Amen! Thank you for all you do to keep Americans critically thinking for themselves!

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Thank you, Cyn! 🙂 🙏

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indeed. there are several testimonies in the vaxxed films, where parents have 1 or 2 sickly children, then decide the next one will not be jabbed, and immediately notice the difference. Same with meds.. instead of having all kind of chemicals why don't parents (and docs) not try natural methods first? If nothing helps, you can still try some poisons! Glad your friend and her daughter stayed on the safe side!

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Thank you, Ingrid! 🙂 🙏

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Something similar put us on the road of no more vaccinations as well. We almost lost our middle son after his first set of vaccines at 3 months. Extremely high fever and screaming in pain, the Dr. said it’s normal just give him some Tylenol. We were flabbergasted that was the response. My husband sat with the baby in ice baths to try to get the fever of 105 to go down. The fever finally broke and he was able to rest, but he had ear problems throughout his toddler years. He is now healthy and getting ready to turn 17. But after that, we never gave him another shot and our youngest daughter has never had one, she’s healthier than any of the rest of us. That incident started me on my journey with herbs and using alternative modalities to stay healthy. I am forever grateful for the bounty that God has provided for us on the earth.

Modern medicine has a place, emergencies and such. But we are provided with so many more natural healing modalities that work like massage, energy/frenquency therapy, diet and exercise, herbals supporting the body as a whole, not just the symptom. It’s up to each of us to take our health into our own hands. ❤️ And to help teach others, through love, that they too have the ability to do the same. ❤️

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First of all, Mary, thank God that your son is doing well and thriving! 🙏 But also, thank YOU for sharing. This is the kind of ideal comment I wished for when making this post. Bless you and yours! ❤️

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Great story, Mickey - thanks for planting seeds that cross generations!

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Thank you, Will...and right back at ya for your work! 🙏

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