Good morning! I am not sure why I was so surprised to see this. Thank you. I have always had trouble with Mary. Don't know why. I can give the intellectual reasoning, but my heart doesn't get past that...but then I'm beginning to think intellectualizing is a defense with me.

This is a wonderful essay.

There is a book called Behold Your Mother which is a very thorough apologia on Mary. I recommend it. In a more philosophical vein, Fulton Sheen's book on Mary, The World's first Love (or something like that) is very good

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Hi Jaye! I was curious how you might respond and now, I'm honored to read your words. And thank you for the book recommendations!

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If you need more precise info, let me know!

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Thank you! 🙏

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I am devoted to the BVM, She has heard my prayers and interceded for me many times. Ad Jesum per Mariam🙏

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Amen, Laura, and bless you... 🙏

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And to you Mickey

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Good morning!

Holy Mary,

Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death.

Jaye, thank you for the book suggestions

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Happy Saturday, Tony! 🛐

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You too Mickey!

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The first prayer I say is an Ave. Raised Catholic, we learned to pray the rosary. Mary is not only part of the history, Mary is the crucial element, just as you say. It kinda turned me off, when I heard the protestants don't say Ave. I am sure, with all the beautiful Icons, that Orthodox Christians pray to Mary as well. I know for a fact, that Muslims do.

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I hear you, Ingrid. The Orthodox churches have beautiful Mary imagery! As for Muslims, it's tricky. Mary is the only woman named in The Quran but they called her the mother of Jesus (who, to them, is a prophet) and also the sister of Aaron. I find this typical of the pastiche style of that book.

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Had a thought. I suspect a good part of the reason I don't have a devotion to Mary, is that I grew up in a time and parish where "Church of What's Happenin' Now" had definitely taken hold.

Those heady post-Vatican II days.

I was well into adolescence before I owned a rosary, and I think I was an adult before I really knew what to do with it. And that was after 3 years of Catholic high school!

I have only have one Catholic parent, so there was no reinforcement from there, either.

Must work on it!

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Thank you, Jaye, and for the record: No pressure from me! I was raised Catholic but my relationship with all forms of religious dogma is fluid, to say the least. As for Mary, she captured my heart at a young age and remains there.

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Jesus Christ Superstar, "God don't make Junk", and "If you want peace, work for justice, we're my k-12 catechism.

It was a weird time in the 70s-80s.

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Indeed. Years later, I managed to score a copy of the fondly-recalled "hymnal" our priests put together in the early 70s. Copyright infringement and all.

Along with a spliced in octavo copy of Vivaldi's Ave Verum Corpus (!), were spiritual heavies like "Up, Up and Away" and "I Can See Clearly Now" My adult self was apalled.

By this time, I was, surprisingly perhaps, a music minister. I kept the Ave Verum, and burned the rest.

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...and she is also the first human to do God's Will (in the NT). "I am the Lord's servant..." Luke 1:38

What an awesome example to us all.....

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Yes and amen, Emmy...thank you... 🙏

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Wow...I commented prematurely earlier as I had just quickly scrolled down and tossed in my 2 cents, but I just watched the short video about Mary being the Ark of the New Covenant and LOVE this!! Not being Catholic (born again), but a lover of our Holy Mother, I had not heard this before but it is true and so beautiful!!. Thank you so much for posting it!!

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It's my pleasure, Emmy, and I'm so grateful to hear that you returned to this post! It means so much to me when posts like this resonate with others and please feel free to share. 🙏

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the return to society of the great mother is eminent, and with her heart daughter to stand with her sword of wisdom by her brother with his sword of love,

"i bring not peace but a sword" Matt. 34 i think

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🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

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Quite interesting to a Messianic Jew! Once again, thank you for expanding my mind and knowledge!❤️

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Thank YOU, Nancy, for your presence here! 🙏

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This melts my heart it is so sweet! And accurate! As a cradle Catholic, I have never understood the rejection of Mary. I mean, to not believe it one thing, but the outright forceful rejection is so odd. Like, if you think we worship her (we don't), then aim that at us, not at her! Makes me want everyone who doesn't understand her role to read Job when God answers his complaints and basically tells him, "Look, I create and sustain every last thing and you are not going to understand it! It is only for you to accept it!" I mean, he said much more and it's so beautiful, but that is what I think about when people are so disrespectful toward Mary. Just look on in awe at the fact that He raised up a woman, obeyed a woman, and then gave us that very woman as one who will never stop wanting us to cast away our fear and shame and run to her Son as brethren! To me it makes Jesus more approachable to consider his mother, she does not in the least little way diminish him.

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Now we're even, Jamie, because your response melted my heart! Thank you for every word of this... 🙏

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