Perception management keeps escalating. When I was much younger, I'd clip newspaper articles and use them to keep track of the narrative/bullshit development. When I went back over them, it eventually became easy to spot the emotionalism, meretricious logical fallacies, attempts to cultivate confirmation bias, distracting nonsense. Digitial of course is much faster, more frantic, higher volume. There's still very little signal and massive amounts of noise. Some of that is intentional, but most comes from internalised values.
at least, that is quite recognizable - like the start of the scamdemic. The same sentence over and over again, like the proverbial broken record. Unless articles about one topic are different I don't even read them anymore. I think it was Alison Golden who recently wrote an article of how she could define bots (someone had proposed her to use AI to read her books, but she immediately recognized which voice was AI)
that is why we are on Substack. There is no truth to be found in the regular news outlets. And here is a very good article (I think) that adds on to your book, which I am still reading LOL. Will take a while - reading 7 books at once now.
well you are on the inside and might notice things we don't. They might be spying on us, who knows? But it is almost all that is left. I got 2 UK, one Aussie and one Dutch 'underground' and that is about all. I also got Rockwell, which I like a lot, but real news is hard to come by. Put on top of that, that until 4 years ago I was not really interested in politics, so I got a lot to read up! And what I read most, is medical, and I have not studied anything medical, the only friend who had a background in biology is now a former friend. And after all, I prefer to sit in the sun with the animals LOL. That is the best medicine to the madness of the world. Bless you Mickey !
Thank you, Janet! 🙏 I've been posting almost daily for two years on Substack so I sometimes re-share posts because I know most folks cannot possibly keep up! I deeply appreciate you taking the time to read all the links.
I mentioned the incubator story yesterday when talking to my husband about the Israel attack. I remember hearing that woman's "testimony" back when it was original, never questioning why anyone would want to steal incubators in a war zone to begin with.
Now I listen to reports of Israel with skepticism. I listened to part of Ben Shapiro's statement and thought to myself that, while the rape and murder of civilians is ALWAYS reprehensible, it is also something that is pretty much a universal practice in war zones. Remember Somalia? Yugoslavia?
In my own country, we seem to be subject to the same type of manipulation with stories of residential school crimes, for which criminal investigation never happens. I do not deny that bad things happened. But so much just doesn't make sense
I hear you, Jaye, thank you. To piggyback off your closing words: I am sadly quite aware of how depraved humans can behave so I do not dismiss claims of war crimes. At the same exact time, I have learned to never trust the initial reports until credible evidence has been exposed.
I'm tempted to write about this but I dread the hateful potential of comments from outsiders.
A thousand times YES. Back when we listened to the CBC, aka the Canadian Broadcasting Corpse, I made it a practice to not react to the first reports of pretty much anything.
And yes, I am in no way denying that atrocities happen
Just finished reading your linked posts and, as usual, impressed with your analysis. I was fortunate to have been raised in a household that valued free thinking; my parents stressed the importance of observing behaviors of others (fixed mindset) and especially reading between the lines of whatever was running as the "official" narrative. So much to think about!
Thank you, Claire, for making the time to read all of that and for your kind words. Bless you and your parents for being beacons of independent thought in a dark world!
Perception management keeps escalating. When I was much younger, I'd clip newspaper articles and use them to keep track of the narrative/bullshit development. When I went back over them, it eventually became easy to spot the emotionalism, meretricious logical fallacies, attempts to cultivate confirmation bias, distracting nonsense. Digitial of course is much faster, more frantic, higher volume. There's still very little signal and massive amounts of noise. Some of that is intentional, but most comes from internalised values.
Thank you, my friend. I concur and can relate.
Your closing line speaks volumes. Many of the folks running bot farms, for example, believe they are doing the Lord's work.
at least, that is quite recognizable - like the start of the scamdemic. The same sentence over and over again, like the proverbial broken record. Unless articles about one topic are different I don't even read them anymore. I think it was Alison Golden who recently wrote an article of how she could define bots (someone had proposed her to use AI to read her books, but she immediately recognized which voice was AI)
We need more people with such skills who are willing to teach us!
that is why we are on Substack. There is no truth to be found in the regular news outlets. And here is a very good article (I think) that adds on to your book, which I am still reading LOL. Will take a while - reading 7 books at once now.
Thanks, Ingrid! I'll try to read the article soon and NO rush with my book. I appreciate you giving it a look.
As for Substack, I have less faith in it than you but I maintaining some hope.
well you are on the inside and might notice things we don't. They might be spying on us, who knows? But it is almost all that is left. I got 2 UK, one Aussie and one Dutch 'underground' and that is about all. I also got Rockwell, which I like a lot, but real news is hard to come by. Put on top of that, that until 4 years ago I was not really interested in politics, so I got a lot to read up! And what I read most, is medical, and I have not studied anything medical, the only friend who had a background in biology is now a former friend. And after all, I prefer to sit in the sun with the animals LOL. That is the best medicine to the madness of the world. Bless you Mickey !
Great post. I read the linked items & learned quite a bit! Thanks for this.
Thank you, Janet! 🙏 I've been posting almost daily for two years on Substack so I sometimes re-share posts because I know most folks cannot possibly keep up! I deeply appreciate you taking the time to read all the links.
I mentioned the incubator story yesterday when talking to my husband about the Israel attack. I remember hearing that woman's "testimony" back when it was original, never questioning why anyone would want to steal incubators in a war zone to begin with.
Now I listen to reports of Israel with skepticism. I listened to part of Ben Shapiro's statement and thought to myself that, while the rape and murder of civilians is ALWAYS reprehensible, it is also something that is pretty much a universal practice in war zones. Remember Somalia? Yugoslavia?
In my own country, we seem to be subject to the same type of manipulation with stories of residential school crimes, for which criminal investigation never happens. I do not deny that bad things happened. But so much just doesn't make sense
I hear you, Jaye, thank you. To piggyback off your closing words: I am sadly quite aware of how depraved humans can behave so I do not dismiss claims of war crimes. At the same exact time, I have learned to never trust the initial reports until credible evidence has been exposed.
I'm tempted to write about this but I dread the hateful potential of comments from outsiders.
A thousand times YES. Back when we listened to the CBC, aka the Canadian Broadcasting Corpse, I made it a practice to not react to the first reports of pretty much anything.
And yes, I am in no way denying that atrocities happen
Thank you, Jaye, and I assure you: I never thought you were denying atrocities!
Just finished reading your linked posts and, as usual, impressed with your analysis. I was fortunate to have been raised in a household that valued free thinking; my parents stressed the importance of observing behaviors of others (fixed mindset) and especially reading between the lines of whatever was running as the "official" narrative. So much to think about!
Thank you, Claire, for making the time to read all of that and for your kind words. Bless you and your parents for being beacons of independent thought in a dark world!
Thank you!