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Nov 8, 2022Edited
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Nov 8, 2022
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For the first time in my life, R's down the line, I might not even bother looking at their names.

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As I was sitting in my deer stand this week I was wondering if our media and hyperventilating pols have any idea what an actual insurrection would look like? I know a vast majority of my fellow Americans know what that would look like, notwithstanding the urban liberal pining after gun control.

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Sometimes love is tough!

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Loved this article andI agree. Just a thought though, Antifa would think this justified their actions and I'd say, they're quasi-corporo/state actors.

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From my personal interactions, I'd say Antifa is merely a concept.

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Do you think it's a mixed bunch? I'm not saying they're all undercover agents, but from the the beginning I've thought some are.

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You know, I can't speak to it now. Go back 8 to 10 years ago and they were just wanna-be revolutionaries.

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"Wide open heart, big fucking fence" (is what I say to my kids regularly). There was a time where I was interested in the concept of non-violence, I learned as much as I could so that I could start practicing it in my life. The more I learned about it the more I realized how inappropriate it was for what needs to happen in my life.

"To be passive is to let others decide for you. To be aggressive is to decide for others. To be assertive is to decide for yourself." Edith Eger, The Choice

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The Declaration is the greatest and most unique political document in recorded history. It contains within it the principles that allow the mores of the times in which it was penned to be overthrown. As Gore Vidal has pointed out, never did anything like 'the pursuit of happiness' appear before in a document of this kind.

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Brilliant piece of writing. That’s what we need in Washington D.C. - something to scare the shit out of our worthless Congress and Executive Branch of government. They won’t listen to peaceful protest.

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Thank you! ✊

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