Jun 23Liked by Mickey Z.

Happy Sunday, Mickey!

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Sunday blessings to you, my friend! 🙏

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Jun 23Liked by Mickey Z.

health food LOL. Serendipity - the Epoch times just today had an article of harmful chemicals used in food, even in 'health food' in the US. Half are forbidden in Europe but not here. When I look in the aisle with 'breakfast foods' I tend to wonder who eats these? Someone told me 'these are made with whole grains" - well, they once were whole grains, but not anymore! Great selection !

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Thanks, Ingrid! 🙏

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Jun 23Liked by Mickey Z.

Wonderful selection! ❤️🙏

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Bless you, Claire! ❤️🙏

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Jun 24Liked by Mickey Z.

Making Pocket Confetti right now!!!! Thank you Mickey, beautiful selection today! ❤️

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Bless you, Mary! ❤️🙏

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Jun 24Liked by Mickey Z.

Really appreciate these uplifting truth-gems, Mickey - many thanks for all the efforts you make on behalf of a more sane and respectful world for all living beings!

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Thank you, Will, and right back at ya! 🙏

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The little boy with his emergency confetti cracked me up.

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