huge finger and thumb. I think God is working out His plans! I have faith in that. God is pretty awesome, it is not likely that He would allow disgrace of His power for the wrong reasons. Or for very long! Lots of folks will be surprised. Amen and amen

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Good evening all, it appears that evil is surrounding our students, in this time of praise and spiritual decisions around the world~~ A friend sent me a Twitter note that at NC university a number of students have been found dead, whether known by suicide, or other tragedy. These are huge losses, to a campus family. ~~Please follow up with your friends who are at different campuses, to lift them up from struggles, despair, hopelessness. Remind them they are loved, and valued, and you are supporting them. ~~~Sometimes one black day can be managed if another human cares to be in touch. In my days, some people actually believed me when I said “I’m fine”!! They were lazy, and detached, not willing to be real. And most important, not honored when trusted with such a dark exchange. As in “Smile! you will be fine”. I’ve had a few of those! Stay away from those people! ~~No!! you persist and ask, “What’s going on with you?! I do care”. And follow up !

This has been a difficult and very hard several years, masks, separations, few celebrations, and job losses for conscience sake. Young people don’t have the experience of seeing past wars, and hard times, and find it hard to step over the potholes to keep trudging. Use your technology for hopeful thoughts and sharing encouragement. Amen and amen

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