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May 18, 2023
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how sad, trees are so helpful no matter city size.

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Thank Heaven this one fought back! 💕🌳🙏

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Trees are amazing! So glad the ecosystem is back.

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That's the thing about nature - it can't be held back. It has its own agenda.

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Wow, that was an emotional rollercoaster ride, but I am thrilled at the triumphant conclusion!

When I was in college, I wrote a series of muckraking articles exposing the butchery of trees across campus. A source who was a fellow tree-lover gave me the inside scoop on their reckless actions, and I think (hope) we saved the trees from future overly aggressive “pruning.”

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Bitter and sweet all at once, what a sensation! I don't know if this is exactly pertinent but here is a tree just up the road from me out in the sticks.


Trees are very cool places to hang out.

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Tree of Soles!


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The giving tree is the living tree - beautiful!

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Who, in their right mind, would cut it down? And why?

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Key words: "in their right mind."


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That's pretty amazing - thanks for sharing. I am always very upset when trees get cut down, esp. in places where they are few and far between.

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Well, that was a rollercoaster! I literally gasped when I saw the photo of the poor sad tree, reduced to just a trunk and stumps of branches. But what a comeback! She looks magnificent now! Let’s hope no-one does such a dreadful thing again. 🌳 ❤️

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everything in nature hangs on for dear life ! So glad the tree grew back and you have your morning concert back too. I remember a dutch poem, I would love to be a tree full of birds, a green bell of music for you... (it is a love poem about a man who wants to sing to his girl)

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Our trees are finally sprouting their leaves! Spring arrives slowly in Wyoming! But the true sign of Spring’s return for me - I saw a flock of Pelicans a week ago!! They have returned! Thank you for sharing this story of nature’s resilience ❤️

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I fully concur. Thank Heaven, in this instance, it was only attempted murder.


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