Because of your prior associations, do you find that you "see" some things more easily than others?

I would suspect that you might be more tuned in to movement or language or ?? than others with less previous exposure.

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Thanks, Jaye. I want to answer carefully so I don't appear to be giving myself too much credit! Basically, I allowed my authentic, lifelong desire to help make the world a better place to be highjacked by the seductive sham of "activism." Like millions of others, I embraced exhibitionist virtue signaling but I thank God that I was eventually able to see my mistake. As a result, I no longer perceive "activism" as most of the world does.

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It's easy to do.

I find that sometimes abandoned activities can leave a bit of a wound that makes one more sensitive to future accidental exposures.

I was like that with new-agey stuff for a long time. My thinking on that is still evolving, but I was extremely sensitive, and even repulsed, for a long time.

It's not quite like that now, but it's taken a while

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Thanks again, Jaye.

To be radically honest, I pray that I remain repulsed by "activism" and other forms of hypocrisy!

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Fair enough

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